[ Developing Story ] Did CTU drop the Ball? CPS' new Central Device Management Plan for SY23 will lead to the privatization of Techco jobs
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Substance News is working on a breaking story.
Members First caucus and cps tech coordinators (Techcos) are repoerting that CPS' new Central Device Management Plan for SY23 will lead to the privatization of Techco jobs.
Due to school budgets being slashed for SY23 and no cost of using the "free" Central Office vendor services will lead principals to redefine school-based Techco positions.
Outside vendors are already recruiting techcos for SY23. we have also confirmed that ctu leadsership was informed of this privatization scheme at least two years ago and has done nothing about it.
Vendors will continue to provide on-site technology break-fix repairs and desk-side support to schools and select administrative offices.DELIVERABLES:
Vendors will continue to provide specific services, but are not limited to the following: - Proactive maintenance and technology training to requested schools- Basic, Level 2, support for Interactive Whiteboards (IWBs), AudioNisual Equipment and Peripheral equipment
- On-site support for school-based servers
- Warranty service for strategic district hardware
[ this is a developing story and if anyone has more facts or information please post them in the comment section or send it to us john@subx.news if you send an email please indicate on or off the record and put SUBARTS in the subject line. --- Előre dr kugler ]