
Data driven destruction

Can we call it "Data Driven Destruction"?

One of the corporate wrecking balls brought down recently on America’s public schools is “data driven” education. The charade is a creation of the Business Roundtable and other forces that dream of a privatized school system that serves only their global profit making schemes. Continue letter...


Thanks from NAACP

Having you at that NAACP meeting was quite a plus. A motion was made (and passed) that the membership committee would work with Substance (and you), as well as other like minded organizations, and persons, on related issues concerning education. Of course Dr. Jean Oden would remain at the helm. She is such a dynamo. Continue letter...


Tribune exposes ROTC lies

We applaud Stephanie Banchero’s Oct. 15 Chicago Tribune article (“Reading, Writing, Recruiting?”) for drawing attention to the increasing shift in Chicago’s public schools — from a civilian function, to a military role. Continue letter...


Curie LSC president back in office

Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Arne Duncan has decided that former Curie LSC chair Tom Ramos can be reinstated on the Curie LSC as well as the elementary school LSC where he had served. Mr. Ramos had filed an appeal with Arne Duncan last June after a CPS hearing officer found against him in an ethics hearing. Continue letter...


Military Academies and Daley's False Propaganda

Mayor Daley told the "naysayers" on Monday (October 15, 2007) during the dedication ceremony for the Chicago Marine Military Academy "that this is not a recruitment effort. This is to education and give our young people bigger opportunities." Continue letter...


First they came for the teachers…?

Hello, everyone reading this -

I've been doing a great deal of thinking about what is happening these days in our city, our schools, our country, the human world, generally. Continue letter...


Hillary and W: Stage managed rallies, staged realities

So a friend and I went to this afternoon's Oakland rally for Hillary. They themselves reported 10,000 very loyal people. If you paid $20 you got to see the podium. Continue letter...


'Accountability' — not for the Army brass after soldiers return

I hope you'll have time to share the following with all your readers. What more could we be doing? First, Chicago claims that military programs and ROTC in the schools are not really for the purpose of recruiting our students into the military. Next (see below) the Pentagon and Veterans Administration claim that veterans who show the psychological problems that result from participating in wars and extreme violence did not get those problems because of being in the military during wars and extreme violence — but before they went into the military. Continue letter...


Business press hates 'The Shock Doctrine'

I luv biz press; they love me not — The business press and me: a case of unrequited love

The following first appeared from Naomi Klein on Thursday October 25, 2007 in The Guardian [Britain] - www.guardian.co.uk


Gibson on target on PBS, NPR critique

Rich Gibson's article (Sept '07) critical of NPR's apologetics for NCLB driven corporate model  'reconstitution' of  'failing schools' in San Diego is another real wake-up call on the planned increase in  'schools run for profit'under various charterizations  or else possibly closed down altogether. Continue letter...


Maryland asked to reject HS exit exam

The following Fair Test press statement was issued today and might be of interest to your readers. FairTest (National Center for Fair & Open Testing) Continue letter...


Death of leader of opposition to year-round schools nonsense 'A great loss'

It is with the heaviest of hearts that I inform you of the passing of Debbie Smith of Orlando, Florida, who perhaps more than anyone else I know was responsible for shedding light on the dark side the year-round school calendar movement and the people pushing it. She was only 59. Continue letter...


The Bill Davis eulogies

November 2007 Front Page:

The front page of the November 2007 Substance.

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