

BOARDWATCH: 'All advance registration speaker slots are filled...' nine days before the Board of Education meeting even begins, Rahm's Board members continue attack on democracy and decency

It was a full nine days until the April 23, 2014 meeting of the Chicago Board of Education, but when I went to the sign in screens at on April 14, 2014, the registration to speak was closed. Since David Vitale and the Rahm Emanuel Board of Education were appointed in May 2011 they have gone out of their way to violate the spirit of the Open Meetings Act (and more and more the letter of the law as well). According to the logic of the Board, only 60 citizens are allowed to speak to the Board during any month, even though, as this month, there are dozens more who would speak. The arbitrary ways in which the Board censors its critics go beyond this cap of sixty, but is signal in this magic number. Why 60? Ask the Board. Obviously, as this is written at 10:22 a.m. on April 14, 2014, there could be more than 60 speakers.

Since she was appointed a member of the Chicago Board of Education by Mayor Rahm Emanuel in May 2011, Andrea Zopp, who is CEO of the Chicago Urban League, has voted to destroy more schools in Chicago's Black Community and destroy the jobs of more working people (teachers, custodians and others) in Chicago's Black Community than any person in the more than 100-year history of the Urban League. Because of the corporate structure of the current Chicago Urban League, no one is Black Chicago is allowed to criticize her regular votes to close public schools in the Black Community (most dramatically, on May 22, 2013) or to privatize decent union jobs, mostly held by Black women and men (most recently, the privatization of custodial workers in 2014). At the March 2014 meeting of the Board, sfter numerous critics challenged the Board's version of school and community reality, Zopp proclaimed that the speaker had been wrong and that, speaking as a Board member: WE KNOW THE TRUTH. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.So... the following messages showed at cps,edu:

Register to attend a board meeting. Wednesday, April 23, 2014 at 10:30 AM. Observe the meeting , 107 out of 200 advance registration slots available. You'll sit and watch the meeting without speaking to the board directly. If you want to stand next to a speaker as part of a group, please register to observe.

Speak to the board »

All advance registration speaker slots filled.


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