Forum on CPS finances scheduled for August 13 at Grace Place... Forum to precede Board of Education's budget hearings...
Tax the Rich will be the slogan of the August 13, 2015 forum.With the hearings on the Chicago Board of Education's 2015 - 2016 budget looming, a group of local organizations and the International Socialist Organization (ISO) are hosting a panel discussion and forum on CPS finances. Featuring the slogan, originally proposed by the Chicago Teachers Union, "Broke on Purpose," the forum will help people understand some of the features of the present finances prior to the legally required public hearings on the proposed budget and the August 26 Board of Education meeting.
Adam Ballard — Access Living, manager of community organizing*
Michael E. Brunson — Chicago Teachers Union, recording secretary*
Tanya A. O’Neal — National Nurses United, RN Stroger Hospital*
Lee Sustar — International Socialist Organization
Today, three million more US children live in poverty than before the Great Recession of 2008. From Chicago to Puerto Rico to Greece, the rich are trying to make the rest of us pay for their bankrupt economic policies. Our schools, homes, hospitals, retirement, and more are under attack by the politicians, bureaucrats, and billionaires.
Join us for this panel discussion with union militants and activists about how we can fight back and resist the wave of austerity.
*For identification purposes only.