TRUMPWACHT... Donald Trump's Nazi roots are exposed by historical research into Trump's own 'family values'. First question: What was Donald doing during the Vietnam War now that he's praising 'veterans' in every speech but somehow avoided the military service at the height of the Vietnam War?...
During the years prior to the Japanese attack on the United States (Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941), American Nazis were organizing, especially in areas where a large number of Germans and German Americans were present. Many of those were angry at the mistreatment of Germans in the USA during World War I and shared the anger of Germans over the Versailles Treaty, but from a different perspective. Above, an American Nazi rally in New York's Madison Square Garden in February 1939. Much more information is available on line now than was available in earlier years, so interested readers can check out the history of "America First" and its Nazi roots during the 1930s. The elimination of the facts of history from many children's studies is now exploding, as the Republican candidate for President of the United States, Donald Trump (original family name, Drumpf) calls on his followers to "Maker America Great Again" and for a new "America First" campaign. Also, an ethnic scapegoat (this time Mexican and Mexican Americans) and a religious enemy (this time Muslims, then, Jews) are part of the program. So why aren't more critics noting the obvious: Donald Trump's model for his 2016 election campaign in the USA is Adolf Hitler's campaign for President of Germany in 1932?
This isn't "dog whistle" politics or some other obscure metaphor from the pundits. It's a straightforward return to the historical roots of the Trump family and the ideological roots of Donald Trump.
The comparisons are eerie:
-- In 2016, Donald Trump just called for an America First campaign. The last time people in the USA heard that was back in the late 1930s, when Charles Lindberg and the Bundists (America's 1930s Nazis) did their "America First" campaign, financed by Nazi Germany.
-- Adolf Hitler's 1932 election campaign in Germany utilized the slogan "Make Germany Great Again!" -- the future dictator's denunciation of the Treat of Versailles and its reparations...
-- And let's not overlook Donald Trump's sudden love of the military and veterans. While nobody is asking Trump why he is not himself of veteran, since he came of age during the height of the Vietnam War and had every opportunity to show his courage in battle and his willingness to defend the USA back then -- but didn't.
I'll be outlining these facts in several installments here as the months go on. I wore a HIllary Clinton tee shirt during the AFT convention because Trump is a greater danger than has ever been noted so far: all his models are from the era of Nazism in Germany and Nazism in the USA, especially during the late 1930s ("America First" is just part of all that). Brushing aside the silly claim that anyone who makes a comparison between current events and historical realities noting these things, we have to really look closely at Trump, the Trump family, and the Trump roots. At every point Donald Trump and before him his father Fred Trump were on the far far right in American politics, with both taking their models from Nazi Germany and Adolf Hitler's strategy and tactics for taking power in the early 1930s.
It may be too late for many American voters to learn enough of the facts of German politics -- and American fascism and "isolationism" -- to see all this between now and November 2016, but it has to be said, and taught.