Despite what the Trump administration is claiming, human-caused Climate Change is real and a real danger... Kim Scipes speaking at Open University of the Left in Lincoln Park on March 18...
Few people in the country were as much against environmental protection as Scott Pruitt. As a result, President Trump appointed Pruitt to head the Environmental Protection Agency. NPR photo.Anyone near DePaul University's Lincoln Park campus who wishes to celebrate St. Patrick's Day in a very interesting way should make sure to be at the Lincoln Park library next Saturday, March 18, 2017, for the "Open University of the Left." Kim Scipes, historian and author, will be speaking there at 1150 W. Fullerton at 2:30 next Saturday. Given the recent appointment by Donald Trump of a climate change "denier" as head of the Environmental Protection Agency, the forum couldn't be taking place at a better time. And since the event is in the afternoon, many who attend will be able to continue their day at Irish Eyes of some other place suited to such libations and celebrations.
The announcement of the event invites everyone to join "Open University of the Left" on Saturday, March 18 at 2:30 pm at the Lincoln Park Public Library 1150 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago, free parking, wheelchair accessible, (Red Line: Fullerton)...
Dr. Kim Scipes presents: Climate Change: Understanding and then Going "Outside the Box" for a Solution.
Climate change is a real thing, caused by human beings. Humans have thrown more carbon dioxide and related chemicals into the atmosphere than at any time in the last 800,000 years. Dr. Scipes asserts that failure to significantly reduce these "greenhouse gas" will result in the beginning of extinction of humans, animals and many plants by the year 2100. He will discuss this and related issues, and will propose a plan for addressing these problems that goes far beyond any developed program to date.
Open University of the Left welcomes back Kim Scipes former Chair of the National Writers Union, UAW local #1981 and an Associate Professor of Sociology at Purdue University Northwest in Westville, Indiana. Kim is a long-time labor and social justice activist. He has been teaching an upper-division academic course on "The Environment and Social Justice" for over 10 years.