

THE MILLIONAIRE LIST? ... List of CPS employees budgeted to be paid more than the CEO's $230,000 annual salary according to the current CPS 'Position File' Budget

There are many questions as the CEO of Chicago's public schools cuts teachers across the city in the sixth week of school, claiming that he has to "pare down a budget deficit", but the main one is: Has the CPS budget finally been blown apart so that it is impossible for anyone to figure out what is really going on as Chicago's massive public schools system spends nearly $7 billion this school year? Has the privatization of complex computer services at CPS left Chicago with a bigger mess than the privatization of the city's parking meters?

Already, the Chicago Teachers Pension Fund has been forced to sue the Chicago Board of Education because for more than two years, CPS has been unable or unwilling to provide the pension fund with accurate information about the final years of service of thousands of teachers who have been retiring since 2007.

The questions go on and on as more and more people with knowledge of the complex school system examine the operations, finances and budget of the Chicago Public Schools even as CEO Ron Huberman appoints another dozen or more executives who have no knowledge or experience either in the classroom or in education. And the problems that are growing may cost the system, which has already lost hundreds of millions of dollars because of poorly managed contracts and outright corruption, additional hundreds of millions of dollars during years when Huberman claims that the main financial problem facing CPS finances is the debt CPS owes to the teachers' and principals' retirement fund.

At the August 26, 2009, meeting of the Chicago Board of Education, Chicago Teachers Union President Marilyn Stewart (above, holding check notification) told the Board that the payroll system was in great trouble and that the CTU was filing a class action grievance. Stewart held up a check notification that the Board had sent to Molly Carroll (second from right), who has been a union staff member for more than ten years. According to CPS, Carroll receive pay in the amount of $700 for coaching during the summer of 2009. At the time she complained about the payroll systems, Stewart was not aware that Carroll was also listed in the CPS 'Position File' budget as being budgeted for a salary of $15 million for the 2009 - 2010 school year. Substance caption and photo by George N. Schmidt.Has CEO Ron Huberman — despite his reputation as a "Numbers Man" (according to Chicago Magazine) — so scrambled CPS finances as to make it impossible for anyone to reconcile the books, combining the costs of employees, the costs of consultants and vendors (which includes all privatized charter and novelty schools), and all other costs?

Huberman has been in charge of CPS since January 2009, when he was selected by Mayor Richard M. Daley to be the third "Chief Executive Officer" in the history of Chicago's public schools system. The only action the Chicago Board of Education took in relation to the Huberman appointment was to establish Huberman's salary at $230,000 per year, and allow Huberman to appoint more than 50 executive level staff, some at salaries of $150,000 or more, without requiring that any of them have any training or experience in education. The Chicago Board of Education does not even keep resumes of its highest paid executives any longer, despite a longstanding policy requiring that it do so.

Did Huberman order CPS budget officials to bring out a budget that showed a massive 'deficit' just as he apparently ordered City Hall officials to prepare contracts with Motorola for goods and serves which have yet to be received, then let underlings take the blame?

At the Board's August 26, 2009 meeting, Chicago Board of Education President Michael Scott (above) gave his usual unctuous assurance to CTU President Marilyn Stewart and Chicago Principals and Administrators Association President Clarice Berry that the Board would straighten out the payroll problems, which had been brought to the Board's attention beginning in March 2007. Despite serious questions about both the payroll system that the Board had spent hundreds of millions of dollars on and the budget itself, Scott and his Board colleagues (left to right above: Clara Munana, Michael Scott, Tariq Butt, and Alberto Carrero) voted unanimously and without debate a few hours later to approve the budget that was presented to them by CEO Ron Huberman. Substance caption and photo by George N. Schmidt. He has avoided the press except for carefully controlled media events since he first unveiled his "Proposed Budget 2009 -2010" several months ago, and has refused to answer any questions about how the Board's revenues and expenditures resulted in his six-month-long claim that CPS has faced a $475 million "deficit" and has to continue cutting into schools and classrooms this school year to pare down a "remainder" of $61 million in that "deficit".

The closer the public gets to the actual numbers, the more questions come up, even in Chicago where the majority of reporters simply take official handouts and report them as "news" or are required to report the official version of reality after Mr. Huberman takes his Power Point slides to the editorial boards of the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune to order up the "news" from the top down.

Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Ron Huberman (above, right) did not speak much during the August 26, 2009, meeting of the Chicago Board of Education, allowing most replies to speakers to be done by Michael Scott, who cut off more than a dozen potential speakers before they had a chance to speak. Huberman later presented the Board with his "budget" report, outlining a budget that was built around a supposed deficit of $475 million. All of the members of the Board are supposedly business people, but none of them demanded that Huberman explain the budget's revenue and expenses assumption, which is how a budget is traditionally built. Instead, they allowed Huberman's first budget as CEO to be constructed from a fictional 'deficit', which Huberman began reporting in carefully controlled media events as early as February 2009, long before any reasons revenues or expenses projections were possible. As Substance has previously reported, the annual claims of a 'deficit' were characterized by former Board of Education Secretary Thomas Corcoran as the Board's annual 'Magic Numbers' game. During the 1990s following Mayor Daley's takeover of the public schools, claims about 'deficits' that were never checked against the facts were made annually. Generally, during the 1990s and early 2000s, the magic number was $300 million. Every year (with two exceptions during the term of CEO Arne Duncan) CPS has claimed a 'deficit' that did not exist at the time the Board members voted to approve the budget. Substance caption and photo by George N. Schmidt.Substance can't answer most of the questions the public deserves to have answered about the 2009 - 2010 Chicago Board of Education Budget because the top officials at CPS — CEO Ron Huberman and Board of Education President Michael Scott — will not sit down for an on-the-record interview about how their "2009 - 2010 Budget" was actually build, and where their claim that the school system faced a $475 million "deficit" came from.

But during our research into the budget, which we have been doing with the largest group of experts in recent history, we have been discovering more questions than answers about every aspect of Ron Huberman's budget. The most interesting questions arose when we discovered that more than 500 individuals were listed at salaries above that of the CEO, which has traditionally been the top of the salary schedule at CPS.

Like Marilyn Stewart of the teachers union, Clarice Berry (above, at microphone) has complained to the Board of Education for more than two years about the computer problems that have caused massive problems for recently retired principals, costing them millions of dollars while CPS refused to repair the computer systems that were not accurately stating principals' service prior to retirement. At the August 26 Board of Education meeting, Berry and her associate John Butterfield (right) spoke about the different ways in which the Scott and Huberman administration was ignoring the professional experience and wisdom of principals. At the time, Berry did not know that Butterfield (who is retired after serving as principal of Mather High School) was in the Board's budget about to be presented by Ron Huberman, as an employee at a salary of $1.4 million for the 2009 - 2010 school year. The Board voted unanimously and without debate to approve Huberman's budget after a Power Point presentation by the CEO which blamed a lurid 'deficit' projections into 2012 on the teachers' pension fund (which also serves Chicago principals). Huberman's attack on the pension fund is unprecedented in the more than 100 years of the Fund's operations, but follows his successful destruction of the pension fund at the Chicago Transit Authority, where he served as President prior to being appointed by Mayor Richard M. Daley as CEO of the city's vast school system. Most of the top executives Huberman has put into power since his January 2009 hiring are from the CTA, with no experience in public education. Substance photo and caption by George N. Schmidt.It's impossible for us at Substance to share the complete Position File budget that the Chicago Board of Education finally provided in answer to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to Substance on October 2, 2009. So here are the names, position numbers, departments, and budgeted salaries of the more than 500 individuals who are supposed to be budgeted to be paid more than Ron Huberman's $230,000 annual salary according to the official CPS documents.

We apologize that the data below doesn't fit in one neat line, but we believe the information provided here, which is compiled from CPS documents, will prove most useful. Basically, there are nine fields for each record below — Last Name, First Name, Annual 'Salary," (the amount that actually appears in the Position File budget), Position Number, Unit Number, Unit Title, Position Title, Date of Hire, and Amount (already) spent.

This information was discovered by Substance when your researchers began to sort through the CPS position files, which we have been compiling and utilizing in our reporting since we were first told of the existence of the Position File in 1989 while some of our staff were working at the Chicago Board of Education as part of the "School Reform Budget Transition Team" that rewrote the FY 1989 - 1990 budget during the summer of 1989. (That group included George N. Schmidt, current Substance editor; and Leo Gorenstein, former Substance editor, now retired). Each year since 1989, Substance has secured a copy of the Position File and utilized it to accurately report on the salaries of CPS employees and executives and confirm other data about CPS employees. The Position File is one of two major budget documents that is supposed to accurately reflect the status of pay of every person working for the school system. The other file is the annual IRS report which is provided to each employee for tax purposes.

Generally, we have sorted these files in various ways to locate different data, including units and schools, individual salaries, and the number of people hired during certain time periods. Generally, when sorted by annual salary, the Position File has compiled with the Chief Executive Officer at the top, since that person is the highest paid person in the school system. Prior to 1995, the title of the chief person was "General Superintendent of Schools."

This year, for the first time, a large number of "employees" have been budgeted at salaries above that of the Chief Executive Officer. CPS officials and the Board of Education's current "Chief Communications Officer" (Monique Bond) have refused to answer any questions about the budget from Substance and Bond has refused to schedule CEO Ron Huberman and Board President Michael Scott for an interview on the budget.

The discovery by Substance that a large number of individuals (some currently on active duty; some retired; some on long-term leave to work for the Chicago Teachers Union) appear in the budget is unprecedented in the 20 years Substance has been utilizing the Position Files as part of our reporting on CPS.

All information based on the Position File of the Chicago Board of Education provided to Substance on October 2, 2009. Position file was supposedly compiled based on data as of August 25, 2009. CPS gave no explanation as to why it took more than a month to provide Substance with the CD. For our readers' convenience we have highlighted in bold the Last Name, First Name, and Budgeted Salary for FY 2010, with the remainder of the fields in regular type. (George N. Schmidt, Editor, Substance, 10/5/09).

BELOW: LIST OF ALL EMPLOYEES OF THE CHICAGO BOARD OF EDUCATION LISTED IN THE BOARD'S 'POSITION FILE' BUDGET DOCUMENTS AS BEING PAID MORE THAN THE CEO OF CPS DURING THE 2009 - 2010 SCHOOL YEAR. CEO SALARY IS $230,000 PER YEAR. (SOURCE: Chicago Public Schools 'Position File' budget, obtained by Substance through a request under the Freedom of Information Act. According to CPS, the following were in the budget as of August 2009).

