

OPT OUT NEWS: Chicago Badass Moms to host national chat on Opt Out Thursday night

The Chicago chapter of "Badass Moms," a local event horizon of the international badasses (which include at least one other group, called "Badass Teachers") will be holding a "Twitter chat/war" on Thursday evening, February 27, 2014, to begin tat 7:30 p.m. The chat will go on as long as people have. It will be aimed at sharing information about building the Opt Out movement in Chicago and elsewhere. Below is the Facebook posting by Shoenice Reynolds.

Badass Moms are excited to announce that as a part of our National Badass Moms Association movement, we'll be hosting a Twitter chat/war regarding standardize testing. Our goal? Get #OptOut and #IcetheISAT trending on Thursday night (February 27th). We will begin using the hashtags at 7:30pm CST.

We hope by getting our hashtag trending, we'll bring forward the significant critical views and awareness of what standardize testing is doing to our children, schools and communities. Ideas include sharing your personal POV and experiences, sharing articles, petitions, etc. Also, tweet media outlets.

This chat is open to all who hope to join the conversation.

Mark this event in your calendar. If you're not on Twitter, it's about time to start! This is one chat you won't want to miss.

And *please* share widely!

Chicago uses #Optout and #IceTheISAT feel free to use your state opt out Hashtags too!

Follow us on Twitter: @BadassMomsAssoc

Despite the fact that CPS admits the ISAT is no longer tied to any relevant procedures or consequences, we are still wasting tax dollars and class time on administering this obsolete standardized test. Let's #IceTheISAT!

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