
Substance holiday open house and book give away

Substance staff members and friends are invited to a holiday open house and book give away on Dec. 23, 2 - 6 p.m., at the Schmidt home. Substance founder and editor George Schmidt (1946-2018) was a voracious reader. Our family has so many books that he read, which we would like to make available to our friends. There is something for everyone as George read books of history, unions, newspapers, education, economics, politics, Shakespeare, poetry and fiction. We also have many movie and TV series DVDs we'd love to share. Email


December 15, 2019 at 1:01 PM

By: Theresa D. Daniels

Substance creativity and generosity

Sharon, you (and Substance staff and friends) are a virtual fountain of creativity and generosity. What a great and generous idea to share your precious treasures of George with the rest of us. I'll be there at 2 pm for the first crack at the fiction and the DVDs ;=D)

Love to all,


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