'Tax The Rich, an animated fairy tale', is really an animated reality tale, brings Ed Asner's narration to all of us for the holidays
Before our family begins the annual holiday film fest, especially the favorite "Elf" where union stalwart Ed Asner plays Santa, we're going to have a few showings of Asner's latest You Tube favorite, Tax The Rich. The video is available at:
The video was produced for the California Federation of Teachers.
"Tax the rich: An animated fairy tale, is narrated by Ed Asner, with animation by Mike Konopacki. Written and directed by Fred Glass for the California Federation of Teachers. An 8 minute video about how we arrived at this moment of poorly funded public services and widening economic inequality. Things go downhill in a happy and prosperous land after the rich decide they don't want to pay taxes anymore. They tell the people that there is no alternative, but the people aren't so sure. This land bears a startling resemblance to our land. For more info, www.cft.org."
Substance also hears the the Chicago Teachers Union will be releasing an story just in time for the winter break. Happy Holidays.