

Unity Destroyed by CTU Politics and Greed

There were verbal fights over at Operation PUSH yesterday between rival supporters for the mayoral race. Inside the building that stands for unity in the city.

The building that helped build black power in Chicago.

The building that helped put current CTU leadership in power. All that work over the past 14 years wasted for political power.

We used to have 80-100 people at Operation PUSH, all working together.fighting for the common good. People from all political backgrounds, coming together for mutual support.

Then came along Robin Potter and her son who took advantage of the people's good will and trust and made a bunch of money. That is where the problems started.

People making money off others' misery.

The same is true today, who is making money from the over 4.7 million CTU has spent recently on politics? Did that money go to black contractors? Black media companies? Black political advisors? Black youth who don't have jobs?

CTU is using conflict, disruption and chaos to build its brand as a fighter for future politics locally and nationally. A brand they will sell across the Nation and across the world. A brand that could care less about poor kids on city streets. A brand built to bring in money for more political spending.

CTU busted up the black vote this time, because they were against Lightfoot for revenge for the last election where they got wiped out, yet most of the black wards still voted for Lightfoot this time around, making one wonder what side CTU is really on.

Money and politics is making enemies out of friends; it destroyed the unity of the black community.

Who is spending all that money? Who is greedy for power?

Who ... the ctu that's who

The Community was unified behind Lightfoot that is how she won all 50 wards. Who demonized Lightfoot!? Who called her names and made Scooby Doo cartoons about her ?

Who ... the ctu that's who

Look at who started this trouble, who split the community, who will profit from millions and millions of dollars in political spending.

Who ... the ctu that's who

Not you.


Sources for Report

Chicago mayoral election: Vallas supporters disrupt Johnson presser criticizing his education record By Craig Wall WLS Thursday, March 16, 2023 7:00PM

See How They Voted: Stunning Map Shows Lightfoot Victory in All 50 Wards Published April 3, 2019

This Map Shows Exactly How the City of Chicago Voted for Mayor in the 2023 Election

By Francie Swidler and NBC 5 Staff • Published March 1, 2023

Seventy-eight displaced teachers sign grievance after grievance meetings at PUSH... Teachers Organize and Fight Back Against Terminations

By John Kugler - July 02, 2010 Operation PUSH (People United to Serve Humanity) by Blackpast Dec 13, 2007

[ Nepotism ] Mother of Chicago Teachers Union Trustee gets $4 million while fired black teachers get only $12,000 each by Emi Yamamoto

Chicago Teachers Union spends $17M on Illinois political campaigns by Mailee Smith, Jon Josko January 26, 2023

Chicago Teachers Union’s big spending on Brandon Johnson for mayor draws criticism over union influence and pushback among some members By Sarah Macaraeg, A.D. Quig, Alice Yin and Gregory Pratt Feb 19, 2023 at 5:00 am

Chicago Teachers Union Under Fire From Within for Campaign Spending by Paris Schutz Feb 22, 2023

Letters: The CTU’s organizing does not equal a machine Chicago Tribune Mar 06, 2023 at 3:28 pm


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