Heavily armed police using tear gas and water cannons against teachers in Mexico
The news reports began coming in on Friday, September 13, 2013, that heavily armed police were moving against protesting teachers in Mexico City. The reports stated that the police moved in on orders of the . . .
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Slide show on Mexican teachers' struggle
A young Oakland teacher, who wants to remain anonymous, sent me a slide show on the Mexican teachers' struggle that she put together and used with her sixth grade class. I think it's very . . .
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KNOW YOUR ENEMIES: Oakland's Tony Smith heading to Chicago for family health reasons
Oakland schools superintendent Tony Smith, who has long been a leader of corporate "school reform," this week surprised the city by telling the press that he will be resigning his Oakland post June 30 and . . .
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KNOW YOUR ENEMIES: Tony Smith... What He Did to Oakland, What He’ll Try in Chicago
On April 4,, 2013, Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) Superintendent Tony Smith gave notice that he was resigning effective June 30 and relocating his family to Chicago to be near his ailing father-in-law. There is . . .
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KNOW YOUR ENEMIES DEPARTMENT: Oakland's Jonathan Klein and the Rogers Foundation
[EDITOR'S NOTE: With the publication of this article, Substance adds a new KNOW YOUR ENEMIES section to our reporting and analysis. As the Teach for America crowd moves into greater power and other foundations crop . . .
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Outsourcing Public Schools: Deja Vu All Over Again
Two weeks ago, Highland Park Michigan announced that it is outsourcing its three schools to a for-profit charter school company, Leona LLC. The decision to privatize was made after a state takeover of the schools: . . .
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'Reopen the closed schools or resign!' community tells Supt. Tony Smith... Oakland's school sit-in responds to false claims by Oakland school district leaders
As parents and community supporters continue their sit-in opposing the closing of Oakland's Lakeview school, officials of the Oakland Unified School District are adding to the disinformation that they have been trying to supply to . . .
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Occupy Oakland... The Port Shutdown and Beyond (an analysis)
[This article first appeared in Insurgent Notes, http://insurgentnotes.com] On Monday December 12, the Occupy movement shut down the major west coast ports of Oakland, Portland, Longview (Washington), and Seattle. There were partial shutdowns or support . . .
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Iraq War Vet Scott Olson helps build December 12
Many of you will recognize the name Scott Olsen. He's the Iraq War veteran
who was hit in the head by a tear-gas cannister when rampaging cops
brutally attacked Occupy Oakland protesters on October 25. . . .
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Update on California protests
I'm forwarding an email from OEA Exec Board member Keith Brown (below) who passed along an email from OEA Secretary Steve Neat. I think Steve's description of CTA "leadership" in Sacramento speaks for itself:
. . .
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'Arrest the real crooks — the bankers!'... Oakland teachers arrested at Wells Fargo protest
Six Oakland California teachers were arrested at a branch of Wells Fargo Bank on Thuresday, May 12, 2011, during a protest against the banks policies and the relationship between the favored position of the banks . . .
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The California Teachers Association 'Week of Action'... What The Heck Was Going On In Sacramento?
On the evening of Monday, May 9, 2011, 68 Bay Area college students, public school teachers, and their supporters chanting “Tax the Rich! That will fix the deficit!” were arrested for occupying and refusing to . . .
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Oakland teachers say 'Bail out schools, not banks'
On January 13, more than 50 members and allies of the Oakland Education Association (OEA, the Oakland teacher union) staged a spirited protest calling for reversing priorities to bail out schools, not banks, and to . . .
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Fourteen arrested protesting massive cuts to University of California system, defending public education
San Francisco, September 16 -- Two hundred University of California workers and students staged a protest against the 32 percent tuition increase (raising tuition for California residents to over $10,000 / year), hundreds of layoffs, . . .
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Call for organizing meeting to 'Save Public Education' October 24, Berkeley, California
I'm forwarding the following message. Please excuse duplicate postings.
INVITATION — October 24 Mobilizing Conference to Save Public Education in California
We have the power to stop the catastrophic budget cuts, fee . . .
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Reports from the NEA Convention
WASHINGTON, D.C. July 3, 3008 The California delegation to the National Education Association Representative Assembly (NEA RA) has just voted to neither support or oppose the NEA Board of Directors recommended bylaw amendment to . . .