Raise Your Hand talks about time spent on NWEA and impact of PARCC in Chicago -- as other states and even some Illinois schools leave PARCC in large numbers
On October 2, 2014, Chicago's "Raise Your Hand" published the first of what will be many clarifications regarding the hours wasted on high-stakes testing in Chicago this year. As plans already begin for an Opt Out of larger proportions this year than the largest Opt Out in Chicago history, which took place between January and May 2014.
Wendy Katten of Raise Your Hand walks away from the podium at the June 25, 2014 meeting of the Chicago Board of Education. Unlike some groups that have apparently become discouraged about the Board's intransigent and mendacious refusal to modify its failed testing programs, Raise Your Hand continues to bring evidence into the public discussion every month despite the fact that Board security officials usually pull the microphone away from their speakers when the secretary calls an early "Time!!!" Charter school touts and those who praise the Board's policies always get extra time beyond the two minutes allocated for each member of the public. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.RAISE YOUR HAND STATEMENT:
When it comes to standardized testing, how much is too much? CPS students will spend many days on standardized testing this year. The PARCC test is replacing ISAT this year as the state test. On PARCC alone, time spent will be:
9.75 hours for 3rd grade
10 hours – 4th-5th grade
10.75 hours – 6th -8th grades
11 hours – High school (English III and Algebra II students)
Note: the NWEA MAP will still be used at CPS as the high-stakes test for selective enrollment, student promotion, teacher evaluation, and school rating.
How is the influx and frequency of standardized tests at CPS impacting teachers’ ability to engage students in creativity, critical thinking and classroom continuity?
If you aren't aware of just how many tests are being given and how often, please check out this calendar/illustration that covers testing windows for 3rd through 8th grade for the months of January-June.
Testing calendar
As a result of national controversy over the quality of PARCC, districts around the country are opting out until the test can be validated and improved. Only 12 states plus the District of Columbia will be administering PARCC this year, down from the original 22 states that had planned to use PARCC. In Illinois, the Evanston High School board has raised many concerns about PARCC. Watch their debate at the 47 minute mark:
Evanston School Board discusses PARCC
Raise Your Hand and More than a Score are hosting meetings around the city in the next few weeks to discuss PARCC and action steps we as parents can take to voice our concerns. Email us if you want to get involved: info@ilraiseyourhand.org.
Follow us on twitter: @ilraiseyourhand