February 12 forum on TIF ripoffs of public schools to feature Ben Joravsky
A major forum on how Chicago's TIF (Tax Increment Financing) program deprives the schools and other public bodies of tax revenues and benefits private corporations is taking place on February 12. The forum will take place at the Chopin Theatre on Division St. (1543 W. Division) beginning at seven p.m.
Material on TIFs will be available at the forum.The promotional materials state:
Our Taxes…Who Profits?
In Chicago, of the $4.5 billion
extracted since TIFs began,
55% has gone to private projects.
Meanwhile our schools, parks, libraries and clinics
are starved of resources and closed by the City –
even as we pay more in property taxes and rent.
Be part of the solution at the
TIF Town Meeting
featuring Ben Joravsky and more!
Tuesday, February 12, from 7-9 pm
at the Chopin Theatre, 1543 W. Division
Moderated by Valerie Leonard Sponsored by The Tax Integrity and Fairness Alliance, an open group dedicated to exposing and changing TIFs as part of bringing public control over our taxes and the budget.
http://TIFAlliance.weebly.com - TIFAlliance@gmail.com
Endorsed by:
* Chicago Gray Panthers * Chicago Teachers Solidarity Campaign *
* CivicLab * Pilsen Alliance * Progressive Democrats of America-IL *
By: Valerie F.Leonard
Thanks so much for sharing this flyer with Substance News readers, George!!