LastName FirstName Annual 'salary'

Position # Unit # Unit Title Position Title Date of Hire Amount spent

Abdullah Raheel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/09 $0.00

Adelmann Andrew $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/16/08 $1,968.33

Aguirre Maria $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $0.00

Ahern Scott $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 11/20/06 $12,091.20

Alexander Terrence $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/30/06 $0.00

Alexander Dietrice $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 10/12/98 $16,294.54

Alford Anthony $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/5/08 $0.00

Allen Martin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/23/07 $0.00

Altman Mary $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/23/08 $0.00

Anderson Amanda $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/7/09 $0.00

Anderson Daniel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/6/06 $1,405.95

Anderson Larry $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $2,884.17

Anderson Theodore $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 3/21/96 $7,033.76

Anderson Joel $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/27/07 $0.00

Anderson Victor $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $14,495.90

Andrews Terrell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/30/09 $0.00

Anthony Norman $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/29/07 $0.00

Artis Antonio $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/15/09 $0.00

Aspholm Roberto $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/13/09 $0.00

Astudillo Frank $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/25/09 $0.00

Bagnall Gregory $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/4/08 $8,274.08

Bakrins Joel $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/2/68 $28,813.20

Baltrusaitis Evelyn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/24/09 $0.00

Barrett Antionette $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/5/09 $0.00

Bartes Barry $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/14/05 $1,081.50

Bass Derrick $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/18/07 $0.00

Bauer Stephen $15,000,000.00

106307 12470 City Wide Pension & Liab Ins 10 Month Tchr Hosptl 9/3/90 $0.00

Belluomini Joshua $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/07 $1,405.95

Bergmann Misty $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/06 $0.00

Bey Gregory $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Bibbs Emmanuel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/29/07 $0.00

Biggins Milton $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 2/4/02 $0.00

Bivins Everlena $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/8/08 $0.00

Black Levorn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/1/06 $0.00

Blackmon Bruce $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/05 $0.00

Blair Donald $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/21/06 $1,996.58

Blank Hilliard $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/10/04 $0.00

Blitstein Robert $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/4/72 $22,067.50

Bloomfield Michelle $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/5/06 $0.00

Bologna Michael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/05 $1,622.25

Bolton Michael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Bomely Matthew $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/14/05 $0.00

Borre Michael $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 11/29/06 $14,308.57

Bowling Thomas $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/20/09 $0.00

Bowman Kathleen Mary $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly $8,925.00

Boyd Freddie $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/19/06 $0.00

Braboy Jane $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/05 $2,980.58

Brandt Paul $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/17/09 $0.00

Brooks Arthur $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/28/05 $0.00

Brooks Korey $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $1,838.55

Brown Darryl $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/25/09 $0.00

Brown Brendan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 12/14/05 $1,405.95

Brown Eugene $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/11/07 $0.00

Brown George $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/05 $0.00

Brown James $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/6/97 $9,517.20

Brown Peggy $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $9,909.29

Brown Michael $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 4/13/98 $6,593.32

Buschnyj Stefan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/29/07 $0.00

Butler David $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $6,648.39

Butler Gwendolyn $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/08 $3,798.30

Butterfield John $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/6/71 $29,055.00

Bylsma Derek $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/21/09 $0.00

Cabrales Adrian $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly $1,365.00

Cadichon Milot $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/26/06 $8,665.46

Caldow John $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/9/70 $0.00

Callaghan Barbara $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $8,567.69

Callan James $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/23/09 $0.00

Campbell Patrick $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/8/09 $0.00

Canela David $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 2/26/07 $0.00

Canselor Leo $314,000.0

0 271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $19,811.51

Caplan Eliza $15,000,000.00

106307 12470 City Wide Pension Liab Ins 10 Month Tchr Hosptl 1/19/05 $0.00

Caples Bennie $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/5/09 $0.00

Carroll Molly $15,000,000.00

106307 12470 City Wide Pension & Liab Ins 10 Month Tchr Hosptl 9/4/72 $0.00

Carter Alan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/30/08 $0.00

Carter Jacquelyn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/29/06 $0.00

Carter Joslyn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/26/07 $0.00

Carter James $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $5,849.15

Casas Raul $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/13/09 $0.00

Cataldo John $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/9/09 $0.00

Cecchini Anthony $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/29/09 $0.00

Chamberlain Wesley $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/15/09 $0.00

Chatman Alphonso $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/11/07 $0.00

Cittadine Elizabeth $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/2/74 $42,315.00

Clark Kimberly $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/4/07 $4,639.64

Colbert Michelle $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $6,501.84

Coleman Russell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/5/06 $0.00

Coleman Wynnetta $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/21/07 $6,014.23

Collier Scott $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/16/09 $0.00

Collins William $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/21/09 $0.00

Collins Aaron $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/25/07 $0.00

Collins Sandra $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/07 $0.00

Colon Norma $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 10/6/08 $10,268.69

Colston Shauntee $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 1/23/09 $0.00

Conley Maurice $400,000.0

0 271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $13,311.26

Connolly Maureen $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 1/30/89 $21,450.00

Connor Yashi $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 12/3/07 $843.57

Cook Katahdin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/14/09 $0.00

Cooper Edward $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/13/08 $0.00

Cooper Harry $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/19/06 $0.00

Cornelius Ruthie $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/25/08 $0.00

Cox Landon $2,400,000.0

0 298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets Miscellaneous 9/4/67 $0.00

Cox Travis $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/2/09 $0.00

Creamer Daniel $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $0.00

Cross Herman $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $9,777.65

Crowder Willie $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/21/06 $0.00

Curry Roy $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 11/1/71 $0.00

Dactelides Constantine $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38310 $11,972.22

Dagen IV William $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38007 $0.00

Daniels LeShawn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37803 $0.00

Davenport Victor $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38476 $0.00

Davila Vanessa $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37660 $2,249.52

Davis J.D. $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37442 $2,163.00

Davis Gloria $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 25812 $31,881.25

Dawson Monica $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37632 $843.57

De La Paz Pablo $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38491 $0.00

Delgado Angel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38344 $0.00

Dellahousaye Carol $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 38283 $9,875.00

DeLuna Gerardo $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 38244 $13,965.68

Devitt Kevin $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38379 $0.00

Diaz David $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 37217 $0.00

Diaz David $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38435 $0.00

DiCristina Joe $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38114 $0.00

Donegan Lorenzo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37441 $0.00

Donegan Kathleen $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 33116 $14,562.50

Dortch Jerome $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37595 $13,377.07

Drake Theodora $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38073 $0.00

Drehsler Eric $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37601 $0.00

Dudley Del-Re $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 37238 $0.00

Dugan Janet $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38069 $0.00

Ebietomiye Mildred $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 38265 $19,025.00

Edmond Ronnie $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37524 $10,749.65

Edwards Charles $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38588 $0.00

Edwards Willie $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37629 $1,665.51

Edwards Shaun $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38275 $4,866.75

Eggert-Nevins Louise $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 37860 $9,132.50

Ellison Charley $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $0.00

Eng Raymond $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38451 $0.00

Enriquez Juan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37632 $0.00

Erickson Cole $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38457 $0.00

Espinoza Carlos $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $8,927.14

Estrada Rafael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37796 $0.00

Eusilagbara Will $2,501,141.00 376206

13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38583 $0.00

Evans Darryl $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37898 $735.42

Faines Larry $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38283 $0.00

Figgs Christopher $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38223 $0.00

Figiel Richard $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38055 $0.00

Figueroa Omayra $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38440 $0.00

Figueroa Jorge $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 38476 $0.00

Fleischhacker Aaron $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38038 $0.00

Fleming Kevina $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 38447 $0.00

Fletcher Darwin $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37344 $0.00

Flores Antonio $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38309 $0.00

Frierson Andrew $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38533 $0.00

Frumkin Aaron $2,225,000.0

0 298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38366 $0.00

Funamura Michael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37660 $0.00

Gale Steven $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37509 $5,517.69

Gallardo Abimael $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38485 $0.00

Galvan Maria $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37558 $0.00

Gant Michael $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $12,531.65

Garcia Jose $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37601 $0.00

Garcia Victor $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38262 $0.00

Garza Ernesto $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38449 $0.00

Gibson Deidric $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38141 $1,747.08

Gibson Kenneth $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37566 $2,693.83

Gilbert Lushawn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37566 $3,600.84

Gilliam Theodie $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37566 $8,373.95

Gillispie James $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37690 $1,557.36

Gilmore Troy $3,001,369.00

376202 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 37803 $0.00

Givhens Allen $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37601 $0.00

Glasper Arristede $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37286 $0.00

Glenn Michael $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37609 $0.00

Gonzalez Camilo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38451 $0.00

Goolsby Hullen $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $13,397.34

Gordon Jonathan $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37601 $0.00

Gordon Patrice $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 37344 $1,405.95

Gordon Rodney $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38415 $0.00

Gordon Charles $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38168 $2,514.94

Gordon Xzavier $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37956 $0.00

Gorecki James $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 24720 $46,863.70

Gotay Dolores $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37632 $0.00

Govern Janice $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $7,474.22

Gray Bertram $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37344 $0.00

Gray Richard $983,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Hourly 34619 $93,803.34

Green William $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38003 $0.00

Green Betty $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous $11,052.50

Green Tony $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $4,705.00

Grey Marcus $400,000.0

0 271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37511 $8,375.32

Griffin Cozette $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37566 $9,893.33

Griffin Denise $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 38454 $0.00

Gronholm James $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38408 $0.00

Grooms Trevor $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 37566 $6,288.85

Gross Ruth $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 38283 $9,800.00

Guerrero Javier $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38441 $0.00

Guillen Jose $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38414 $0.00

Guzman Robert $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $17,077.77

Hagstrom Justin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38420 $0.00

Hague Brian $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38381 $0.00

Hall-Bryant Jon $322,522.0

0 298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37651 $0.00

Hammond Mark $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38387 $0.00

Harang Christopher $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38367 $0.00

Harden Raphael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38059 $0.00

Harden James $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Buckets & Miscellaneous 38405 $1,148.21

Harlan Gregory $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38168 $0.00

Harris Marvin $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38584 $0.00

Harris Victor $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 33358 $13,748.17

Harvey Mary $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 38372 $0.00

Hash John $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $0.00

Hastings Peter $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 38104 $2,692.50

Heard Pauline $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37469 $8,861.32

Hendren Danny $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 37449 $6,881.91

Hermann Dean $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38433 $0.00

Hermogino Eric $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 38380 $843.57

Hetland Joseph $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 38582 $0.00

Hides Moriello Beverly $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 25448 $35,181.25

Hill Delin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37999 $0.00

Hill Reginald $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 37992 $0.00

Hill Brandon $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 38440 $0.00

Hill Donna $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 38469 $0.00

Hogan Patrick $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/15/08 $0.00

Holmes Lawrence $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/8/09 $0.00

Hood Jerome $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Hopkins Justin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/5/06 $0.00

Hopps Britton $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/25/09 $0.00

Horn Darlene $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/12/07 $0.00

Horton Darryl $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $12,243.10

Howard Gernaro $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $12,491.14

Howell Delbert $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/21/06 $5,494.75

Hudson Travis $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $0.00

Hunter Derrick $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $5,169.57

Hunter Adrian $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/29/06 $0.00

Hurst Brian $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/19/09 $0.00

Hutzenlaub Jenny $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 4/21/08 $0.00

Ileka Sampson $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/17/09 $0.00

Ireland Carole $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/3/73 $30,750.00

Jackson Andre $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/11/06 $0.00

Jackson Phan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $1,968.33

Jackson Valerie $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/3/73 $24,033.75

Jackson Tyrone $421,300.0

0 271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/12/06 $12,911.34

Jackson Terrence $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $6,724.93

Jackson Gavin $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 11/7/06 $15,150.00

Jaksich George $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/26/08 $0.00

Jeffries James $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 1/29/07 $9,647.70

Jenkins Charles $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/29/09 $0.00

Jenkins Dorothy $983,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Hourly 9/4/89 $26,162.50

Jenkins Ronald $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $6,861.64

John Kathryn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/10/09 $0.00

Johnson Lorenzo $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/8/06 $9,318.00

Johnson John $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/5/09 $0.00

Johnson Glenn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/5/69 $10,241.80

Johnson Gregory $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $11,667.60

Johnson Steven $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/18/09 $0.00

Johnson Victor $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/05 $2,530.71

Johnson Leotis $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/5/07 $0.00

Johnson Eric $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $17,376.45

Johnson Stanley $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/21/06 $0.00

Johnson Willie $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $22,441.88

Johnson Thomasine $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 9/12/08 $24,550.00

Johnson Kabasa $322,522.0

0 298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/08 $0.00

Jones Dion $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/07 $0.00

Jones Anthony $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 2/2/07 $0.00

Jones Ebony $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/09 $0.00

Jones Sidney $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/24/08 $0.00

Jones Rollie $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/6/71 $26,878.75

