Union and CORE meetings set for August 24... 'Chicago Teacher' video and music are a reminder of our most recent roots... Protests and 'People's Board Meeting' to take place at CPS on August 26...
One of the dozen major marches during the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012 took place on September 12, 2012 (above). Chicago's ruling class seems to believe that its lies about "no money" will head off the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2015, but organizing has escalated since Forrest Claypool, Rahm Emanuel's hand picked latest CEO (he's the fourth) "rat fucked" the collective bargaining work by withdrawing all the agreements the Board had reached with the CTU. Substance photo by David Vance.Chicago teachers and supporters remained militant and organized during the summer of 2012, as Chicago's billionaires and plutocracy angled for a confrontation with the Chicago Teachers Union's members and allies. Activities were escalating across the city by the final weeks before school begins for the 2015 - 2016 school year.
Hunger strikers are still protesting for Dyett High School, while the Chicago Teachers Union prepares for a major meeting at noon on August 24, 2015. The union's leaders and members were angry -- even outraged -- when Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool, a notorious union buster and privatizer, pulled the negotiating agreements that had been reached after more than six months at the table. Claypool's move, one of the first after he was appointed to his quarter million dollar a year job by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, forces the union and the city's teachers, parents, and students to prepare for the inevitable strike that the mayor and the ruling class want.
For those who have forgotten, there are dozens of stories from the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012 available at Substance (go to BACK ISSUES above on the menu bar, then to September and October 2012). One of the most dramatic accounts of the strike is the music video "Chicago Teacher" by Rebel Diaz. The URL for that is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yN7cRZP58k
The CTU is meeting at the Operating Engineers Union Hall at noon on Monday August 24.
CORE is meeting at the Letter Carriers Union hall (39th and Wabash) at 4:30 p.m. on August 24.
The CTU and allies will be hosting a picket line and protest at the Chicago Board of Education headquarters at 9:00 a.m. on August 26, 2015 -- the day the Board is expected to rubber stamp the criminal Proposed Budget for FY2016. The protest will include a "Peoples Board Meeting."
By: ed hershey
CTU meeting Monday
What's the meeting Monday?