Retirees mobilize in Chicago Teachers Union
Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) retirees met Thursday, March 28, 2013, at 10:30 a.m at the Union Offices in the Merchandise Mart Plaza. Approximately 60-75 of more than 3,500 retiree members heard reports about legislation, pension and health care from Michael Brunson, CTU Recording Secretary, James Ward and Patricia Knazze, co-chairs of the CTU Retiree Functional Group, Kathy Murray, CTU Organizer, and Tracy Davis Gates, CTU Legislative Director.
Retirees were asked to sign up for four retiree committees: Recruitment and Organizing /Community Engagement, headed by Drunita Steward and Gloria Mhoon; Legislative/Political Action (Pension and Health Care), headed by Howard Heath and Beatrice Lumpkin; Social Committee, headed by Patricia Knazze and Jack Silver; and CTU Paraprofessionals (PRSPs), headed by Jack Silver and Patricia Knazze. Sign-up sheets were circulated and an announcement was made before the end of the meeting that a good number of people had signed up.
Beginning in April, future CTU retiree meetings will be held at headquarters of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Health Care division, at 2239 South Halsted. The reason is that the location is easily accessible by public transportation and free parking is available behind the building and often on the street in the front. Meetings will not always be held the same day of the week, always beginning at 10:00 a.m. Meetings for the remainder of the 2012 - 2013 school year are scheduled for Wednesday, April 17; Wednesday, May 29; and Thursday, June 27.
The CTU retiree Spring Luncheon will be held Wednesday, May 22, the same day as the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Board of Education (BOE) meeting at which final announcements about school closings will be made. More information will be announced about this luncheon later. The Retired Teachers Association of Chicago (RTAC) Spring Luncheon will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Conrad Hilton Hotel the following day, Thursday, May 23. Member tickets for the RTAC luncheon are available for $50 by sending in the reservation form listed in the latest RTAC News Bulletin by May 19, the final deadline, by calling 312-750-1522.
By: Unreare
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