Chicago Veterans for Peace launches billboard campaign to end the militarization of Chicago's schools... 'We, the Chicago Chapter of Veterans for Peace, are pursuing a many-pronged campaign to bring Peace at Home and Peace Abroad by focusing on youth and the demilitarization of public education'...
Chicago Veterans for Peace leaders Robert Lamont (left) and Arne Stieber (right) have spoken out against the militarization of Chicago's public schools since the Fall of 2013, when the organization began its campaign to "de-militarize" the nation's third largest school system. Above, Lamont and Stieber at the podium during the Board's February 24, 2016 meeting. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.The Veterans for Peace organization announced on March 14, 2016 that it was launching a campaign to end the militarization of Chicago's public schools. Members of the group have spoken at virtually every meeting of the Chicago Board of Education over the past few years, raising the same demand, but not one member of the Board has even asked them about their policy proposals.
The veterans organization will be sponsoring five billboards across town pushing the them "No Military in Chicago Public Schools. Education Not Militarization..." The billboards will be up from March through May 2016.
Chicago Chapter of Veterans for Peace... How: Military veterans from Chicago commence billboard campaign.
Rory Fanning: 312-415-2464,
Arny Stieber 734-216-1814,
Website: What: Demanding an end to the epidemic of militarization in Chicago Public Schools.
When: Monday, March 14, 2016 through May 2016
Where: Throughout Chicago
The Chicago Chapter of Veterans For Peace will be sponsoring billboards to confront the militarization epidemic sweeping the Chicago Public School system. The billboards will highlight the theme of Education Not Militarization.
One message is: No Military in Chicago Public Schools. Education Not Militarization. With a graphic and the above web site. The billboards are on a digital network and will circulate across Chicago - 5 different locations each week. For the week of 3/14 they will be at: 1. Clark and Waveland. East side of Clark, 350' north of Waveband. 2. Webster and Clybourn, on the NE corner. 3. Ogden and Madison, west side of Ogden, 40' north of Madison 4. Milwaukee and Chicago, west side of Milwaukee, 600' south of Chicago. 5. Chicago and Ashland, south side of Chicago. CPS is the most militarized school system in the nation with over 10,000 youth (50% Black 45% Latino) in some form of military training. From elementary to high school, these young people are being taught that the military model of conflict resolution by violence is the right way to resolve issues.
As veterans we�ve experienced the military from inside, and many of us have fought in one or more of our country�s all-too-frequent wars. Despite the common claims of recruiters, generals, corporate media and politicians, we can tell you that when the military is sent in they are there to dominate any person or group that is rightly, wrongly or unnecessarily identified as an enemy, and that the military�s core method is violence. Domination and violence, and consequently the military, have no place in the lives of our youth or in our schools. Our schools should teach cooperation, conflict resolution skills and restorative justice.
About Veterans for Peace... We, the Chicago Chapter of Veterans for Peace, are pursuing a many-pronged campaign to bring Peace at Home, Peace Abroad by focusing on youth and the demilitarization of public education. We've been speaking at every CPS Board of Education meeting since the fall of 2013.
ARNY STIEBER, Coordinator,
Join us!
Twitter @DeMilitarizeCPS
cell 734-216-1814 (voice & text) "Peace at Home, Peace Abroad" Veterans For Peace is an international 501(c)3 organization of military veterans and allies whose main purpose is to serve the cause of world peace. Founded in 1985, Veterans For Peace is the only veterans organization in the world that is recognized by the United Nations.