Postal workers union endorses Sanders, notes how many Democrats have pushed privatization and other attacks on public workers...
U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, candidate for President of the United States.As the rank-and-file from many of America's unions have rallied to support Bernie Sanders, for the most part the nation's largest unions, often against the rank and file, have been endorsing Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party nomination. Following the enormous sellout by Barack Obama (Arne Duncan is all most people have to say) following the elation at the 2008 Obama election, skeptical teachers and other workers have had to be moved into activity despite their disappointment. Even though the national leadership of both teacher unions, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, have decided to support Clinton, the odds are that a significant minority -- perhaps a majority -- of the unions' rank and file disagrees about Clinton. For AFT members and delegates (including this reporter), the question arises: what will happen when the union's delegates arrive at the unions' national conventions in July 2016.
On November 12, 2015, the Postal Workers Union issued the following statement:
American Postal Workers Union Executive Board Endorses Bernie Sanders for President
American Postal Workers Union. November 12, 2015,
American Postal Workers Union
The Executive Board of the 200,000 member American Postal Workers Union has endorsed Senator Bernie Sanders for President.
11/12/2015 - WASHINGTON -- The American Postal Workers Union announced today that its National Executive Board has voted to endorse Bernie Sanders for president. The vote follows Sanders’ rousing speech to more than 2,000 activists at the union’s All-Craft Conference, held in Las Vegas, in late October, where he displayed a deep understanding of postal issues and workers’ concerns.
“Politics as usual has not worked. It’s time for a political revolution,” said APWU President Mark Dimondstein. “We should judge candidates not by their political party, not by what they say, not by what we think they stand for, but by what they do. Applying that criterion, Sen. Bernie Sanders stands above all others as a true champion of postal workers and other workers throughout the country.
“He doesn’t just talk the talk. He walks the walk,” he said. “He is a leader in the fight to protect the public Postal Service.”
In their deliberations, APWU’s board members considered Sanders’ record on postal issues including his opposition to USPS policies that have degraded mail service; his efforts to keep post offices and mail facilities open; and his leadership in passing a ‘sense of the Senate’ resolution to restore service standards that were lowered earlier this year. The Senate voted to approve that resolution by a margin of 85-11.
Beyond his past record, APWU members have been inspired by Sanders plans for the future of USPS. “Bernie Sanders is a fierce advocate of postal reform. He staunchly opposes postal privatization, and supports enhanced postal services, including postal banking,” said Dimondstein. “Based on his Senate record, we are confident he will appoint good people to public office and end conflicts of interest. He has already blocked the slate of nominees to the postal Board of Governors that includes the ‘king of postal privatizers’ James Miller and payday lending industry lobbyist Mickey Barnett. No other candidate has his record of exposing the rule of the billionaire class,” Dimondstein said. “Sanders is refusing all corporate money. He doesn’t have a super-PAC.”
More Than Postal Issues
Sanders’ long commitment to working people beyond postal workers was also an important reason for the endorsement. “No other candidate has his record of standing with workers on picket lines, fighting for a $15 per hour minimum wage, supporting free public college tuition, and advocating for veterans’ benefits,” said Dimondstein. “And, no other candidate has his record of fighting to defend and expand Social Security, promoting ‘Medicare for all,’ and opposing ‘fast track trade authority’ and rotten trade deals like the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP).”
The National Executive Board is encouraging union members, who live and work in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and all U.S. territories, to participate in Sanders rallies, join Labor for Bernie, and help elect Bernie Sanders President.
The American Postal Workers Union represents 200,000 employees of the United States Postal Service, and is affiliated with the AFL-CIO. For more information, visit