

'State of the City' conversations... Karen Lewis to chat with 19th Ward residents on evening of August 19 at the Beverly Woods, 115th and Western in Chicago

Chicago Teachers Union President Karen Lewis will join with hundreds of residents of Chicago's 19th Ward for an evening chat about city issues at the famous Beverly Woods Banquet Hall, at 115th and Wastern, beginning at six p.m. on August 19, 2014.

The CTU Press Release notes the following:

** TODAY ** CTU President Karen Lewis speaks to 19th Ward residents about the attacks on public education, working families and democracy CONTACT: Stephanie Gadlin August 19, 2014 312-329-6250 Macey Morales 312-329-6251

CHICAGO - As more than 400,000 students prepare to head back to under-resourced Chicago Public Schools, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) President Karen Lewis will meet with teachers, police officers, firefighters and other 19th Ward parents, in a first of a series of conversations on the state of the city.

The event will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Aug. 19, at the Beverly Woods Banquet Hall, 11532 S. Western Ave. The discussion will be moderated by famed journalist Walter Jacobson.

Who: CTU President Karen Lewis; Walter Jacobson, journalist; Regina O'Connor, CTU Legislative Chair; and Stacy Davis Gates, CTU Legislative Coordinator

What: Launch of "Conversations with Karen" series

When: Today - Aug. 19, 2014, doors open at 6 p.m. Program begins at 6:30 p.m.

Where: Beverly Woods Banquet Hall, 11532 S. Western Ave.

Background: Approximately 300 audience members will have an opportunity to share their concerns regarding such issues as school reform, pensions, preserving union rights and the 2015 municipal elections.

"Conversations with Karen" events will take place in various neighborhoods throughout Chicago over the next few weeks in an effort to lend a voice to those concerned about the state of CPS in the wake of massive budget cuts, teacher lay-offs and attacks from City Hall. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) represents 30,000 teachers, PSRPs and clinicians fighting for dignity and the schools Chicago's students deserve.


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