

'Mayor 1 Percent' delivers the plutocratic vision of voc ed in Chicago as 'Chicago's Vision'...Rahm Emanuel continues attack on Chicago's public schools in speech to the World Bank on November 7, 2013

On November 7, 2013, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel went to Washington, D.C. to tell the leaders of the World Bank his version of what he's been doing to Chicago's schools since his inauguratioin in May 2011. Everyone concerned about Chicago and Chicago's children should read carefully this fantasy -- reproduced completely below -- as it twists on the reality every Chicago public school teacher, parent and child is facing today.

The first page of the press release issued by the "Mayor's Press Office" at Chicago's City Hall on November 7, 2013. On the average day, Rahm Emanuel's propaganda machine, at public expense, issues at least three press releases about what Rahm is doing -- while ignoring virtually everyone else in City government and everything else going on in Chicago. As one 20th Century propaganda master said, and Rahm follows: If you are going to lie, lie big... From the day he began campaigning for mayor in 2010 with a camera crew following him around so that his commercials, Hollywood produced, would always show Rahm surrounded by smiling people -- diverse as necessary -- the Hollywood scripting of the Life Of Rahm has been subsidized first by Chicago's plutocracy and since Rahm's May 2011 inauguration by the city's taxpayers.Take one major example: Is vocational and technical education only supposed to provide local businesses with workers trained for this year's (or decade's) skills?

And is the best place to provide vocational and technical education in the city colleges -- or much earlier. Now that Chicago has abolished most of its formerly strong vocational education programs so that the curious can walk through acres of space where once hummed vocational shops from Chicago Vocational High School all the way north to Lane Technical High School, it's time to listen closely to the city's latest mayor and his twisting of the facts, history, and reality to serve one agenda and once again screw the city's children.

Or take a further question: Why STEM from a mayor who has ignored the annual CPS Science Fair every year? If science (and math) are so important, why does Rahm Emanuel ignore the hundreds of students and teachers who work all year to produce the amazing results we see each year at the Museum of Science and Industry for the Science Fair? Is her afraid he might get booed for his treatment of teachers and the scarcity of real science for most kids in the city's real public schools?

Those of us who once worked in some of Chicago's vocational high schools and who still remember that kids could leave places like Prosser and Dunbar (where I taught) and get decent local jobs (or start their own businesses) have to wonder when the change took place -- and on orders from whom. And for those who remember even further back, when elementary kids received training in subjects like "home economics", it's time to think about the November 7, 2013 speech Mayor Rahm Emanuel delivered to a World Bank meeting in Chicago.




CONTACT:. Mayor’s Press Office. 312.744.3334.


College to Careers is Part of the City’s Larger Workforce and Economic Development Strategy

Mayor Emanuel today delivered the keynote speech at the World Bank’s Learning Symposium where he highlighted Chicago’s innovative College to Careers program. The program is part of the City’s workforce and economic development strategy and is designed to provide students with an education that will prepare them for jobs in high-growth industries.

“College to Careers is an innovative program that is ensuring our students are being trained for the jobs of tomorrow,” said Mayor Emanuel. “By working directly with the private sector and providing cutting edge training and education to our students, we are preparing our graduates for the workforce and creating economic opportunity around the city.”

Despite an almost 10% unemployment rate, many local employers cannot find the workers to grow their businesses, indicating a mismatch between the skills being taught in our classrooms and those employers need. Research conducted by City Colleges of Chicago identified six industries where 80% of the new jobs would come from in the Chicagoland region over the next decade. The six fields, projected to create approximately 500,000 job openings between now and 2022, include: healthcare, transportation/distribution/logistics (TDL), business and professional services, information technology (IT), advanced manufacturing, and culinary/hospitality. The community college system provides a quality, affordable means of preparing Chicagoans to seize these employment opportunities.

