BBBULLSHITTT... A daily reminder of how the CEO of CPS believes she can lie to everyone all the time and get away with it
Since Rahm Emanuel picked his second "Chief Executive Officer" for CPS in less than 18 months and installed out-of-towner Barbara Byrd Bennett (fresh from a stint in Detroit, helping bust the union and destroy the public schools there) to replace out-of-towner in that quarter million dollar a year job, we've marveled that some in Chicago are treating her as if she were the smartest person in the room just because she has the mayor's ability to make up facts and stare you down when she launches into another lie.
In honor of both of them, Substance will begin today parsing what we will begin calling BBBullshiTTT. This name is in honor of the fact that some people are flakey enough to fall prey to Rahm's demeaning habit of putting his servants in their places by assigning them fatuous nicknames, much like George W. Bush did. Hence, CPS has gone from being headed by a chieftain the Boss called "J.C." to "BBB" or "B3..."
Actually, as we'll show, mostly this is BBBullshiTTT.
First example. In order to justify the claim that CPS is way "oversized" and therefore needs to be "rightsized," Byrd Bennett is claiming that according to the census there are many many fewer school age children in Chicago than there were a decade ago. So what? The number of school age children may or may not be related to how many children attend public schools in any year, but the real question is how many children has CPS "lost" in the past ten years. And we may be finding out that's one of the things CPS is trying to cover up.
And perhaps also why Byrd-Bennett is getting rid of anyone at the system's central office who knows the system's demographics. A little ignorance never hurt when you're pushing a Big bunch of BBBullshiTTT.
It may or may not be accurate to claim that the census shows a loss of school age children in Chicago. However, that doesn't mean there has been a comparable loss of children -- roughly 100,000 by the way if you catch the quotes from Byrd Bennett and the CPS Propaganda Ministry -- in the public schools.