Curie LSC president back in office
November 2, 2007
Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Arne Duncan has decided that former Curie LSC chair Tom Ramos can be reinstated on the Curie LSC as well as the elementary school LSC where he had served. Mr. Ramos had filed an appeal with Arne Duncan last June after a CPS hearing officer found against him in an ethics hearing.
After months of waiting for a response from Duncan, the timing of this announcement has frustrated observers, since it occurred only after the LSC had finally managed to muster a quorum and selected Otis Davis as the new chair at a meeting last month. Davis was the most vocal of former Principal Jones' supporters and had publicly accused Ramos of various infractions. The LSC had been unable to do business for months due to the failure of Principal Jones, member Davis, and other Jones supporters refusing to attend meetings.
There is a letter from Carole Wood which specifies that Ramos will be reinstated on Nov. 30, 2007, and that "if the Curie LSC has not selected a new chairperson. Mr. Ramos may be a candidate for the position."
There is no explanation either in the letter or in the law for the delay in reinstatement to Nov. 30.
- Julie Woestehoff, PURE