NIX THE NETWORKS! Analysis of CPS 'Position File' shows that Claypool has been increasing bureaucracy through his own cronyism and by pushing the patronage jobs out into the so-called 'Networks'...
Because the current leadership of the Chicago Teachers Union refuses to maintain an independent research capacity that analyzes the finances of the Chicago Board of Education, for more than two years the union's 26,000 members have been at the mercy of the Board of Education's versions of reality. And these versions, promulgated by the current Chief Executive Officer, Forrest Claypool, and the current mayor, Rahm Emanuel, make the same claim the union leadership has joined itself to: There is no money in Chicago for the public schools, so everyone should go to "Springfield" and demand that the State of Illinois contribute a larger share of Chicago's public education budget.
Alongside these claims is the claim that CPS, for the tenth or twelfth year in a row, has cut "administration" and "bureaucracy" "to the bone" and that, therefore, the only place left to cut is at the local school level. Hence: Furloughs for school workers and additional cutbacks in the schools.
By: Jo-Anne Cairo
Maybe the CTU better WAKE-UP, because their membership is dwindling, and CPS is getting larger. Who needs money, Where is the money, who\'s getting the money?