CORE slate sweeps election for retiree delegates in the Chicago Teachers Union
The 34-person slate proposed by CORE (the Caucus Of Rank-and-file Educators) swept all 34 seats for retiree delegates to the 800-member Chicago Teachers Union House of Delegates. The voting, which began in December, ended in January, and the votes were counted on Saturday, January 24, 2015, at the union's offices by members of the union's Rules-Elections Committee.
One of the 34 CORE candidates elected to the CTU House of Delegates for the three-year term beginning January 2015 is Theresa Daniels (above at the January 24 PUSH rally for Chuy). Like most of the CORE candidates, she served for decades as a union delegate from the school where she taught (Carver Area High School, before it became "Carver Military Academy"). Substance photo by Jean Schwab.A total of 35 delegates were being elected, and the eventual CORE slate consisted of 34 union leaders. The 35th person elected was Mary Sharon Reilly, who currently also serves as "functional vice president" on the CTU executive board. (Disclosure: This reporter was a candidate on the CORE slate). Seventy candidates were running in the election for the 35 seats, who will serve three year terms in the union's 800-member House of delegates. Under the constitution and by-laws of the CTU, union teachers elect delegates from the schools at the rate of a first delegate for each 20 members and an additional "associate delegate" for each additional 40 teacher members in the schools. Elections for school teacher delegates are held in the schools.
Other groups in the CTU (school clerks, clinicians, etc.) also elect delegates at the rate of one for 40 members. Like the retiree delegates, delegate elections for other groups are held by mail ballot.
Retiree delegates are elected at the rate of one delegate for each 100 retiree members, a difference with all other groups in the union. Because the union has 3,500 retiree members the election would result in 35 delegates for the retiree functional group.
The official vote counts provided by the Rules-Elections Committee are as follows:
Nominee Total Votes Knazze 1166 winner
Schmidt 1136 winner
Wilson 1101 winner
Lewis 1096 winner
Foley 1077 winner
Daniels 1075 winner
Nelson 1074 winner
McCormick 1039 winner
Silver 1033 winner
Jones 1031 winner
Edmonds 1029 winner
Lumpkin 1029 winner
Heath 1023 winner
Bures 1007 winner
Ball 973 winner
Socoloff 966 winner
G. Milkowski 965 winner
Brent 954 winner
C. Scott 949 winner
Carter 945 winner
White 942 winner
L. Milkowski 931 winner
Lalagos 930 winner
Caref 915 winner
Knudstrup 913 winner
Schwab 896 winner
Slavitt 888 winner
Freed 886 winner
Ramirez O'Dell 878 winner
Livingston 870 winner
Steward 853 winner
Lamme 845 winner
Margotte 828 winner
Saffro 817 winner
Reilly 690 winner
Keating 642 McGuire 589 Laughlin 579 Dykas 530 Jackson 528 E. Stewart 526 Pyster 488 Kane 486 Siegal 480 Otero 468 Ardito 464 Gidden 461 Page 438
Perrotte 423
Ackerman 411
Ecotor 405
Orlowek 385
Baker 354
W. Scott 311
Sullivan 311
Adler 306
Friedman 305
Perry 293
J. Stewart 285
Loftus 284
Simmons 282
Roberts 277
Morgan 255
Barron 247
Cohn 240
Qualls 211
Allen 205
Weiner 183
Collazo-Robinson 155
By: Theresa D. Daniels
Such wonderful retiree activists CTU has
I thank all the retirees who voted, especially those who got me elected as retiree delegate once more. I wish all the worthy retirees who were candidates could have become delegates. We have so many wonderful retirees (and active teachers who are the retirees of the future)in our proud union, the Chicago Teachers Union, third largest in the nation. Yay, us! We're doing good!
By: Albert Korach
Retiree Election
Best wishes to all winners. Wish I could be back on the House of Delegates Floor again. The only thing I miss while living in Florida is Substance & the CTU. Keep your eyes on the pension laws.