After evaluating labor market projections and current occupational program offerings, City Colleges is redesigning its offerings from the ground up to implement a comprehensive strategy for meeting the needs of key regional employers. The occupational programs at six of the seven City Colleges emphasize one of the six fastest-growing industries, and are developed through robust partnerships with more than 100 companies and nonprofits, both local and international, that are active in the region.

The World Bank has been studying College to Careers and has issued the following report on how it can be replicated around the country and world. The report is accessible here:

In the speech, the Mayor discussed how the quality of education is directly correlated with Chicago’s growth, as well as the role of the private sector in creating a bridge between students and in-demand jobs at their companies. The Mayor also discussed how one of the cornerstones of College to Career program has been partnerships with local companies to help create curriculum that align with national standards and allow students to move easily between the workplace and the classroom to advance their career.

The text of the speech of the speech, as prepared, is attached.


Mayor Rahm Emanuel | Remarks as Prepared for Delivery World Bank Symposium on Education | November 7, 2013

Keynote Address to World Bank Symposium on Education. Thursday, November 7, 2013

Washington, D.C.

Thank you very much for that kind introduction. It’s an honor to be here today, and to have the privilege of delivering this keynote address.

As most of you know, I spent many years here in Washington working, but for the past two and a half years, I have had the best job that I’ve ever had in public life – serving as mayor of the great City of Chicago.

It’s the city that my father and grandparents came to as immigrants to this country. It’s the city where I was born and, as President Obama has shown, a city where all things are possible.

From the very beginning, my parents instilled in me an appreciation for the importance of education. In fact, getting a good education wasn’t just my business; it was everybody’s business.

You may not agree with my parents’ methods. I certainly didn’t. But the fact is that they were ahead of their time.

Today, we live in a world where knowledge is power and what you learn is directly related to what you earn.

I have set a goal for Chicago’s children of nothing less than 100 percent college-ready and 100 percent college-bound. That means we will not be satisfied until every single public school student in Chicago graduates from high school and goes on to a higher education, whether it’s at a four-year college, a two-year college or a technical school.

This year, a record 65 and a half percent of Chicago public school students graduated from high school. Only a few years ago, our graduation rate was barely over 50 percent. So we have made significant progress. Still, one out of three schoolchildren in Chicago isn’t making it through high school. We can -- we must -- do better than that.

The truth is that all of us are responsible and accountable for our children’s academic success…parents, principals, pastors, public officials…all of us. And in Chicago today, we are stepping up to that challenge.

We have invested in a longer school day in our public schools, so Chicago’s children will get more hours in the classroom.

A child entering kindergarten today will get two and a half more years of instructional time by the time they finish high school.

And, for the first time, we are offering a full day of kindergarten for every child.

And Chicago’s parents are enjoying a greater variety of educational choices today – from International Baccalaureate to STEM, magnet to charter, selective enrollment to military schools to traditional neighborhood schools.

We are funding a teacher in every neighborhood library to provide after-school tutoring, and we just launched the largest homework help program in the nation. As long as you have a Chicago library card, you can get homework assistance in English and Spanish, 24-7, 365 days a year.

As a result of these investments, we are starting to see some real signs of progress. Our students’ test scores have been climbing each year and I’m proud that, in the most recent round of school “report cards,” the top four high schools in the State of Illinois are Chicago Public Schools.

But among all our education reforms so far, perhaps none has been as far-reaching as reinventing our community college system. With the help of a dynamic chancellor named Cheryl Hyman -- herself a product of the city colleges -- we have begun to link our city colleges to the demands of a 21st Century workforce.

When I came to office, a few things were abundantly clear:

-- Despite nearly ten percent unemployment, there were more than 100,000 job openings just waiting to be filled.

-- Roughly 77 percent of all jobs today require some kind of technical skill set or at least two years of college.

It was clear there was a missing link, and we needed an economic plan that provided opportunities for employers and potential employees.

Off the bat, we did two things:

-- We determined our City Colleges could serve as a direct bridge between students and the jobs of the 21st century. So we launched our Colleges to Careers program to make this vision into reality.

