Media Watch: More Catalyst Censorhip
The following posting was kicked off Catalyst magazine's blog at 5:00 a.m. on August 26, 2009. I'm posting it here (all italcs are verbatim what I wrote there) as part of our ongoing discussion in "Media Watch" of corporate censorship and self-censorship in Chicago's corporate media (Sun-Times, Tribune, TV news, etc.) and its lesser outposts (Catalyst and some other "non-profit" thingies). To be frank, I think it's almost a joke worthy of the Second City main stage when the word "fraud" is censored out of a blog. Imagine if The Wall Street Journal had to cover Bernie Madoff, Lehman Brothers, AIG, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, Bear Stearns, and the SEC during the past 15 months (yes, it's been that short a time since corporate America destroyed the so-called "global economy") without using the word "fraud."
This is truly 1984 Memory Hole stuff.
One of the reasons why a robotic censor who stops the "F" word most useful in describing Wall Street and CPS (Fr - - d, not F -ck) is that it's so necessary at times like this.
I bring you the latest Substance scoop courtesy of former Hyde Park High School teacher John Kugler (who is one of more than a thousand teachers, principals and AIOs purged during the last three months so Ron Huberman could hire the MBAs, CTAs, and other incompetents and crooks to run the nation's third largest school system).
The story is called
"EXTRA! Deregulation at 'CAO' level lets convicted frauds run Chicago areas... Huberman appoints convicted fraudster to new 'AO' position"
and it is, for now, the lead story at
Of course, I'm sure Catalyst will be able to get another fawning interview with Ron Huberman so he can describe how his "data driven" management system has to rely on non-teachers (after all, if you can't mistrust a teacher or principal, who can you slander?).
It's all up there are
Let's see how long the stories that will unfold today will take it to make it into the corporate media so they are fit fodder for the blogosphere.
And as they say, it's five a.m. and I'm outta here!