AFT 2014 CONVENTION REPORT: Common Core debate is heated, but the vote is a foregone conclusion
AFT14 Report - Common Core Debate - Epic Battle Between Chicago/CORE and UFT/Unity. PHOTO: The great Sarah Chambers nails them to the wall opposing Common Core ..... Watch it live: Gloria in visitor's section just texted -- Unity are positioning themselves now near mikes.... Common Core debate begins...
Chicago's Sarah Chambers managed to break through the blockades at the microphones during the 2014 AFT convention and speak against the Common Core. Photo by Norm Scott.[Common Core] will die no matter what the AFT does because, frankly, it doesn’t matter.... (Diane Ravitch).
From the beginning of the debate, UFT throws in three heavy hitters – Mulgrew, Barr, Casey - while Chicago's CORE uses their rank and file – who are more than capable of holding their own.
This is not to say that others around the nation are on the Randi team. So far [early in the debate] only Chicago people are opposing the AFT/UFT resolution on standards (which supports Common Core).
UPDATE: See Chicago - reasons to oppose common core.
Debate is beginning on common core. Randi is calling for extensive discussion so no one calls the question prematurely — poor Unity people who are designated "call the questioners." Randi mentioned the jostling at the mics at the committee meeting, which we reported on (AFT Convention Update: Chicago CC Reso Goes Down O...Posted Fri 5PM),
I am taping off the screen. Leo Casey spoke before and to me he seemed to be branding the foes of CC as tea party people.
There's no way I can keep up in this space but this is the place where teachers can fight this battle out. No question Chicago will lose this one but will walk away with dignity.
A Minneapolis teacher is backing Chicago. Attacking pro reso people for distorting debate as if opposed are against standards -- we are against corporate designed standards. You are not going to set our kids up.
Opponents are pinning CC to testing -- if you don't understand what is going on - SHAME ON YOU! Goes after Leroy Barr statement that children in California and NY should be learning the same thing. One of great speeches so far.
I'll do my best to get some video but you can find it online I'm sure. Don't miss this debate.
Gotta end this but with this..
Here is the Ravitch comment
As for Common Core, I agree with CTU. Teachers don’t need scripts. They don’t need “standards” written by a committee that included not a single classroom teacher. They need class sizes they can manage. Their schools need equitable funding. They need tenure to protect them from political reprisals. They need due process and speedy resolution of complaints. They need respect. Common Core does nothing to alleviate the poverty in which nearly one-quarter of our children live. It does nothing to restore the art teachers, librarians, nurses and counselors who have been laid off. It does nothing to address the root causes of poor academic performance: poverty and segregation. It will die no matter what the AFT does because, frankly, it doesn’t matter.
Posted by Norm @ ed notes online at 3:03 PM No comments: Links to this post Email This
By: Neal Resnikoff
Meeting on Common Core Saturday in Chicago
Albany Park, North Park, Mayfair Neighbors for Peace & Justice invites you to participate--
NO to the
Latest Corporate Attack on Public Education ---
Common Core,
High Stakes Testing,
& Corporate Control through
Huge Data Collection & Use
without the permission of
parents or teachers
Two basic questions: What can we do to alert everyone about the importance and urgency of opposing this harmful program? Can
we allow corporations to control and use public education for their
own interests of profit-making and control, or should educators & parents & the broader community decide how to improve public education and make it equal for all?
Saturday July 19, 2-4 p.m., Mayfair Public Library,
4400 W. Lawrence (just east of Elston; wheel chair accessible; Lawrence bus stops there.)
(contact: or call 773-250-3335)
By: Jean Schwab
Forgone conclusion
I really dislike CC and everything that goes with it. Unfortunately, some teachers like it (even in Chicago) so I'm not sure that people at the convention could be swayed
but maybe some of the speakers got through to them. It would have been interesting what the vote would have been with one for and one against speaking. I don't blame this on Randi.
By: Jean Schwab
Common Core
I agree with Ravitch. There are more important things than spending money on Common Core. A waste of money and time.