

Substance staff for December 2008

Substance ™

The newspaper of public education in Chicago

5132 W. Berteau Ave.

Chicago, IL 60641-1440

Phone: 773-725-7502. FAX: 773 - 725 -7503.

Email: Csubstance @


Copyright © December 2007 All Rights Reserved

Substance™ (USPS # 016-073) is published monthly except July and August (but with a special August issue in 2007) by Substance, Inc. Editorial offices at 5132 W. Berteau Ave., Chicago, IL 60641-1440. Address all correspondence to Substance, 5132 W. Berteau Ave., Chicago, IL 60641-1440. Periodicals postage paid at Chicago, IL. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Substance, 5132 W. Berteau, Chicago, IL 60641-1440.

Editor-in-Chief: George N. Schmidt

Deputy Editor: Rosagitta Podrovsky

Resistance Editor: Susan Ohanian

Assistant Editor: Terry Czernik

Managing Editor: Sharon Schmidt

Contributing Editor: Grady C. Jordan

Contributing Editor: John M. DelVecchio


Board of Education: Lotty Blumenthal

Local School Councils: Joseph Guzman

Elementary News: Michael Brownstein, Norine Gutekanst, Al Ramirez

High School News: Jesse Sharkey, Jackson Potter

Chicago City News: Frank Cocanate, F. Michael Klein, Al Ramirez, Jim Vail

International News: E. Wayne Ross

National Resistance News: Rich Gibson, Carol Holst, Phillip Kovacs, Jim Horn, Juanita Doyon

Research: Leo Gorenstein

Retiree and Pension News: Marybeth Foley, Al Korach, Laura DelVecchio

Sports: Dan Schmidt

Union News: Theresa D.Daniels, Allegra Podrovsky, Earl Silbar

Videographers: Al Ramirez, Luis Valenzuela

Web Work: Dan Schmidt

Cartoonist: Sandra Gordon

Circulation & Advertising: Larry J.MacDonald

Special Assignments: Dan Van Zile

Policies. Confidentiality. Substance maintains the confidentiality of news sources. Confidential information must be verifiable through additional news sources or from public information.

Mailing List. Substance does not share, sell, leak, or market its mailing list to anyone of any entity.

Policies Available. Copies of Substance policies on news development, letters, confidentiality, reproduction, and mailing list security are available . Send SASA with $5.00 and ask for “The Substance Manual of Style, Usage, and Muckraking.”

Free lance materials. Free-lance materials are subject to the editorial policies of Substa. Follow the style guidelines outlined in “The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage” and “A Manual of Style” (University of Chicago Press). Do not embed special formatting in digital copy.

Letters. Letters must be from regular Substance readers and signed by the writer. All letters will be published followed by the writer’s full name, location (generally, city) and Email address unless arrangements are made otherwise. Letters are generally best at fewer than 600 words.

Art. Cartoons, photographs, and other graphics become the property of Substance unless noted.

Subscriptions. Print subscriptions: $16.00 per year (10 issues). Check or money order to Substance, 5132 W. Berteau, Chicago, IL 60641. See back page.

School Sales. Teachers and others interested in participating in the Substance School Sales may purchase bundles of 10 or more copies of the current issue for $1.00 per copy (prepaid).

Substance Reporters Program. Substance trains reporters to cover news. Call for info.

Reproduction Rights. Substance is copyrighted to prevent the commercial exploitation of the material published in these pages. Copyright protection is not meant to bar the non-commercial use of Substance articles, art, and editorial materials. Please credit Substance, include subscription and website information, and send a copy to Substance. Reprint permission rights for classroom use are routine.

Questions? Contact the Editor by phone, fax, E-mail or in person.

Printed by union printing, Des Plaines Printing, Des Plaines, Illinois

Copyright © 2007 Substance, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Publication date December 4, 2007

Mailed by December 5, 2007

Chicago Main Post Office Business Mail Entry

Periodicals Rate


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