Jones Keana $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 3/23/09 $0.00

Joyce Daniel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/5/07 $0.00

Joyce Martin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/28/09 $0.00

Jurado Juan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/17/08 $0.00

Keith Kenneth $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $9,261.27

Kenyon Leigh $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/7/09 $0.00

Kerr Corrie $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/07 $3,568.95

Keyes Shedell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/3/08 $1,380.00

Kight Ryan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/21/08 $0.00

King Kiowa $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $3,071.46

King Tommie $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/15/08 $4,563.94

Kirkling Harold $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $10,132.00

Klimac Michal $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $0.00 Klimek

Konrad $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/9/08 $0.00

Lane Zaneta $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/23/07 $0.00

Lara Alvaro $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 10/12/05 $0.00

Lara Ricardo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/08 $0.00

Lardakis Panagiotis $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/9/06 $0.00

Larry Donald $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/11/08 $0.00

Lemieux David $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 10/24/06 $7,529.89

Lester Mark $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/07 $0.00

Liddell Caesar $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/1/07 $5,169.57

Little Danny $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/16/05 $5,731.95

Llapa Roberto $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/24/08 $0.00

Loburgio Wendy $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/13/06 $0.00

Locke Lisa $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/21/08 $12,425.35

Lomax Raymond $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $4,512.25

Long Orlando $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $0.00

Lopez Fausto $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous $4,349.76

Lopez Yesenia $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/2/09 $0.00

Lopez Israel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/2/08 $5,613.75

Lopez Jimmy $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/08 $0.00

Lott Barbara $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 4/14/08 $2,115.75

Lyles-Brown Charlene $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 1/12/09 $3,493.13

Mack Sheila $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 2/27/06 $540.75

Malarski Matthew $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 6/9/06 $0.00

Malik Arsalan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 10/1/07 $0.00

Manning James $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $10,207.94

Manow Allan $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $7,914.63

Manus Michael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/28/09 $0.00

Margarito Daniel $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 2/27/07 $4,326.00

Margarito Paula $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/12/08 $0.00

Markatos-Pappas Laurie $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/23/09 $0.00

Marrero Jeannet $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly $9,877.60

Martin Roosevelt $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/12/07 $0.00

Martin Harley $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $10,453.08

Martin Gera $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 9/1/08 $15,200.00

Mata Ricardo $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $5,201.14

Matthew Terry $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/3/08 $3,646.16

Matthews Ricky $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/27/08 $0.00

Mavraganes Angelo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/28/06 $0.00

Mawrence Sandra $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/16/59 $7,855.00

Mayer Nancy $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 1/30/89 $15,347.50

Mayfield Riggs $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/13/08 $0.00

Mazur Amanda $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/24/09 $0.00

McDonald Linda $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 11/20/08 $14,537.50

Mckay Patricia $15,000,000.00

106307 12470 City Wide Pension & Liab Ins 10 Month Tchr Hosptl 1/29/68 $0.00

Mckeel Yolanda $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/21/06 $0.00

Mckinney Nolan

$2,501,141.00 376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/13/06 $0.00

Mclaurin Carol $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $0.00

Mcmiller Robert $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $7,923.94

McMurray George $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/16/07 $648.90

McNicholas Michael $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/28/09 $0.00

Meadows Alonzo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $0.00

Meisels Mark $2,225,000.00 298360

13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 10/15/07 $0.00 Melgarejo Max $2,225,000.00 298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly $6,407.26

Mendez Henry $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/17/08 $648.90

Merrill Lynn $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/23/09 $0.00

Meyers Michael $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/11/01 $0.00

Miller Marlo $340,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 5/11/09 $0.00

Mills Thomas $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $15,199.60

Molette Sandra $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/26/08 $5,146.58

Mondala James $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/30/06 $0.00

Montgomery Edward $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $3,736.34

Montijo Kirk $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/26/07 $1,124.76

Moore Aaron $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/28/09 $0.00

Moran Thomas $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/24/09 $0.00

Morrison Vivian $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/4/72 $11,923.90

Moses Milton $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/16/08 $0.00

Muhammad Yahya $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/07 $2,249.52

Murphy Katherine $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/11/08 $0.00

Murphy Shannon $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/22/08 $0.00

Narea Amy $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/2/76 $27,007.50

Neeley Bryant $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/11/06 $6,993.27

Negron Richard $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/21/08 $0.00

Nevils Jessica $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 3/11/09 $0.00

Nicol Edward $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $5,393.51

Niziolek Nicole $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/21/09 $0.00

Noble Lawarence $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/24/09 $0.00

Nodal Eduardo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/18/06 $1,081.50

Nolan Samuel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/29/08 $7,819.25

Noonan Kimberly $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/10/09 $0.00

Obasiolu Lyndell $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 1/9/09 $0.00

Ocampo Gerardo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/11/08 $0.00

Oden Angela $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/17/07 $1,189.65

Oliver Melvin $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 11/7/06 $4,833.62

Ortiz Anthony $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 2/27/07 $15,088.20

Ortolano Betsy $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/18/09 $0.00

Ourada Kristin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/28/09 $0.00

Pagan Luis $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/22/07 $0.00

Palmer Jason $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/11/07 $2,714.58

Parker Michael $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $11,676.10

Patterson Darryl $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/7/09 $0.00 Pawelski James $1,483,001.00 298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/3/73 $19,662.50

Pellikan Mark $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/2/08 $0.00

Perisee Virgil $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/18/07 $10,172.99 Phelan Sean $2,225,000.00 298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 10/31/06 $1,665.51

Phu Joe $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/16/08 $0.00

Pickett Kenneth $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 11/7/07 $0.00

Pinder Kristopher $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $0.00 Poelsterl Michael $2,225,000.00 298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/2/09 $0.00

Pohl Andrew $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 6/15/07 $0.00

Pondexter Vernell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/24/09 $0.00

Poole-Harris Billy $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/19/07 $0.00

Porter Kirk $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/30/08 $0.00

Porter Therese $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 2/24/92 $6,237.50

Price William $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 1/22/09 $0.00

Price Bernard $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/11/08 $648.90

Price Damien $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly $9,119.53

Purnell Edward $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/26/04 $0.00

Qaiyim Marquel $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/08 $702.98

Queeney Thomas $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/1/09 $0.00

Ramirez Martin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/2/09 $4,326.00

Ramos Justo $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/17/09 $0.00

Redmond Dorothy $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $22,190.80

Redmond Jasper $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $0.00

Reed Brian $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/30/09 $0.00

Reed Darrell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/2/08 $3,818.95

Reed Tineeka $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/8/09 $0.00

Reese Donald $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/10/09 $0.00

Reeves Landry $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $9,853.58

Rego Thaddeus $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/11/06 $3,568.95

Reid Aaron $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Renee Irons $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $2,120.94

Reyes Adalberto $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/5/07 $0.00

Reyes Reynes $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/3/79 $18,183.75

Richards Jaysen $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/3/09 $0.00

Riddle Tasha $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/14/08 $0.00

Rivera John $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/10/09 $0.00

Roberson Jeron $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Roberson Rodell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/29/06 $1,795.29

Roberts Alexander $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/19/09 $0.00

Roberts Natoya $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/5/08 $0.00

Roberts Gilbert $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $6,309.83

Robinson Alvin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/19/08 $1,189.65

Robinson James $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/28/06 $0.00

Robinson Pasquell $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $9,504.28

Robinson Robert $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 4/13/09 $0.00

Rocco Thomas $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/21/09 $0.00

Rodgers Marcus $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/6/09 $0.00

Rodriguez Cesar $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/25/06 $0.00

Rodriguez Lilia $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/16/05 $540.75

Rodriquez Reinieri $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/3/09 $0.00

Rogers-Jaye Deborah $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 11/10/08 $7,425.00

Rogocki Alex $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/19/09 $0.00

Roman Felix $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/3/08 $0.00

Roman Xavier $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/7/09 $0.00

Romero George $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $0.00

Rosales Daniel $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $8,344.94

Rose Michael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/6/09 $0.00

Rosene Dave $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $5,450.76

Ross Gerald $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/5/09 $0.00

Rossino Paula $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/1/75 $38,691.25

Rufo Ronald $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 1/15/08 $3,292.57

Ruiz Gilbert $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/7/09 $0.00

Ruvalcaba Gabriel $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/4/08 $9,387.84

Salgado Ramon $1,725,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 5/20/09 $0.00

Sanchez Nicasio $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/4/09 $0.00

Santostefano Anthony $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/18/08 $0.00

Sauceda Samantha $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/11/07 $0.00

Savas Maureen $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/1/75 $30,143.75

Schalek Edward $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/17/07 $540.75

Schmidt Michael $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/24/09 $0.00

Schumacher Robert $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/30/09 $0.00

Schwartz Lindsey $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/17/08 $2,163.00

Scott Gary $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/11/07 $0.00

Scott Melver $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous $19,887.50

See Ryan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/22/09 $0.00

Segura Veronica $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/24/08 $0.00

Shanklin Cameron $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/11/07 $0.00

Shannon Montgomery Trac

y $2,225,000.00 298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/28/07 $1,355.78 Shaw Andreanna $260,000.00 301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 3/30/09 $0.00

Shegog Theresa $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $0.00

Shorter Romell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/30/06 $0.00

Silberberg Scott $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/6/07 $0.00

Simmons Nicole $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/27/08 $3,331.02

Simpson-Torres Deirdra $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $10,445.86

Slater Arthur $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/6/76 $45,743.75

Slattery Megan $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/31/09 $0.00

Slaughter Tyrone $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/30/06 $0.00

Smith Jimmy $2,500,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 12/13/06 $2,438.78

Smith Tanya $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 11/7/06 $1,917.98

Smith Steven $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/21/06 $11,200.20

Smith Jessica $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 1/8/08 $0.00

Snyder J.L. $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/30/06 $0.00

Soria-Gonzalez Rubiel $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/4/08 $0.00

Spencer Roderic $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/20/09 $1,124.76

Spires Stacy $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety Security Part Time Security 5/20/98 $12,002.11

Stanton George $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/11/07 $0.00

Starks Marshall $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $0.00

Stavrakas Dean $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/13/05 $0.00

Stefanski Katrina $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/15/08 $0.00

Stern Jason $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/1/08 $0.00

Steve Kimberling $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/06 $0.00

Stovall Tristan $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/19/06 $0.00

Stranc Edward $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 2/9/07 $1,665.51

Stringer Kyle $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/20/09 $0.00

Sullivan James $2,501,141.0

0 376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/1/07 $0.00

Swisher Stephen $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/24/08 $0.00

Tam Kyle $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/17/08 $1,124.76

Tanksley Joseph $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/10/09 $302.82

Taylor Annessa $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/16/09 $0.00

Taylor George $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/3/06 $1,184.24

Ternoir Jeffrey $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/7/06 $5,842.30

Ternoir Ervin $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $8,841.06

Thomas Connie $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 7/1/07 $26,308.75

Tibbs Edward $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $9,180.26

Todd Barbara $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 10/24/08 $10,262.50

Tolliver Cameron $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/6/09 $1,665.51

Toren Donna $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly $8,652.00

Toren Donna $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/06 $8,652.00

Torres Efrain $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 9/16/08 $9,094.21

Traback Sandra $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/4/72 $25,508.75

Trapani Samuel $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $0.00

Treese Erik $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Triplett Levi $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 4/10/08 $0.00

Tucker Brad $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $0.00

Turner Carl $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 2/21/07 $13,766.89

Turner Lorielle $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 5/7/09 $0.00

Value Tamara $360,000.00

284946 11385 City Wide Early Childhood Hourly 10/24/08 $12,787.50

Vaughn Linford $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/29/08 $0.00

Vazquez Omar $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/28/06 $8,652.00

Vega Lynnette $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 3/12/09 $0.00

Vera Yadira $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/10/08 $0.00

Vickrey Caroline $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 6/28/06 $0.00

Vidljinovic Dragana $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/16/08 $0.00

