OPT OUT NEWS: Militants to picket South Shore 'Fine Arts Academy' elementary school in Chicago on March 18 in protest against principal's bullying of Opt Out supporters among teachers, parents and students
Despite the confusion caused by the waffling of Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Barbara Byrd Bennett and the disinformation campaign currently being waged by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE), the Opt Out movement against the PARCC test has exploded both in Chicago, across Illinois, and across much of the USA. And Opt Out is not only a cause supported by small groups of parents, children and teachers, as once was the case, but now has the support of state governments (who oppose the so-called "Common Core" developed with corporate funding and by corporate dictators) and many school administrators.
South Shore Fine Arts Academy is basically a Chicago elementary school with a fancy new name...Unfortunately, not all local schools are respecting the rights of parents, children and teachers to disseminate and support Opt Out. In addition to the bullies who run Chicago's Taylor Elementary School (publicized this week in Substance), other schools have also been exposed to the same tactics. And so Chicago parents and teachers, led by a coalition of CORE, More than A Score, and others, will protest at the schools where the bullying has been the most obnoxious.
Your brothers and sisters need your support!
Come out to South Shore Elementary School (1415 E. 70th St.) tomorrow Wednesday March 18th at 4:15 in front of the school to stand in solidarity with teachers who are being threatened with discipline for passing out Opt Out letters on their own time and off school grounds!
and come to CORE general meeting for Monday March 23rd! Letter Carriers Hall 3850 S Wabash Dinner and Childcare will be provided.