OPT OUT NEWS: More Than A Score launches Opt Out kit for parents and children facing the lurid assaults at many Chicago schools against children and families opting out... Opt Out HOTLINE Call (413)-3OPT-OUT
More Than A Score, the leading coalition in the Chicago Opt Out Movement, responded to the attacks by school principals and other Chicago Public Schools administrators against families opting out of the ISAT testing program, issued a "kit" on line on March 3, 2014, the first day of the two-week ISAT testing program. The ISAT began on March 3 (in some schools, March 4) and is scheduled to end March 14.
Teachers, parents and students hold one of the many press conferences that met the onset of the ISAT testing program in Chicago's public schools with massive resistance. THE MORE THAN A SCORE STATEMENT IS BELOW HERE:
March 3, 2014 · by cassie · in Uncategorized. ·
More Than A Score is concerned about the treatment of children and families opting out of the ISAT. Please use the resources here to arm yourself and, due to the current directives of CPS and ISBE, if necessary, your child with information.
Our position is the following:
During the ISAT testing window, we fully expect principals and teachers–the adults whom we entrust our children’s care to every day of the school year—to treat our children who opt out with kindness, to allow them to engage in alternative quiet activities during the test, and to respect our wishes as parents and guardians to direct our children’s education. All parents should demand nothing less.
We thank all of those who have chosen to opt out for taking a stand, and ask that you stay strong. Parents continue to join the thousands of us opting out our children at more than 73 schools across the city.
Materials you may find useful during the testing window:
Administrator’s Pledge on Ethical Treatment of Students Who Opt Out
United Opt Out Get Tough Guide
Student refusal card
Barbara Byrd-Bennett ISAT testing letter 2.29.2014 stating children may opt out.
(Note: We do not think students opting out should be presented with test booklets or instructions. However, this matter remains unresolved at this time. Not all schools are adhering to the policy as written here.)
Let us know what is happening during testing at your school: Call (413)-3OPT-OUT or email info@morethanascorechicago.org or tweet @MTAS_chicago.
We are happy to give support and advice to any parent/guardians running into difficulties.
We thank all of those who have chosen to opt out for taking a stand, and ask that you stay strong and reach out to others who need support. Parents continue to join the thousands of us opting out our children at more than 73 schools across the city.