Black Star, Catalyst continue to push 'Urban Prep' hype
Black Star Project, after boycotting the protests against the school closings, continued its trajectory as one of the few cheerleaders for fraudulent corporate "school reform" left in Chicago by hailing the latest year of the "Urban Prep Miracle" in its April 1, 2013 mailing. Only Phillip Jackson's touting Urban Prep was not an April Fool's joke. Jackson's work with the Daley administration during the 1990s has been rewarded with support for his "Black Star Project." During the early days of corporate "school reform," Jackson was Chief of Staff to Paul Vallas, the first CEO of CPS after the passage of the Amendatory Act began mayoral control.
After Jackson's time at CPS ended, he was made head of the Chicago Housing Authority by Daley.
He has refused since to provide an insider's account of how those two reforms were designed by Chicago's ruling class to destroy the city's black community through two of the three major corporate "reforms" of the 1990s ("school reform" and "housing reform" -- the third of the Big Three was "welfare reform"). Since his departure from the Big House of the Daley administration he has been rewarded with a regular subsistence from corporate Chicago for his latest work.
Catalyst is of the same ilk -- sucking on the teat of corporate largesse and then promoting the corporate agenda for "school reform."
So it would come as no surprise that both would ignore the facts about Urban Prep and continue the hype in 2013, joining Fox News and others in the promotion of the charters while massive protests grow on behalf of the city's real public schools.
CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - While the city is in turmoil over school closings, Urban Prep Academy has set a shining example of education that is making a huge difference in the lives of Chicago's young men.
All of Urban Prep's graduating seniors - 167 young African American men - have been accepted to a four-year college or university. Both the senior class at the Englewood campus and the inaugural graduating class from its West campus will all be going to college.
These young men are defying the odds in our city, where fewer than 40% of African American males even finish high school.
Urban Prep founder Tim King and two graduating seniors, Gaylord Minett Jr. and Marwin Williams Jr., joined Good Day Chicago Friday morning to talk about their school experience and their plans for the future.
King said 85% of Urban Prep students come from low-income families, and many start Urban Prep at least two grade levels behind. But they make a huge turnaround at the charter school, where they are given the knowledge and tools to prepare themselves for a bright future after they graduate.
The school also announced it received a $150,000 donation from Citi Foundation to support its alumni affairs program, which supports graduates enrolled in college.
This year's seniors have earned more than $6 million in scholarships and grants to date, and seven of them are Gates Millennium Scholar finalists.
On April 1, 2013, Wear Something Orange!!!
What is Project Orange Tree?
It is an awareness campaign created by Chicago youth to inspire change and evoke action against gun violence and structural violence in Chicago.
On April 1st , everyone everywhere, wear something Orange and document it through photos, videos , tweets ect. Also, the youth are starting a 4-Day Fast from Sun-up to Sun-down beginning April 1st ending April 4th
"We wear orange, because we don't want to be shot ! We Fast with those who cannot eat, because they have died from gun violence."
April 4th the youth will feast in honor of the day Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was killed.... Stay updated on twitter @Pro_OrangeTree #ProjectOrangeTree and Instagram @ProjectOrangeTree or email for more info!
Click Here to See Video on Project Orange Tree