
[10 Years Ago] Whittier Library Holds Out... Chicago Teachers Union officers to donate books

Substance News will be republishing our work to show how Chicago Public Schools and the City of Chicago has always attacked and abused the poor, working class and miniority comminties in Chicago, as it relates to access to public eduction and resouces.

The story below is about a local school field house in the Pilsen comminuty of Chicago, that was demolished for political reasons.

What ever happened to La Casita and what happened to the fight for resourecs in Pilsen? or was it the beginging of faux fights to gin up the masses without follow through, as a ruse to placate, rather than fight and win against the ruling class of Chicago.

Dr. Kugler, Editor

Substance News


Officers of the Chicago Teachers Union will be at Chicago's Whittier Elementary School Field House at 1930 (or so) W. 23rd St. on Friday morning, October 1, 2010, at 10:00 a.m. to donate 500 books collected by the officers to the growing library at the Whittier Field House. (The main building of Whittier school is at 1900 W. 23rd St. The field house is to the west of the main building adjacent to the playlot). Parents their supporters have been staging a sit-in at the Whittier Field House for more than two weeks, demanding that the building be converted into a library, which the school does not have. The Chicago Public Schools has been trying to evict the protesters from the building so that it can demolish the building and clear the land as part of a politically hot plan to convert the entire area into a soccer field that will primarily be used by a nearby Catholic school, Cristo Rey.

According to a CTU press release issued on September 30, 2010:

CTU officers to donate books to Whittier library

WHO: CTU officers Vice President Jesse Sharkey, Financial Secretary Kristine Mayle, Recording Secretary Michael Brunson and CTU staffer and former Whittier teacher Nate Goldbaum.

WHAT: Press statement and media questions

WHEN: October 1, 2010 at 10:00 a.m.

WHERE: 1900 West 23rd Street, Chicago, IL WHY: CTU officers will support the school parents’ demands for a school library and donate over 500 books to Whittier children.


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