Vila Alice $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/3/79 $25,171.25

Villagomez Daniela $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/5/09 $0.00

Villanueva Agapito $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 1/26/07 $0.00

Villegas Miguel $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Wade Brian $322,522.00

298286 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/15/06 $2,467.72

Walker Jerry $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $3,429.22

Walker Nicoya $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $0.00

Walker Willie $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/14/06 $12,162.09

Wallace Edward $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 2/9/07 $1,405.95

Walsh Elizabeth $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/3/09 $0.00

Ware Hazel $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 11/17/99 $0.00

Warren Stephen $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/10/07 $0.00

Warzocha Robert $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $7,735.75

Washington Robbin $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/6/06 $0.00

Watson Joseph $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $5,818.76

Weatherspoon Carl $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $6,907.20

Webb Stanley $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $4,138.00

Wells Patricia $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 7/1/07 $22,165.00

West Steven $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 9/28/05 $3,028.91

Westbrook Patricia $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 5/19/08 $3,752.43

Westley Lamonte $400,000.0

0 271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $9,813.08

Weston Garret $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 1/11/07 $616.45

Westrich Erica $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/5/09 $0.00

Wheatly Shenyka $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/17/08 $0.00

Wheatly Tenkya $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 11/17/08 $0.00

White Carl $2,500,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/3/86 $0.00

Whitmore Alan $2,400,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 1/30/09 $0.00

Whittington Lekeitha $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 4/13/09 $0.00

Wiley Maurice $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/1/08 $0.00

Wilkins Tenisha $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 10/11/05 $0.00

Williams Ronnie $400,000.00

271691 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $7,104.63

Willis Daniel $314,000.00

271696 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $17,032.22

Wilson Ronald $2,501,141.00

376206 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 8/28/00 $0.00

Wilson Marcell $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 2/9/09 $0.00

Wilson Carl $260,000.00

301907 11115 City Wide School Management Hourly 4/10/09 $0.00

Winselle Victor $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 12/12/06 $0.00

Womack Yvonne $1,483,001.00

298302 13815 City Wide Principal Prep & Dev Buckets & Miscellaneous 9/7/70 $56,954.95

Womack Cynthia $421,300.00

271724 10610 Safety & Security Part Time Security 7/13/06 $0.00

Wondolowski Forrest $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 4/9/09 $0.00

Zagorski Michael $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Hourly 7/2/07 $4,217.85

Zwiazek Carly $2,225,000.00

298360 13737 Sports - City Wide Buckets & Miscellaneous 3/14/07 $0.00 

Final edited version of this article posted at October 5, 2009, 9:00 a.m. CDT. If you choose to reproduce this article in whole or in part, or any of the graphical material included with it, please give full credit to SubstanceNews as follows: Copyright © 2009 Substance, Inc., Please provide Substance with a copy of any reproductions of this material and we will let you know our terms — or you can take out a subscription to Substance (see red button to the right) and make a donation. We are asking all of our readers to either subscribe to the print edition of Substance (a bargain at $16 per year) or make a donation. Both options are available on the right side of our Home Page. For further information, feel free to call us at our office at 773-725-7502.


October 5, 2009 at 1:50 PM

By: kugler

corruption at its worst

huberman needs to go to jail for misuse of government funds and complicity in the deaths and harm of minors in his charge

October 5, 2009 at 5:05 PM

By: Bob

Wrong Key ?

Wrong Key? This is a perfect example of the payroll mess we see every day. I hope nobody thinks that the people listed are getting paid that kind of money. This stuff is right out of the movies. I am surprised the names Larry , Curley, and Moe are not on the list.

October 6, 2009 at 11:26 PM

By: Eric Skalinder

Date of Hire

I'm fascinated. Does your budget analysis team have any information or thoughts on why nearly 70% of these individuals were hired from 2006 on? (And about 80% if you expand to 2005 on?)

October 7, 2009 at 4:42 AM

By: George N. Schmidt

Date of Hire isn't the only problem here...

Eric (and others) I hope this helps on the question of individuals hired since 2006 getting on the millionaires' list. Sorry this is so lengthy, but in the context you can understand. We're dealing with a budget that at its furthest (operations plus capital) is just under $7 billion. But the central reality is teacher salaries, since the whole work of the 'system' is the teaching of kids in the schools every day.

Before I go into an explanation for this strange "Date of Hire" phenomenon, consider this. Someone has radically changed the very nature of the "Position File" budget. That change took places during the years Arne Duncan was in charge of CPS, and is now ongoing under Ron Huberman. The "Position File" for generations was the reliable way in which CPS tracked every employee's pay on a daily basis. So...

The most frightening thing about the "Millionaires' List" isn't any one aspect, but the overall fact that it renders meaningless one of the most important pieces of financial information compiled and utilized on a daily basis by the largest public employer in Illinois. The past few years have seen other examples of this kind of passing-the-buck fantasy finances, from Wall Street "derivatives" to the fact that about half the mortgage foreclosures across the USA right now are now identifying clearly the actual owner of the property (bear with me; this factors into CPS finances). It seems like a generation of geniuses in "finance" has been allowed to get away with keeping the books based on the end line of "Whatever..."

As in, "It's more or less $6 million or Whatever..."

Sort of the Ivy League version of "My bad..." from the kids.

Now back to your question...

The entire Position File Budget that I got under the Freedom of Information Act last Friday (October 2, 2009) includes the "Date of Hire" for everyone on it. I asked that that be included in the compilation. And I decided to leave it in when I ran those lines after I sorted the entire list (more than 51,000 entries) by Salary and noticed that enormous number at a "salary" above that of the CEO.

True, most of those listed have been hired during the past five years.

But some go back 40 or 50 years.

How the heck did any of them get on a list that's supposed to have integrity and be utilized for important personal, state and federal financial records. (Imagine for a minute what would happen if the IRS computers thought you had "income" of a million dollars last year...).

But at CPS, everyone is afraid to talk on the record about anything. Since Huberman took over, it's been a literal reign of terror down there. Fear. More Fear. Most fear. And since Huberman and his people don't know anything about CPS, they just babble based on whatever "data" they can corner and spew (or by screwball analogies to past lives; see yesterday's New York Times article about the Huberviolence project, where with a straight face they quote him making an analogy to his days as a "police officer").

So nobody is putting anything reliable on the public record, and crazy "data" claims are being substituted for raw realities at every step in these processes. Of course, "data" of the kind the Huberteam is using to lie about everything crashes into reality every day, from the realty of one child crying in the back of your classroom to the life oozing out of Derrion Albert's body and soul outside the Agape Center on September 24, 2009. That's why training and experience -- not an MBA, Huberman/Daley loyalty, and vicious clout -- should be in charge at CPS.

It's actually dangerous at CPS (and in many other Chicago city agencies right now) to be competent and to have integrity. Think about the fate of the person who suggested that the parking meter privatization was a stupid idea, and the rationales a bunch of lies. That sludge has spread across the entire City of Chicago public information network.

Which finally gets to your question about date of hire.

Answer: Who knows? They just dropped names into the Position File. Some of them have been retired for years. Many are former principals. Some have been on leave for more than a decade (Molly Carroll at CTU). How these people won this strange lottery is anyone's guess. But someone had to put those names and those amounts into that bit of public record (some of which is under federal law, by the way) and now it's like


I've been unable to even ask my questions about how the data entry took place to create this small percentage of the larger list. There are 540 names on the list we compiled of individuals listed at a "salary" above that of the CEO. Most of those (not all) are in the millions, as you can see. But that group of 540 people is scattered randomly throughout the larger list, and the data were clearly entered by human beings. Several of the names, as you can see, are probably in reverse alphabetical order (First Name, then Last Name), indicating someone actually had to make a mistake that wasn't caught by data entry proofreaders.

We'll (Substance staff; budget study team) be trying to get to the bottom of these stories, including the "date of hire" question, as we look into how each of these names became part of each of these budget lines.

For the past nine months, CPS executives have been in a state of terror because of the Hubercentralized control over commenting to the media. In addition to the Friday morning follies with the "Performance Management Maniacs" (sigh; not my coinage, but I like it), the purge of top people under the Huberclones has left those surviving with a sense of foreboding about their own futures.

Sort of like George Orwell's Animal Farm:

"MBA good; EdD bad."

"CTA good; CPS bad."

"Daley good; teachers bad!"

The result of all this is that a reporter has to ask a question through Monique Bond, Huberman's 'communications' chief.

Then she centralizes ignoring the question or trying to figure out how to spin the issue (like they've been trying to do with the recent insanity on September 23 and September 24): On September 23, Huberman wows that Board with that truly manic Power Point presentation on his so-called "violence" program. It's all about "data" and nothing about "drug gangs" (which are whited out of one slide even where they are obviously the basis of a "safe passage" thingy). And, of course, if we mention the huge gangs, or talk about "People" and "Folks", we'd have to talk the real world of Chicago politics, and economics, and the largest and most violent drug gangs north of the Rio Grande, etc.

Then, literally 24 hours after Huberman's whiz bang Power Point on "violence" (always an abstraction among servants of The Daley) and "violent youth", Derrion Albert gets beat to death on his way to the church where his grandfather awaits (according to one version of the stories out there). Literally a dozen feet from the door of that fortress church (the Agape Center has Sunday services, etc.). And Derrion Albert isn't likely to be on Huberman's Power Point.

So the trick is to spin like a dervish to cover all the political posteriors who did "turnaround" and exicted most of the high school age kids from Altgeld Gardens from that pretty high school at the east side of the Gardens etc. etc.

Which isn't as hard as it might seem, given that Chicago only has a handful of reporters left, and half of them are writing for Substance. The rest sit dutifully in their chairs awaiting the next Power Point from People in Power. Or -- even better -- a handout they can slap a by-line on and call it a day.

So Monique Bond is pretty good at controlling on-the-record information flow. Choking it off is actually a better term.

And as a result, nobody can ask the people who create and maintain the Position File Budget how the heck these 540 lines go in there. Including those "start dates."

To say the last, the "data" don''t speak for themselves in this "data driven" system (of sorts).

But everybody's afraid to talk on the record about what the "data" are doing. Including, by the way, Ron Huberman once the questions are out of his control.

I'm compiling a file I call "in BONDage" which we may begin presenting to the Board of Education meetings courtesy of Substance. The file is getting thick.

On "start date" as well as so much else, "transparency" is not what CPS under Huberman and Daley is about.

October 7, 2009 at 11:55 AM

By: Diana Lauber


Over the years, I've come to expect the budget to be inaccurate, misleading and not a real picture of district financial plans. There have been positions budgeted at a dollar--as place holders--and at the other extreme, huge and numerous "buckets" of funds and staff that weren't allocated out into line items before the budgets were published. That's why position files have been so important to get a hold of--they were suppose to be the real picture of district personnel spending as of the day the file was run. This position file is just as dishonest as those budgets. With millions of dollars allocated to individual positions, there's no accountability as to how these funds are to be spent. Thanks George, for this important story.

October 9, 2009 at 7:21 PM

By: Retired Principal

Retired Principal

George, these are not annual salaries, they are budget lines or bucket lines.

October 10, 2009 at 12:25 AM

By: George N. Schmidt

Position File has become corrupted

To 'retired principal' -- yes and no.

I made a FOIA request in August for the Position File.

On October 2, I called CPS and was told it was ready in CD form, as I had requested. My youngest son and I got downtown to CPS headquarters just after Chicago had been voted down for the Olympics, went upstairs to the Law Department (which is where the "Freedom of Information Office" now is), were given the CD with the 'Position File' on it, and left the Loop.