-- Next, I focused on changing our model for business growth and job creation. I changed the way we think about attracting jobs to Chicago by dramatically expanding the mandate of our economic recruitment group: World Business Chicago. Instead of simply responding to companies considering a move to Chicago already, we took a proactive approach. I appointed to a council of many of the leading businesspeople and citizens in our city to develop an economic plan that used our Colleges to Careers program as a cornerstone for the future economic growth of the City to create the economic climate to get companies to consider creating jobs in Chicago.

In the next 10 years, the Chicago area will need 84,000 new jobs in health care, 44,000 new jobs in IT, and 110,000 new jobs in transportation, distribution and logistics.

In order to meet the growing demand for these jobs, we worked to turn our colleges from a last ditch effort for a remedial education into a first choice for high-skill training leading directly to a good-paying job.

The first thing we did to accomplish this was invest in the future of our community colleges by modernizing and expanding their facilities. We have broken ground for the building a new campus for Malcolm X, which includes a school of health sciences and we’ve broken ground for a new transportation, distribution and logistics (TDL) center at Olive-Harvey College – both located in economically struggling communities. Those projects will create 1,100 construction jobs, while spurring redevelopment in their surrounding neighborhoods.

Next, we worked to make sure that a City College degree would really mean something in the actual job market. To determine how to train people for jobs, we worked with Chicago’s major employers in growing industries that will be the leading source of future jobs such as healthcare and hospitality, and in sectors like transportation and logistics where Chicago leads the world.

Now don’t get me wrong. A college diploma is great. It looks nice on the wall. But we wanted a city college diploma to be more than that. We wanted to make it a ticket to a job.

I distinctly remember a young man I met on a train a few years back, who was taking classes full-time at Harold Washington Community College while also working full time at Target. He was doing his part – working hard at school and at work – and it was my job to make sure that once he graduated, he could take that Harold Washington degree to a front office and get a job.

Lastly, we forged partnerships between companies in these fields and our city colleges to design curricula that will result in immediate employment.

-- We teamed up with Coyote logistics who helped us develop our supply chain management curriculum.

-- And we partnered companies like Allscripts and Rush Hospital with Malcolm X College to design job training in health-care information technology and nursing.

These partnerships aren’t just preparing students for jobs, they are also bringing new businesses and economic activity to our City.

-- Just last month, I broke ground on Aeroterm’s new cargo center at O’Hare Airport.

-- One of the reasons a world-class company like Aeroterm had the confidence to make the move and invest in Chicago is because Chicago is both the transportation and talent hub of the country.

Or take Whole Foods, for example. We recently announced that the newest Whole Foods is coming to Englewood, a lower-income area in Chicago that isn’t exactly overflowing with big box grocery stores. Not only are they coming to Englewood, they are right next door to Kennedy-King College – a City College that focuses on the culinary and hospitality industry.

The success of Colleges to Careers is critical to Chicago’s economic future. But our goal is more than that – because no city can succeed if success is beyond the reach of its own children.

You see, Chicago already enjoys a dynamic workforce. On top of our City College system, we are home to some of the world’s best universities, such as the University of Chicago, Northwestern University, the University of Illinois at Chicago, and DePaul and Loyola Universities to name a few.

And Chicago is a magnet for some of the brightest graduates from across the country and around the world. For the first time in history, our burgeoning high-tech sector is attracting entrepreneurs and investment capital from the coasts instead of watching them flow the other way. The result is an average of one new Chicago high-tech startup every day.

Across Chicago, we want children to know they too, can one day work for one of these companies like Google or Braintree.

When they look downtown at Chicago’s magnificent skyline, I want these children to be able to envision themselves working in one of those skyscrapers -- in startups or law or business.

Let me tell you about some of these Chicagoans, and how we are helping them to achieve their dreams.

