National Resistance News:

Testing Season in Vermont

The NECAPs are coming, the NECAPs were coming. Oh, wait, they’ve passed, already. Continue story...


Bad 'bonus' plan creates problems in some of Florida's 'top' schools

Nothing has ever prevented the leaders of the United Federation of Teachers in New York City from standing firmly behind even the worst of ideas. Continue story...


New York City teachers union (the UFT) agrees to huge merit pay program

In an agreement that will have repercussions nationally, the nation’s largest teacher union local recently agreed to a huge merit pay program. Continue story...


NCLB reauthorization stalled in Congress, offering both victory and defeat to supporters of public schools

NCLB will not be reauthorized this year. Continue story...


Washington parents planning lawsuit against punitive high school exist exam

The Parent Empowerment Network (PEN) in the State of Washington is worth taking a look at. Continue story...


Wisconsin teacher refuses to give standardized exam

David Wasserman is the first teacher in the country to refuse to administer a federally required standardized test, walking out of the room in protest. Continue story...

November 2007 Front Page:

The front page of the November 2007 Substance.

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