I came back to the office, left the child with something to do, decided to postpone some other work, and reformatted the material on the CD so that I could sort and locate the information more readily. CPS locks these Excel spreadsheets. They claimed that 'People Soft' requires it. I had to copy and paste all 51,000 lines into a new spreadsheet before I could do any analysis. After that was done and checked (the simplest way is to do a SUM and make sure you have the same number of lines) I did what it usually my first SORT (salaries, descending). That usually gives us the list of highest paid people in CPS, with the CEO (once upon a time, the general supt.) at the top.

I was blown away when 540 positions showed up higher than Ron Huberan's $230,000, as I'm reporting.

Now about this claim that the Position File is no longer the Position File (which CPS officials have been peddling since people began talking about the first story I posted here)...

I have been getting the CPS 'Position File' for 20 years, since I first learned of its existence during my work on the 1989 'Budget Transition Team' during the first "school reform school board" appointed by Richard M. Daley. (I worked under Bill Singer and Diana Lauber on that summer job, which revised the entire $2 billion budget in time for the School Finance Authority to receive it by August 1, 1989).

What does this have to do with your observation, which is accurate and not accurate?

What CPS gave me was what I was told was the 'Position File.' What I analyzed came directly from that document. Now some CPS officials (off the record to date to me, although I'm tempted to quote them on the record, but we honor that) are claiming the 'Position File' I was given is not really the 'Position File' in the sense that CPS has historically created and updated the 'Position File.'

Ditto, the 'bucket' stuff, which needs a lot more explanation than your one-liner.

So, for the first time in history (I was told the 'Position File' has always existed, and became computerized during the 1970s) we have a 'Position File' that is not a 'Position File.'

Sorry, doubletalk doesn't clarify anything, and adding to the doubleltak by talking about 'buckets' only adds to reader confusion.

I have asked to interview CPS officials about this budget document — whatever its name is this week.

I have also asked foe the real Position File, now that they are claiming that the 'Position File' they provided to me in response to my very precise FOIA request for a Position File is not really a Position File.

I've also suggested that CPS post the true and complete Position File every three months on the CPS Website (redacting only Social Security numbers). It would clarify a lot.

It would also help CPS achieve transparency (like just about every other school district in Illinois, and like New York, which published all public employee salaries on the Web), which CPS claims it wants.

We'll see what happens.

As it now stands, what I wrote above is based on the Position File budget document.

CP"S damage control since I published this story a week ago has been interesting. That silliness about 'buckets' helped sink a Sun-Times report based on my reporting, for example, but what's new; the Sun-Times is in the tank with Ron Huberman and has been since the days of Duncan and before that Vallas. (Who can forget how we were treated to quotes from Paul Vallas's mother in the Sun-Times to prove he was qualified to run the city's public schools.

That's another story for another time.

Meanwhile, I stand by the story published here, await CPS interviews with top budget officials, and expect to be publishing many more stories based on that document.

And finally, I expect to get a 'real' Position File from CPS in response to my FOIA (which was nearly two months ago) so that my collection going back two decades is not polluted by a 'Position File' that isn't really a Position File even though it was called a Position File by law when CPS complied with the Freedom of Information Act (better late than never) by providing me with what I had asked for:

A Position File.

October 10, 2009 at 8:52 AM

By: principal

These aren't higher paid cps employees

These are citywide bucket numbers. Most of these people are parents that coach elementary sports teams and are paid a $400-$500 stipend at the end of a coaching season. These are not salaried employees. These millon dollar buckets pay thousands of people each year. You should say something positive about sports and security expenditures once in a while. It is money well spent.

October 10, 2009 at 10:10 AM

By: George N. Schmidt

Why anonymous doesn't help here...

Back to 'retired principal.'

The simplest fact is, you can't say these aren't 'higher paid CPS employees' any more than I can say that each of them received a check for the amount on their budget lines this schhol year. And I called two of them as soon as I saw this list and asked whether they had received notification that their names were on this list next to dollar amounts in the millions.

Both were surprised to hear about these data entries.

And neither of those two (or the dozens of others my friends are calling) was asked if their names could be utilized by CPS on a 'Position File' 'bucket' list that may or may not be either. Fact is, as I report here, I requested the Position File and this is what I got from CPS on October 2, 2009, in response to that request. It was from their spreadsheet, not our imagination here at Substance.

I've respected some of the stuff you've shared elsewhere, so you get this much time this morning before I run over to the High School Fair.


This is my 'over and out' response.

If you are a 'retired principal' (as you say both here and in other blogs), you've by now noticed that a large number of the people listed in those Position Numbers you call 'buckets' are neither security people or sports people (i.e., volunteer parents who coach part-time). They are retired principals (like yourself) or teachers on leave (like Molly Carroll at CTU) who work in neither sports nor security.

If you are a 'retired principal' (as you say), you also know that each Position Number is supposed to be unique and auditable. A Position Number (and the entire Position File) that is used as a 'place holder' corrupts the entire purpose and function of the Position File and makes the budget an impossibility.

If you are a 'retired principal' (as you say), you also know that getting or losing a Position Number is (or should be) a major event — not something to utilize as a place holder.

As to your suggestion that Substance talk positively about safety and security or sports administration, what's the point of that. In every job category at CPS, there are hundreds (or thousands) of positive stories every day (except maybe at the CEO level — both CEOs — and 'Performance Management'). Heck, most of us on staff here could even find something decent to say about a few of the new 'Chief Area Officers,' even though a growing number of them have no business supervising principals (like you say you once were) let along being in some of the most important executive positions in the third largest school system in the USA.

Or now you're going to suggest that Pedro Martinez's shake-and-bake Broad Fellowship or Rick Mills's years in the U.S. Army suddenly qualify them to be, in effect, district superintendents.

Sorry, we'll leave the Happy Talk to others.

What we're discussing here is very very serious business.

CPS has finally been sued because they screwed up the payroll and position reconciliations so badly that they can't give the CTPF an accurate accounting of what people (retired, like you) since 2007 are entitled to. That case is still pending, and it wasn't even filed until July 2009 although the problems first became evident in June or July 2007.

CPS has also been sued because the financial geniuses who ran the system after Arne Duncan took over decided (in our opinion, in violation of Illinois law and Board policy) to invest their extra dollars lying around in derivatives. As we've reported, CPS lost their legal case on that one in bankruptcy court in New York City on September 15, when the judge ruled against CPS in the Lehman bankruptcy.


Stop quibbling and think about it.

If the 'Position File' has been undermined, everyone who has ever drawn a paycheck from CPS is facing potential problems and has to be his or her own bookkeeper for a long time to come. If, for example, that check Molly Carroll received from CPS in August (and which we reported from the August Board meeting when Marilyn Stewart raised it to the Board) is reported to the IRS as 'income,' Molly has to explain it to the feds, not at a meeting of Chicago's Miracle Management Team and Miracle School Reform Board of Education.

And if our suspicions are right about how the reorganization of CPS payroll and financial records are even a hundredth true down from our worst case scenarios, the outsourcing of these functions, under the orgy of privatization that CPS has been doing since 1995, will be costing hundreds of millions of dollars for decades to come — and bedeviling tens of thousands of teachers today, and into their retirement.

If I were you, and If you are a 'retired principal' (as you say), you know that last week a bunch of principals faced massive reorganizations in their school because of the way CPS tightly restricts Position Numbers -- at least for the schools. To defend the practice (if that's what it is) of loading fictional names into position numbers for purposes of creating "buckets" deserves a second look. And a third. And not just from me.

That's enough for one morning.

October 10, 2009 at 10:13 AM

By: Retired Principal

Citywide Bucket Numbers

George, these are citywide bucket numbers! I understand your point, you want the real position files so you embarrassed CPS with this article. Good for you! But, these are citywide bucket numbers.CITYWIDE PRINCIPAL PREPARATION & DEVELOPMENT & MISCELLANEOUS BUCKET- ($1,483,001.00): John Butterfield, Position# 298302, Unit# 13815, Title Position-Citywide Principal Preparation & Development & Miscellaneous, Amount Spent-$29,055.00; Melver Scott, #298302, #13815, Citywide Principal Preparation & Development & Miscellaneous, Amount Spent- $19,887.50; Arthur Slater, #298302, #13815, Citywide Principal Preparation & Development & Miscellaneous, Amount Spent- $45,743.75. SPORTS CITYWIDE HOURLY BUCKET- ($2,225,000.00): Glenn Johnson, #298360, #13737, Sports Citywide Hourly, Amount Spent- $10,241.80; George Stanton, #298360, #13737, Sports Citywide Hourly, Amount Spent- $0.00. George, I'm certain that you know this. Why are you writing this article this way?

October 10, 2009 at 10:19 AM

By: Retired Principal

George's Response To Position Files

George, I do see your response. CPS does need to correct its budget practices!

October 10, 2009 at 11:08 AM

By: 20th day closings

This list

This still makes me sick retired principal--we are laying off teachers and APs and princials--ans all these newer retireees are making ALL of this money besides the pension--this is wrong and good for George for pointng this out. This should make those of us who are hard and dedicated workers, begging for jobs, fighting mad!

Thank you George! Really--who else is out there even telling half of the story?

October 10, 2009 at 3:05 PM

By: George N. Schmidt

Charter schools as 'pushout factories'. Call Substance.

A year ago, Johns Hopkins University did a study calling urban general high schools 'dropout factories.' For their reward, they became partners with the Chicago Teachers Union in a new high school the union is doing.

Charter schools are the real factories, only we should call them "Pushout Factories." They push out students who don't conform, while the city's general high schools have to take those students, no questions asked, with fewer resources.

So after you call Patrick Rocks and get the usual CPS Law Dept, runaround, call Substance or e-mail us with the details of the pushouts. As Jim Vail is reporting, UNO and CICS alone pushed out more than 500 children last year -- while claiming they are better than real public schools.

We need to talk with everyone who has been screwed this way -- families and children -- and then publish their stories. It may not change things overnight, but at least the truth will have a little more chance of surviving against the Big Lie, the Bigger Lie, and the Biggest Lie.

Substance: 773-725-7502

Csubstance @

Don't call if you are not willing to tell us who your are. We may report without naming people, but we don't talk with people who are not honest with us.

October 10, 2009 at 5:24 PM

By: Retired Principal

I Post Only As Retired Principal

George, I only post as Retired Principal, here and anywhere else! The post from "principal" is not me. I am fighting the fight against CPS for all of their wrong practices. I'm also "rubbing shoulders with the big boys" CPS, that's why I don't blog in my real name. Over the years you have published many letters and articles that I have written in Substance, UNDER MY REAL NAME! We are both on the same side! Tell Sharon I said hello.

October 10, 2009 at 8:21 PM

By: Margaret Wilson

Retired teacher

I was listening to the Board meeting on TV today and their new violence prevention program sounds pretty good. They are using stimulus funds from the feds to target 27 schools (all high school). One of the things that hit my ear is that they promised not to recommend any more school closings or reorganizations without seeing what the impact would be on gang violence. If they keep the promise, it should help. George, what do you think of the new program?

October 15, 2009 at 10:51 PM

By: kugler

$100,000.00 - Part Time Security

Mosqueda, Raoul



Marie Sklodowska Curie Metro H

Part Time Security

Start Date


Budgeted Salary


Salary to Date


must be nice

October 16, 2009 at 11:03 AM

By: Zeta

The issue is trust and knowledge!

Dear Retired Teacher,

I am no as versed as George on this issue but would like to comment on your question to him.

The program sounds good just as REN 2010 sounded good. The question is whether they can be trusted or even if they have the knowledge to actually implement their programs. I was there in 2002 and was willing to leave my job if it was going to make life better for children. However, that is not what happened and the children were used as pawns in the game to gentrify their neighborhoods.

When CPS announces a program usually there is a sinister plot or under current behind every program they have. It's always self serving and about them acquiring power and money. They see CPS as the new CASH COW for them since they have exhausted all the money from the private sector. The mind set of the individuals in charge is the question.

