RAHMWATCH: Rahm Emanuel is having his 'Michael Bilandic Moment'... While Rahm does photo ops at 'Snow Command' the side streets are dangerous and people will die because of Rahm's plowing and management failures
The fifth largest snow storm in Chicago history did not have to leave the mess that's confronting citizes across the city (except in the wealthiest communities). The danger that will leave some people dead has come because Chicago's mayor has substituted Hollywood for reality...
The clueless reorganizations of Chicago's department of Streets and Sanitation by Mayor Rahm Emanuel, coupled with privatization, has left the city more vulnerable than necessary to the fifth largest snow storm in Chicago history. Above, instead of having crews on the side streets and housing checks on vulnerable citizens, the mayor posed for a photo op at "Snow Command" as the storm bore down on the city, But the mayor's press release for the above event said that reporters were not allowed to ask any questions! This photo was provided to the press on February 1, 2015 by the "Mayor's Press Office."While Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel continues posing for the Hollywood version of "Chicagoland", in the reality of a Chicago winter Chicago's clueless mayor has once again failed to perform in one of the basics of his jobs: the safety of citizens in the face of major pedictable problems -- in this case, a blizzard that left Chicago with its fifth largest snow event in history. But cheap publicity stunts can replace serious planning and policy, and once again, as Alderman Bob Fioretti and others are noting, Rahm's failing.
As I write this, it's one in the morning on February 3, 2015. The big snow ended about 12 hours ago, and people on our block have been digging out all day. What's Rahm done? Publicity stunts to cover up his incompetence.
During the past 48 hours, Chicago news organizations received at least three press releases, including photos, of Mayor Rahm Emanuel, collar open and wearing a sweater instead of his plutocrat's suit, posing at "Snow Command." The press release were distributed at public expense.
Meanwhile, Rahm's disorganization of the city's services has resulted in a crisis across the city, as the side streets are not being plowed by the city, thanks in part to the mindless way that Rahm Emanuel reorganized city services three years ago. In some wards, the local ward organizations, which no longer have control over Streets and Sanitation, are paying private contractors to bring in back hoes to clear the side streets (like the only where we live). But those jobs should be done by city workers, who for years had the best record for clearing the streets -- until Rahm did this year's "Michael Bilandic Moment."
It remains to be seen whether Rahm will get caught by the corporate media in this one, but as the clogs on the side streets pile up and the dangers to citizens of all ages (but especially to seniors like this reporter who need to get to the hospital for a serious medical procedure) increase, Substance will being sharing some of the more interesting photographs and videos of what we must now call -- RAHM'S MICHAEL BILANDIC MOMENT -- THE MESS THAT RAHM'S LEFT!
Already Alderman Bob Fioretti has nailed the problem in a press release on February 2, 2015:
By February 3, 2015, while most of the city's side streets were still not plowed and the danger to the most vulnerable citizens was increasing, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel issued the fourth press release of the weekend, telling people to go on line. Rahm doesn't even realize that many of those in the greatest danger from weather emergencies do not get on line to ask for help. FIORETTI STATEMENT ON SNOW EVENT
February 2, 2015
Contact: Aaron Lorence
708-307-9264 | alorence@bobfioretti.com
Fioretti Statement on Snow Event
Chicago, IL – This is a statement from mayoral candidate Bob Fioretti regarding the snow event. This is Chicago so it should be no surprise that we get lots of snow. What is surprising is that for the second year in a row, this mayor was not ready for a storm. Our side streets are horrific and we will be dealing with the fallout for days. Now the snow is packed on the side streets and salt is not going to help – ask any plow driver. We need a seasoned professional running Streets and Sanitation so that we avoid this kind of situation in the future. It is unacceptable and Chicagoans should be upset.
We expect snow in Chicago, and we also expect our city to be able to handle it. Sometimes the job is tough, but we have been able to clean our streets during previous storms.
When I am mayor, I will approach plowing our streets in a different way:
-- We need a Streets and Sanitation Commissioner that is a professional operations manager that has experience managing snow emergencies.
-- There should be a better allocation of resources to problem areas like schools, hospitals, public safety facilities and side streets. We should not wait for the last flake of snow to start thinking about the side streets. Or 24 hours later either.
-- When it warrants, we should utilize private plows to help deal with problem areas, especially the side streets. Residents understand that streets do not get plowed immediately, but they do expect a responsive city that will work to clean streets as soon as we can.
-- We should move to a grid system for city services, with snow removal being one of those services. Not only will this create budget savings, it will help plows be more efficient, thus helping our streets get cleaned sooner.
These are just a few of the ideas that I will implement as mayor. We need a leader that is tough and fair, and with your help we can help move Chicago forward on February 24th.
By: Rachel Fowler
snow removal in Chicago
I live in Evanston. We've had no parking bans yesterday and today for side streets. No parking on even sides (even numbered addresses) on even dates (yesterday) and no parking on odd sides (odd numbered addresses) on odd dates (today). We've had this system for many years and it works! Could something like this be set up for Chicago? No signs are necessary.