
Tuesday, May 29 showing of Inconvenient Truth behind Waiting for Superman

This excellent movie, produced by New York City teachers, parents, and students, exposes corporate school reform lies. Parents 4 Teachers is sponsoring the Tuesday, May 29 showing at Talcott school. We hope you can join us for a showing of the film, "The Inconvenient Truth Behind Waiting for Superman," which chronicles the fight against the corporate "reform" movement's attempts to destroy public schools.

A panel discussion with representatives from the Chicago Teachers Union and some of Chicago's leaders in the fight for education justice follows the film.

Tuesday, May 29, 6 p.m., refreshments, 6:30 prompt, film

Talcott Fine Arts and Museum Academy, 1840 W. Ohio

Founder of Parents 4 Teachers Erica Clark, at right at the May 23 CTU rally, is spreading the message to Chicago parents, whose children are in "Level 1" schools, that they need to care about what happens to less advantaged families and teachers when the Board attacks their neighborhood schools. Photo courtesy IndyMedia. Co-sponsored by the Talcott PTO — childcare will be provided. Film and program in both English and Spanish.


May 29, 2012 at 3:22 PM

By: Bob Busch

Madigan's amendment and teacher bashing

If you want to get sick go to the Illinois legislative Web Site and check out me Madigan's

amendment to senate Bill 1673.

May 29, 2012 at 7:21 PM

By: bob busch

High Five to a downstate Republican for telling the truth

Find Illinois Rep Mike Bost and view the video of him tearing into Mr Speaker today.

The man is a Carbondale Republican. I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

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