Also, Why bring programs into the community and develop them for children when they are unwilling to get input from the parents and community where these children


It is so disrespectful to the community and parents when programs designed to "help" your children end up hurting them. This is what happened with the Derion Albert situation. Derion's life had to be sacrificed to bring light to an every day occurrence of violence endured on a daily basis by children. Nothing was done to help the children until that video of the murder went out and embarrassed the mayor.

Even after Derion's death with out cries from the community, the mayor still wanted to keep students out of Carver which is five minutes from their home. He didn't care about the horrible conditions the children had to endure; he just wanted to make his point.

The attitude that prevails at CPS is one where they think they know our children, have solutions for our lives and make plans without consulting us, plans that we have to live with. We have to live in the mess they create, they don't.

Mayor Daley and Huberman have never taught a

day in their lives. They don't have a child who has ever had to attend some of these "Nut Factories" they have created. Those of us who have taught in these communities, live in the community and have raised children who are CPS graduates can tell them what is wrong. Do you think they will listen? They want to hire some high paid consultant from who knows where to come in and get paid $5,000,000 to tell our story. Of course these people have a biased view point and don't even like or respect the community they are studying. Then after spending millions, the children's lives are messed up. The community is more violent and they have made millions of dollars and left the mess behind.

How insulting!

November 19, 2009 at 12:38 PM

By: Richard

Spreadsheet Please?

Since I am a numbers guy (I've taught a few thousand people to use Excel) I'd appreciate your emailing me the spreadsheet where the data came from.

As it is, I'm trying to parse the 500 "millionaires" into an Excel spreadsheet so I can analyze the data with a pivot table.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you so much for the fine article.

November 19, 2009 at 1:06 PM

By: Richard

Budgeted but not Paid???

Worse than I realized...

Budgeted salaries are immense, greater than Ron Huberman's.

But there is little data on the amount spent.

Does that mean these 500 or so employees had huge salaries budgeted but haven't been paid? Why isn't paid data on this file?

Or have employees been paid but no one bothered to include that data?

When I taught spreadsheets years ago, I taught classes to put their name on a spreadsheet. Did anyone at the CPS put their name on this data?


November 19, 2009 at 3:57 PM

By: George N. Schmidt

Spreadsheet requests

November 19, 2009

Blogger ("Richard"):

We generally share information with our subscribers, and have regularly published letters from subscribers who agree to sign their names.

We generally follow the conventions of Blognation in our comments section, which functions like a blog.

However, any request for the information being discussed here is best discussed after you file a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with CPS for the "position file" budget. We just received a second version of that document, much shorter than the first. (More than 6,000 lines shorter, to be precise). The reason I'm asking others to utilize FOIA is not only that the law becomes much more tight in January 2010, but I want other people to be trying to get these documents to review the same information we are seeing here.

This is a huge story, and the fact that the Chicago Sun-Times decided to avoid it after being told a fairy tale by Monique Bond when they began inquiring into the data on that "Position File" just shows the trouble we're in. If you ever meet Mary Mitchell, ask her what year she was ordered never to write nasty stories about the people who had taken over CPS; it dates the beginning of the rise of her star, which continues on those terms to this day. Instead of writing and running the story on the "Position File" that I'm keeping up on this thread, Rosalind Rossi simply took the first puerile explanation offered by CPS from an official source and then ducked off the story complete. Nothing new there, either.

What follows is on a first pass...

I have asked to interview the Board's "acting" chief financial officer. It would be a joke for Ron Huberman to even try to answer any questions about the Board's budget at this point in history. He's programmed to do that coy smile and repeat his talking points about the "$475 million deficit" this year and the "$900 million deficit for next year." As long as Chicago's corporate media continues to function as a conduit for those lies, little else will be forthcoming, at least from CPS this side of a major criminal investigation, with serious investigative budgets and powers and ultimately grand juries all around.

Why can't an "acting" head of such and such do much in 2009. In the past six month, dozens of people with decades' long records and actual education training have been purged ruthlessly by the Huberman team (which has neither expertise, experience, or credentials; they are gauleiters for City Hall, nothing more).

It seems just about everyone downtown is "acting" nowadays; another Huberman ploy to keep people afraid in Bullydom, I suspect. That, by the way, is one of the names being passed around about the central office; 27-year-old bullies prancing around bullying veteran teachers and administrators, etc., etc. that kind of juvenile frat house kind of stuff. Well, most "acting" guys and gals are literally afraid of their next paycheck.

Not all of them have Broad Foundation clout to land them big paying jobs elsewhere (like Pedro Martinez, the former CFO). Pedro is one of those who should be brought back here to go under oath and explain how all this stuff happened -- from the investments in derivatives to these crazy "position files" -- but who will probably live happily ever after under Broad and Obama patronage 1,000 miles away from Chicago.

Anyway, the second "Position File" we've received under FOIA (dated November 12, 1009) raises as many questions as the first one, perhaps more. But no one is available to answer those questions in detail, based on actual budget realities and experience. (There is none of that among the top ten people now running CPS, by the way; the Huberteam is all about a very corrupt version of "data driven management" which we've already characterized as "data driven drivel...").

And as I've been reporting, in the more than 20 years I've been studying these budget documents (basically, the position files; the W-2 files; the Proposed Budget, the Final Budget, and the CAFR), I've never seen such a mess. The CAFR began warning about these problems, mostly in footnotes, but as long as the major reporting on CPS is done by people who are both numerically challenged and ethically compromised, little will change.

That should frighten everyone both in and outside the system.

Basically, it seems that 15 years of patronage and crony capitalism under mayoral control has finally compromises every major document CPS needs to operate. The hints were everywhere, from the illegal derivatives investments done during the Duncan years by CPS to the burgeoning "reserve" (now diced into at least two pieces to hide it) that grew during the latter Duncan years because of the real estate bubble.

If CPS has completely compromised its central financial systems, as it now seems more and more likely, with all the outsourcing and insane patronage and privatization schemes, it will take ten years to straighten out these messes. And that ten years will only begin from the day someone seriously takes over to straighten out the messes.

But it will continue to get worse as we speak, because of one word: Daley.

For now, everything is subordinate to the Daley administration's patronage whims and worse (outright corruption of the old fashioned kind, only now made easier because of what can be buried using computers).

Nothing will begin to get cleaned up until after Daley is removed as Chief Education Officer and Patronage Czar over public education in Chicago. And even after that happens, there will still be the lingering fear of talking about what was really going on among those who actually have first hand knowledge, so it will take some time beyond the end of the Daley years for the people who are still alive to talk truthfully about what the years 1995 through 2010 were really about during the "mayoral control" years at CPS.

At least by this point it's so tragically obvious to most people that the attempt by the Obama and Duncan administrations to export the "model" across the country is finding stiff resistance, even from places desperate for those "stimulus" dollars. What we saw on October 7 (and I reported from that City Hall press conference) was Washington, D.C. damage control. They were even making sure that Daley himself didn't rattle on too long with the TV cameras on. With this week's events, the national focus is becoming even more intense. It's one thing for CPS policies to keep adding to the teenage body count that Chicago made infamous, but quite another to lose the top school official without any reasonable explanation in a murky corner of Chicago in the dead of night. It one of us had proposed that script to HBO, we'd have been thrown out and told to go back to the days of the 1970s, Kolchak the Night Stalker and that stuff. Chicago -- with Renaissance 2010 and all that cool stuff -- is so Global City and all that. Why bring us back to the place on the river where Daley's ineptitude opened up the tunnels to the Great Flood?

Right. Municipal amnesia and fiction. Hand in hand. But the rest of the USA can't afford to follow these scripts, and most people can smell rats even before they begin gnawing on the expensive shoes of deceased public officials on dark November nights.

For students of history, this is now worse than it was during the Great Depression.

I say this knowing the history and having written as much of it as anyone the past quarter century or more. Despite the official version.

I did the last interview with Mary Herrick, who wrote the definitive book (The Chicago Schools, A Social and Political History) on Chicago public education corruption, racism, and class prejudices, before she died.

Today under mayoral control, it's crony capitalism, unbridled patronage, and completely corrupt privatization at its worst. And it's getting worse each year, as these budget documents and recent tragic events show.

Call us if you want the information. We're easy to find and talk to.

But nothing goes out to bloggers who don't use their own names.

October 2, 2010 at 12:42 AM

By: Non board Employee

This article is so stupid and amounts are wrong

I dont know how something like this gets published. I know 5 people on this list and they are non board employees coaches that get only 1K - 4K to coach per season. No where near the 2M that they are posting. People are going to see this garbage and think people are making this much $$. I would like to know who over at the B of E released this garbage information. Some of this information should be considered private and not released to the public.

Get your information straight before publishing crap on the net.



October 2, 2010 at 9:16 AM

By: xian barrett

Missing the point

The board employees and journalists are not the same person. The story is not that people are making that much money. The story is that a member of the press used the freedom of information act to get public information and the Chicago Board of Education either is so deceitful or so neglectful that they just threw a bunch of false numbers on a spreadsheet and sent it out.\r\rIf you loaned your brother $100,000 for back mortgage payments, would you be satisfied if he came home with casino fixings and when you asked where the money went, he just handed you a nonsensical spreadsheet?\r\rWell, that\'s essentially what\'s happened here, but with a $6 billion operation. How is that not news?

March 6, 2011 at 8:09 AM

By: Constantine Dactelides

Proud Educator!

Mr. Schmidt, sir..your story is a joke and I am insulted that you have me as a part of your lynch mob target... I was an Athletic Academic Counselor with the CPS Sports Department. I was actually employed by the National Football Foundation where I ran a program called Play It Smart. The NFF gave our grant money to the Sports Department (which they screwed with).....They actually still owe me almost $3,000 because they finagled with my payroll. If you want a story, look into that one...I will be addressing this issue soon through legal channels because you were not professional enough to get your facts straight before you put my name on this blacklist... I am a proud educator who would pay a teacher out of my own salary if I could...I have actually paid coaches to coach with me out of my pocket...Good Day and we will be in touch C. Dactelides

March 6, 2011 at 10:22 AM

By: George N. Schmidt

CPS budget corruption and lies

March 6, 2011

We recently received a telephone call from an on line reader who came across our story about the "Millionaires List" (based on a CPS "Position File" provided to Substance under the Freedom of Information Act). Below is the e-mail we sent to him.


Dear Reader:

As you know from reading the "Millionaires List" (a story published in Substance and at more than a year and a half ago), your problem is not with us, but with Chicago Public Schools for having created that list and then provided it, under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, to us as a "Position File."

Before we published that information, we doublechecked with CPS and they assured us that that was a current "Position File" (as we report). I also called several of the people listed to confirm that none of them had received that "salary" during the time in question. CPS not only refused to respond, prior to our publication, but continued to refuse to explain how they had concocted that budget file, which had traditionally been 100 percent accurate (as I note in a subsequent comment in response to the comments) and corrupted it so much.

We checked out that information prior to publication. Your legal problem is not with Substance, but with CPS for having tampered with one of its basic computer finance documents, as I reported.

The story remains, but the story, as was made clear in the story and subsequently as the "Comments" unfolded, is a story of how the Ron Huberman administration at CPS corrupted the school system's Position File in ways that had been thought unlikely (actually, impossible) prior to when they did it.

As you can learn, the accuracy of CPS budget documents for the past several years is in question. We have been the only people reporting those facts, as they unfold and come to our attention. In fact, it was my concern at the time that the people on the list know that they had been listed as such by their employer (not by Substance; we only reported what a governmental body provided under FOIA). One concern was that the data in the Position File would be misinterpreted by the IRS, as you worry. Later in the same school year, the Board of Education provided the "W-2 File" (the document listing all salaries paid subject to income taxes for that year) and the problem did not recur, so what they reported to the IRS was considerably different from how they managed their finances within their fiscal year. That, I suspect, is between CPS and the IRS.