Daniel Robinson came to Chicago as an immigrant from Mexico who barely spoke English. He has wanted to be an architect since he first saw the skyscrapers lining Wacker Drive in Chicago’s Loop. Daniel studied architecture at Harold Washington College while working as a paid intern at the global architecture firm Cannon Design, one of our Colleges to Careers partners. He worked side by side with professional architects in Cannon’s downtown office. This fall, Daniel transferred to Southern Illinois University to pursue his bachelor’s degree.

Shaina Henderson wanted to go into business, but had never set foot in an actual office. She attended Harold Washington College and graduated in May as an Associate in Arts with a concentration in business. Shaina became the first Harold Washington College student to intern with the Colleges to Careers partner Mesirow Financial. She has since transferred to the University of Illinois-Chicago, to study Business Administration and Accounting for her future business career.

Brandy Rodgers always knew that she wanted to help people, but didn’t know how to make it her career. Brandy entered Malcolm X College’s Respiratory Care Program while working part-time as a dialysis technician. She completed her clinical internship at Trinity Hospital, where she impressed the staff with her initiative and skills. The hospital hired her for a full-time position as a Respiratory Care Therapist when she graduated from Malcolm X this year.

But it’s not only aspiring young people who are helped by Careers to College. It’s older workers who are looking for a second chance.

Just this past weekend I met a 49-year-old Chicagoan named Jaime Solano. Jaime worked short term jobs at Walmart, Cub Foods and delivering newspapers. But he also found it hard to hold a job because of an addiction problem.

Two years ago, Jaime decided to turn his life around. In December of 2012, he received his GED from Richard J. Daley City College. The next month, he enrolled in the Manufacturing Tech Bridge program and the Advance Calumet Green Manufacturing program. Last month, he finished both programs. And on Monday of this week, he attended a job fair at the Hoist Lift Truck Company and submitted a resume.

Thanks to his own hard work, and the opportunity our city colleges provided, Jaime Solano is poised to become a productive part of Chicago’s high-tech manufacturing economy.

These inspiring stories are being repeated thousands of times across our city – providing dedicated students with the skills and career opportunities they deserve. Their success is Chicago’s success and is building a stronger foundation for our city’s future. It’s a future in which every resident of our city, no matter their family background or where they’re from, will have an opportunity for a productive, fulfilling career.

To me, this is what good government is all about – helping to provide these kinds of opportunities for all of our people. Not by creating public-sector jobs that must be supported by hard-pressed taxpayers, but by partnering with our private- and not-for-profit sectors to fill the good-paying jobs most in demand.

I hope that other cities will be encouraged by Chicago’s model for building a skilled workforce that can compete in the 21st-Century economy. If we can revive and modernize our training programs to match the needs of high-growth industries, we can catapult millions more people into the middle class and reverse the growing social inequality that threatens our future.

That is Chicago’s vision. I hope it will inspire yours.

Thank you.


November 12, 2013 at 12:20 AM

By: John Kugler

(820 ILCS 147/15) School Conferences

(820 ILCS 147/15)

Sec. 15. School conference and activity leave.

(a) An employer must grant an employee leave of up to a total of 8 hours during any school year, and no more than 4 hours of which may be taken on any given day, to attend school conferences or classroom activities related to the employee's child if the conference or classroom activities cannot be scheduled during nonwork hours; however, no leave may be taken by an employee of an employer that is subject to this Act unless the employee has exhausted all accrued vacation leave, personal leave, compensatory leave and any other leave that may be granted to the employee except sick leave and disability leave. Before arranging attendance at the conference or activity, the employee shall provide the employer with a written request for leave at least 7 days in advance of the time the employee is required to utilize the visitation right. In emergency situations, no more than 24 hours notice shall be required. The employee must consult with the employer to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the employer.

(b) Nothing in this Act requires that the leave be paid.

(c) For regularly scheduled, nonemergency visitations, schools shall make time available for visitation during both regular school hours and evening hours.

(Source: P.A. 87-1240.)

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