MEDIA WATCH: Rahm touted Walmart on March 4 while the media showcased him at the fire house
If you listened to or watched the news on March 4, 2015, you'd have learned that Rahm Emanuel may have once drunk expensive wine with his buddy Bruce Rauner, but now he was opposed -- did you hear that, OPPOSED! -- to the Bruce Rauner budget. And of course Rahm chose a fire house to make that statement. A fire house used by Hollywood.
But on the same day, Rahm was touting Walmart and his old buddies, the Walton family (who are putting millions into the charter schools Rahm touts for Chicago).
It was all in the City Hall press releases:
March 3, 2015
Mayor's Press Office
The Public Schedule for Mayor Rahm Emanuel March 4, 2015
Mayor Emanuel will attend the ribbon cutting of a new Walmart Neighborhood Market in the Auburn Gresham Neighborhood.
Time: 7:15AM
Location: Walmart
7535 South Ashland Avenue
Chicago, IL*
*There will be no media availability following.
Mayor Emanuel will deliver remarks on proposed state budget cuts.
Time: 2:00PM
Location: Engine 18
1360 South Blue Island Avenue
Chicago, IL*
*There will be a media availability following.