Your legal issues, thus, are also with CPS. Should you get some resolution from them after making such inquiries as you see fit, we will be glad to follow up with another story on how they misreport their financial documents, even in response to FOIA requests such as the one I submitted that gave rise to that story.

Thank you for your interest in Substance and for your concern. We share it.

George N. Schmidt,


March 6, 2011 at 1:28 PM

By: C.D

Thanks for the quick response

Thanks for the quick response to my inquiry this morning, I appreciate your recent helped me see this in a clearer light. I am proceeding to discuss this situation with the Chicago Public Schools. They actually still owe me money from my work. I worked tirelessly reaching out to the kids, parents and community building communnity programs and after-school programs for the CPS student-athletes only to be short-changed my last paycheck.

May 15, 2012 at 10:37 PM

By: M. Qaiyim

2009 budget article was inaccurate

My name is listed in this article, and trust me I do not make the money listed in the article. I'm a cheerleading coach and receive a stipend twice each year.

May 16, 2012 at 1:55 AM

By: George N. Schmidt

We reported that 2009 CPS budget numbers were inaccurate

It's nice to know that people are still finding interesting articles that Substance published several years ago, but as you can see reading the comments from back then, we knew that the figures (which were from CPS, not us) were inaccurate from the beginning. What we reported was what they were saying in their own documents, as an example of how they have been lying in their budget documents, without any kind of accountability.

What was true three CEOs ago (Ron Huberman) and under a previous mayor is still true today. And when CPS tries to push its Proposed Budget on the public next month, we will see those lies again.

Thanks, reader, for bringing this wonderful article back to life, but if you read both the article and the comments from then closely, you can see that we were showing how CPS corrupts its budget numbers, cynically assuming that the public won't care.

The same is true today, with other reporters (not Substance) simply repeating the mindless (and mind-numbing) claim that CPS is facing a "deficit" of $600 to $700 million." Like the listing of your million dollar salary back when Ron Huberman was Chicago's chief educator, this year's "deficit" claim is another of those big lies, only this year the chief educator is that guy who keeps repeating "College and career readiness" and "Common Core" like a programmed furry thingy from Toys R Us.

March 19, 2013 at 9:29 AM

By: Wendy LoBurgio

rights to use my name!!!!

To the person who wrote this article.....What gives you the right to publish my name and untrue info without my permission!!!! yes, I work for C.P.S, yes, it's in the sports department, but give me a break, a seasonal part time coach does not make anywhere near the amount that almost everyone on your list is stated to earn. I am guessing that you're trying to embarrass C.P.S because they sent you the wrong format of what you needed, but give it a break and admit that you know that those are the bucket list numbers and retract what you've said about our salaries and remove our names from your list....I WISH I WOULD HAVE FOUND THIS ARTICLE SOONER, YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO PUBLISH MY NAME WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!!


March 19, 2013 at 11:13 AM

By: George N. Schmidt

Public information is public...

Had you read the article and the comments completely, you would know that your name appeared in a public document produced by CPS. Your argument is with the administration that put those lies into that document, not with Substance for publishing the lies. Sorry, but that list was what CPS provided -- not something we made up. Therefore, TICKED OFF or not, you are screaming at the wrong people.

November 28, 2023 at 12:33 AM

By: Danielmos

charmingdate review

If you're interested in courting any Ukrainian girl from any relationship webpage then online courting platform is the best place where you need to drop in. The courting websites are very promising platform nowadays to find an acceptable associate. The first and a very powerful thing to think about when you're in search of on-line dating with Russian ladies is finding the fitting courting site. When the question is raised about courting, after all the choice to pick the Ukrainian girls deserves your first priority. 3. Be ready to start communicating with ladies in a realistic age group, if your searching the Ukrainian singles websites for a lady half your age or much more your going to be very upset and will in all probability waste 1000's of dollars travelling back and forth to Ukraine within the hope of marring a younger magnificence queen, it seldom occurs in fashionable instances and the days you can turn up, flash your passport about and some hours later have yourself a young bride are properly and really finished.

These may be different types of power and confidence, however they're nonetheless common traits of a typical European lady. The ladies you will notice listed below are all honest in their seek for happiness. It’s easy to set up a profile, search for potential companions, and get excellent matches generated based mostly on your preferences. There are plenty of free Ukrainian dating sites for the ladies, and in case you ask the search engine, it'll counsel a whole bunch and 1000's of them, so it is elementary to get lost amongst them. Be romantic. Although many Ukrainian girls could appear to be iron ladies at first sight, in their hearts, they're very gentle and romantic. Some secrets we keep from us and a few are kept from us. The average age of marriage in numerous European nations varies, and ladies charmingdate review could have a bit completely different views of family, however almost all European girls need to have a family one day and, most importantly, keep it wholesome and joyful. Most European singles aren’t afraid to alter their lives, and that’s one in every of the principle explanation why you can meet a whole lot of European singles online.

The Ukranian ladies are just about bold and when the fuss is about courting them you possibly can easily connect them with your vibe. Central and Western European singles usually marry companions who are 2-four years older, whereas Slavic ladies marry males who are 3-9 years older. A true Russian bride is the one who's prepared to do something for her man. As we’ve noted previously, a man who needs to start relationship a European girl can meet a special particular person on European dating websites. This could also be lengthy trips or even immigration, but if you actually like some country and Europe and would like to remain there for a very long time, and most importantly, can afford it, you'll be able to meet local singles in real life. So, there are some social, political, and cultural variations between the international locations, and every man in search of love in Europe should consider this, too. One large mistake Western men make whilst searching for Ukrainian singles is them to give the impression to a Ukrainian girls that you are there to rescue them from poverty and don't have to know something about their country. It’s the second-largest nation in Japanese Europe, and it’s not only identified for providing nice resorts, beautiful landscapes, and great places to have enjoyable, but Ukraine is a superb place to satisfy Ukrainian women.

The female users on the site are all pretty and it’s simply proved by the images you see proper after the registration. Local singles are as stunning as Slavic ladies, although there are fewer cultural limitations between them and Western men. Western European girls, in turn, are decision-makers, too, often caring about their self-development more than anything else. What are the best European nations for dating? Moreover, Interracial Match only provides its relationship app for Android customers. This characteristic is resourceful and can save users plenty of time and complications. While a premium membership allows for added features, customers might want to opt for the free option to make the relationship expertise extra customized. You might want to ask questions to reveal your interests, make compliments to highlight your girlfriend’s significance, and present gifts to please your sweetheart. Up to now Russian women, it is advisable turn out to be a very energetic and energetic particular person! You must know whether he or she is real or not.

December 5, 2023 at 9:02 AM

By: Johnsux

On September 28 Zimbabwe was left in a state of shock after it was introduced that one of many nation's most notorious politicians, Robert Mugabe had died. In case you imagine that cultural differences can wreck the wedding and if you want to fulfill a neighborhood woman, simply choose a dating web site for people in search of a severe relationship, filter your matches by location (you'll be able to narrow the search to your metropolis or state). Okay, it doesn’t sound very romantic, but it doesn’t imply that in such a type of relationship, there is no such thing as a room for affection, commitment, and love. A lot of ladies in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America are on the lookout for a man who doesn’t drink a lot, doesn’t cheat, is able to settle down, and is in a position to supply for a family. Some western males are in search of attractive, feminine, caring, and extra importantly, family-minded individuals. That is sufficient for men and women to search out matches and to know who may be the proper person they’ve been all the time on the lookout for.

The site gives a variety of features and tools to help users find their latamdate scam good match, making it a wonderful option for anyone searching for love within the Latin group. Discover out what features (textual content chat, video chat, gifts, calls, contact request, translation, special video games, extended and fundamental search) are provided. If you employ the suitable site, good search algorithms, and understand how to select up girls online, you’ll succeed. Some guys say that they don’t want so many filters and use primary search. For essentially the most part, these are all energetic members, with a sprinkling of customers who don’t go browsing day by day. Don’t choose the primary effectively-designed site that seems okay. This is the very best site for overseas brides because it permits them to discover a compatible overseas partner from Canada, the USA, and even New Zealand. That’s how the historical past of mail order brides has started. Quizzes and questionnaires make your profile interesting and detailed, and that’s what all members of relationship websites, together with niche mail order bride platforms like. Among other mail order bride websites, AsianMelodies wins in the number of Asian ladies who are concerned about foreigners. The earlier 15th-century restoration used beams donated by King Edward IV of England, who also donated lead to cover the roof; nonetheless, this lead was taken by the Ottoman Turks, who melted it down for ammunition to use in war in opposition to Venice.

LatinAmericanCupid will use these preferences as filters to create an inventory of possible appropriate companions. In any other case, they will just be disillusioned. After managing the filters, you will see only these girls who match your preferences. Your dating life will drastically change after you register at the web site for free. Get on the web site now, arrange an interesting profile, and use 30 free credit with ladies from Latin America. Try the LaDate webpage and break the ice with fantastic Latina ladies. Latin ladies are attentive to their husband’s problems and their needs. There are quite a few totally different languages spoken all over the area. There are other elements that make it work. In the present day, marrying a mail order bride is not a random choice; by contrast, it's a extra considerate and cautious selection that someone can make. How do the perfect mail order brides websites work? How to differentiate them and select a website with actual brides and excessive-high quality features?

Among other things, we inspired you to compare options offered by totally different platforms. Good platforms additionally enhance their providers, provide new options like gift delivery providers, video chats, cellphone calls, romance tours, translation providers, tons of tips for singles, and so on. to make the expertise as nice as doable. No surprise more and more mail order bride marriages work - platforms and companies join singles with actually good matches and let them begin a real relationship. So, we mentioned this scheme could be efficient for singles. So, these were the principle the explanation why individuals keep utilizing such providers. The first thing that you must know is that you are not the only person utilizing on-line dating to satisfy people. The online courting sites are available that present assured satisfaction to every person. LainBeautyDate is a regional on-line dating website that accepts western men looking for relationships with Latin ladies and Latin women who’d like to discover a overseas boyfriend or a future husband. I saw 4 men during my 20s, all for a few year at a time, but I did not have a plan or wishlist then.

December 7, 2023 at 12:25 AM

By: Codyeyz scam

Then, if you’re having a very good time, you'll be able to keep longer and get food. Having ADHD is a part of your personal medical info. To maintain your self protected from scams, don't give out private information to potential dates and never entertain requests for money. ADT can verify in with you thru a call or textual content to ensure you are protected. You possibly can then use this number like you would use your regular phone number: to chat or textual content. Due to technology development, dating must be simpler than ever, with several ways to meet individuals on-line, keep up with them on social media, and talk to them via textual content and video calls. For those who ask her to be all the time available for you, cover their profiles, or question her sincerity when communicating her online, you're leaving her a tricky impression and it may result in a relationship failure. Keep away from area of interest dating services. Even if all of us implement simply one of the seven ideas above, then 2022 must be a extra productive year for relationship. In the event you don’t tell the other person your preferences and merely reply to all the texts, then that is what you get.

Learn: “When Do I Inform a brand new Boyfriend About My ADHD? One other good security precaution is to use a service like ADT SoSecure, which lets you share your location with household and quickly call for assist in an emergency. Another security precaution you may utilize is to make use of a service just like the SoSecure by ADT app, which lets you share your location with family and quickly name for assist in an emergency. In case, you want to know how you can mend the broken coronary heart, you then got here to right place. 3. Belief your heart to choose the correct individual for you at this point in your life. This is a biggie, proper here. Quite a bit of those questions enable you notice that everyone is messed up in a lot of the way and you’re not the only one,” provides Metselaar. Remember: whilst you might be capable to have fun alongside the best way, you’re in the end in university to learn and potentially foster a future profession.

