Matt Damon and Nancy Carlsson-Paige support 'Scrap the MAP' teachers in Seattle
Matt Damon was one of the speakers at the Washington, D.C. rally and march in July 2011. Substance photo by Susan Zupan.Thanks for Monty Neill of Fair Test for sending along the following confirmed support letter from Matt Damon and Nancy Carlson Paige to the teachers in Seattle who are boycotting the MAP test. Recent word as of January 16, 2013 is that teachers at several Chicago schools are considering the same action. On Monday January 14, the CTU Testing Committee voted to send a support letter to Seattle.
"We are writing to support all of the teachers at Garfield High School. We admire your strong and unified stand against the district mandated standardized test. Teachers, students, and parents do not have to accept practices that are harmful to them and to the whole meaning and purpose of education. We know it takes courage to risk your jobs in order to stand for what you know is right. But your example holds the promise of inspiring teachers in school districts all over the country to take similar action. Thank you for your strength and courage. We admire you and are behind you all the way.
The actor Matt Damon showed his support for the Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012 by wearing his CTU cap while enjoying his fatherly duties in New York City."Nancy Carlsson-Paige and Matt Damon"