You might even consider giving them access to your location through iOS or an app like Find My Friends. You need not look like Brad Pitt to be a gorgeous man. 2) I might catch flack for this: once you exit, make it a degree to look put collectively and approachable and friendly. You haven't any management over how they act or what they is likely to be prepared to do when they're drunk. Many velocity courting organizations assist you with this by taking your money off you before you attend, so that if you don't attend the session, you may have wasted your cash! Whereas a number of the more normal recommendation from ChatGPT will help, Amy Nobile, who owns courting coaching service Love, Amy, stated there are deeper layers to relationships that AI cannot get to. You need to be able to get yourself home safely, and you place your self at risk when intoxicated. However, there's always some danger involved when meeting someone for the first time, particularly in case you met them online.

However, the procedure of dating has been changed a lot. For example, let’s say you choose phone calls, but the particular person you’re relationship solely texts you. Let’s hope 2022 brings more well being and happiness to a lot of the world. Erika Ettin is the founding father of A bit of Nudge, the place she helps others navigate the world of online dating. However even with multiple apps and bar options, it's hard to know the right way to navigate the world of relationship. Make your plans for the first date straight throughout the courting app. When you find yourself conversing with somebody on a relationship app and that individual asks to modify over to direct texting on your cellphone instead (by giving or asking for a phone quantity), there is a 60% probability the date will now not happen. Nobile stated. Some examples embody asking about their favorite podcast or brunch spot. Below I share a few of my favorite dating advice - together with inspiring emotional support - to inspire you to remain optimistic about discovering a cheerful relationship. Relationship is a numbers sport, so to search out the diamonds within the tough, you want the tough.

October 8, 2024 at 2:05 PM

By: Johnhab

The advisors you could chat with are all experienced and qualified, they can offer you great personalised relationship recommendation. Mr Treamer was additionally found to have been a part of a gaggle chat on Instagram, which included Pupil A and different college students, in response to the report. Good communication is a crucial part of all relationships and is an important part of any healthy partnership. One factor that many will try and do is uncover if the reason behind your problems in your relationships is because of the issues between the 2 of you or is it due to problems that originated early on in both your life or the opposite people life. But they shouldn't cease us from trusting the individuals in our lives to do the correct factor. Not often. They know I don't love that type of thing. I don't know. I don't have a whole lot of shut buddies. Yes. We're best associates. I'm undecided we'd be friends if we weren't collectively. Mother-daughter relationships are as various as the ladies and women involved in them. For instance, he might say that he opines that women and men should share the responsibility of elevating kids and home work.

Yes. They are saying they're "simply kidding," but it surely really hurts my feelings. Yes. They are saying it signifies that I'm not targeted sufficient on our relationship. Probably. My partner means properly, however that doesn't at all times translate to them following by on guarantees. If only one associate is required to act with transparency, then it turns into more of a type of punishment or humiliation, and not one thing that may deliver the 2 of you together. Then you'll be able to turn out to be conscious of your issues and begin working on them. By conserving that in thoughts when speaking to folks on-line you'll realize that both events achieve much more from the mutual relationship you will have. Another is the fixed together with wholesome and balanced interplay, consistent interplay though on quarrels wouldn't enable you to to presently have a sustained lengthy distance relationship, don’t overlook constant disagreement may presumably be among the listing of situation a your passion for each other will certainly kick the bucket. It will have a profound effect on the relationship in addition to in your own private life.

To get my accomplice to do something across the house, I need to nag and nag and nag. Let's face it - when you've got been with someone for a very long time, they occasionally get in your nerves. I need to seek out somebody who appreciates me more. Our targets for the longer term are roughly the identical, though we need to debate what our timeframe is. latamdate scam However, if you are feeling like your associate does not really take the time to hearken to you or respect your boundaries, your relationship could also be unsupportive. No. My partner may not respect me if they knew all the pieces about me. If you're pressured or coerced to work on one thing you have no curiosity in, how much ardour or power will you put into it and the way a lot respect will you've for the person doing the coercing. He/she cherished you for the particular person you are. Who's the primary particular person you are going to name? Yes. Unless one thing major is occurring, my accomplice retains their word. We will ask you questions on the way you and your accomplice sometimes relate to each other. Answer these questions and see. Of course, many relationships fall between these two extremes.

All mom-daughter relationships fall underneath which class? The theme for relationships is definitely very common, why? It’s one of those easy but fully unexpected actions that spare your relationship from full break because it reminds you why you love your partner and why you are in the relationship in the primary place. As we are buying some good progress in the process, we should search for major causes on why we should go about it. They do not, until I happen to be performing at an event that pursuits them for different reasons. We don't have many interests in common, but we're each keen to study extra about each other's passions. No. We want to have very separate schedules. Yes. It helps us coordinate our schedules. A CRM system helps businesses arrange and centralize their information on clients, permitting for easier entry and buyer help. Automation capabilities have been added to many CRM methods, automating various workflow automation processes, comparable to duties, calendars and alerts. However, market research relating to shoppers' preferences might increase the adoption of CRM among developing international locations' consumers. If you want to market your self then there are a selection of the way you can avail. He posits that good relations between enterprises and clients outcomes in more efficient benchmarking, figuring out new potential merchandise, scale back the associated fee of recent product improvement and increase market acceptance of products.

October 11, 2024 at 6:05 AM

By: Smithcko

latamdate review

There are lots of members in the neighborhood which might be pleasant and keen to help out with regard to this process. They mentioned if Molly isn't discovered quickly, other relations will be part of them to cover a wider area. A builder who killed himself was discovered when police had been alerted by customers of an online chat room, an inquest has heard. US teachers additionally found comparable outcomes when they checked out achievement in faculties in England that had banned mobile phones and so created at least part of the day away from messaging and social media. With coronavirus circumstances on the rise once more, could this transformation plans to loosen up guidelines in England on 21 June? Listed here are 5 things it's essential to know in regards to the coronavirus pandemic this Monday morning. On the other hand, dating web sites have profiles that show nearly every little thing you need to know concerning the person. Internet courting has at all times fascinated me and that i've lastly gone through with it!

There's a deeply insightful quote from Wired Magazine that basically says the next: 20 years from now, folks trying to find love with out discovering it via internet dating services is like looking for the best e-book by accident in a library, without going through the card catalog first. They're the precise platform for you if you're searching for current information about Africa and Africans. Considered one of crucial things a woman can do in a relationship to end it instantly. If there is only one factor that you take from this put up, please let or not it's this. Just add some CSS and some photographs to get the identical factor. Can you actually revise for exams at the same time as conducting a number of simultaneous conversations on social media? That provides you a list of people accessible on-line at the same time you log in, to befriend them no matter if they know them for years or just new acquaintances.

It's nameless - individuals will not essentially know who you are earlier than you meet. In an internet Q&A, Whirlpool, the spokesman for Lulzsec, who describes himself as "captain of the Lulz Boat", agreed that their objectives now go beyond that: "Politically motivated moral hacking is extra fulfilling". An annual report this year indicated how a lot of children's media time was now spent alone and by way of a computer device. The man, from Derbyshire, stated he fell in love with the woman latamdate scam despite by no means assembly her in real life, and he is now taking anti-depressants. Meeting people online by chat can lead to both constructive or detrimental results. They is likely to be mixing up chat about exam revision with socialising, she says, so it isn't at all times a clear separation between learning and responding to the subsequent social media message. YouTube is likely to be a soundtrack for placing off working, but it should even be considered one of the most important unofficial revision providers on the planet. A perfect date is the one with whom you'll be able to plan your future with. Learning tips on how to date online is pretty easy. SinglesNet is the place where you may find yourself a date - on-line. The world's toughest place to study?

Somerset Day will take place on eleven May, in honour of King Alfred the great. Additionally it is fairly secure, so long as you are taking the necessary precautions beforehand, like suggesting to meet your date in a public place in the day time, and by no means going back to their home till you could have been on a few dates with them and establish they are trustworthy. How do you lure tourists again this summer? Let's Get You Back Out there! We've been sending messages again and forth for round five months and I think we're lastly ready to meet face to face! Many corporations decide the very best date for a web-based assembly by sending an invitation to the meeting. The dependency on assembly individuals instantly and calling them too usually has started to dwindle as assembly people on the web and to talk on-line is extra favorable as a result of it reduces the journey time in contacting a friend conventionally, and likewise cuts down the cost factor involved in doing it through mobiles and phones. Increasingly persons are meeting their companions on-line than ever earlier than.

October 15, 2024 at 6:18 AM

By: Danielite

charmdate review

Since particular person dad and mom clearly should look after their youngsters and keep their house so as, in addition to additionally they need to generate the money to keep parts operating, their on a regular basis schedule would possibly present extra advantages than a giant firm CEO's amount of labor. Maybe considered one of you has more money than the other. When really like has lastly taken main in one another people coronary heart after a number of connection sessions, one other downside that may seem with the change in public tips the place every side of the get together need to cause on a financial foundation as an alternative of men being folks like within the final. Paying to satisfy people does hurt the wallet and what actually gets me is when your membership expires and also you get an curiosity from somebody that you desire to to connect with. Simply creating a fantastic profile of your self, adding some descent photos and making contact doesn't hurt your self esteem. Any extra financial contribution in anything, not simply in creating relationships, is perhaps completely out of the picture for them.

You might also need gloves, a wheelbarrow and presumably fencing to protect your backyard from animals. Your potential dates is likely to be judging the market before committing to reply at all. John believes in digital promoting in an effort to create consciousness for his business and to drive consumer demand. This means that upon signing up, you would need to shell out money in order for the match-finding process to begin. Sometimes, the process is quite simple. Becoming 1 mom is regarded a pure results of components. You might find when single mom she tends to ignore about some components related to you or essential to you and relationship single men. Millions of people world wide use online dating sites and apps. On this regard, the side of love-looking out can also be thought of a click away due to present free relationship websites that promise on the spot love and achievement. And like how instantaneous online dating can convey love to singles, online dating additionally contains an inherent risk that can carry danger to singles as nicely. We’ve got you. Our members are lively and searching to meet someone simply like you. Zoosk is considered one of few international dating websites that has one thing to offer those looking for brief-time period flings and lengthy-term relationships.

I've really had extra success with free online dating websites. How is Grouper completely different from different online dating websites? That is where courting sites in Canada have grow to be so in style with all of us Canadians. Canadians in British Columbia, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia are actively utilizing the internet to meet people and develop relationships. A few of the most important relationship websites are free with thousands if not hundreds of thousands of users accessing the database to fulfill other individuals. These sites have free video and chat and advanced search programs the place users are capable of narrow down their search to specifically meet their standards. Despite the numerous scams throughout the internet, international dating websites nonetheless appeal to many people each single day. The date becomes in the future later as one travels throughout it in western route, and sooner or later earlier as one travels across it in japanese path. However, after getting a timeframe, extra issues may lay uncovered on relationship particular person mothers' course as they may take over the whole discussion during the time-frame with testimonies and points about being 1 mother or father. I quit the profession I had been constructing for over 7 years and i left my 10-12 months relationship with my girlfriend who I assumed I used to be going to marry.

Woman. Forty one years previous. No woman likes to reveal her age after a certain level, however saying you might be ten years youthful than what you actually are will not be a good suggestion. The mature relationship websites are for individuals on the age of 50 and above which means that they are approach above the not so severe stage of life. As described above, connection personal mothers and dads are already making an attempt their finest to keep their way of life going. Therefore, connection private mothers and fathers must hook up that concept to their perhaps future-spouse so each actions charmdate review can arrive at good way for lengthy-lasting connections. Unlike the 2 past issues which stress on what connection personal mothers and dads should change on their side, this third downside needs to be thought of together as a a number of. This text wishes to assist males comprehend more of these issues once they resolve currently particular person dad and mom. Some particular person females, alternatively, have chosen to maintain their infants and grow to be particular person dad and mom. The one actual distinction is that you retain the money in your wallet and never give it to a paid courting site. However, the money ended up in financial institution accounts linked to the fraudsters.

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