

'Shaking up the status quo' is turning the streets over to organized crime... Chicago's gangs on rampage after Rahm's version of reality clashes with real police work

Less than a year after Mayor Rahm Emanuel purchased the fifth floor office at Chicago's City Hall and doubled the number of public relations specialists working to constantly burnish his image and pour out his scripted version of reality, the expansion of the city's massive drug gangs is demonstrating that a mayoral philosophy that denigrates public servants (police, firefighters, teachers, and others) and caters to suburban prejudices against Chicago cannot deal with Chicago realities.

Gang graffiti on Chicago's north side shows the Four Corner Hustlers (4CH) showing their disagreements with one of their rivals (the Maniac Latin Disciples). Those who follow Chicago gang graffiti note that the MLDs utilize the Swastika as part of their wall art. Supposedly, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Police Superintendent Garry McCarthy have declared "WAR" on the MLD and driven them into hiding (according to the Chicago Sun-Times). Substance photo by George N. Schmidt. As the first quarter of 2012 ended on March 31, 2012, the first of many facts about the bankruptcy of the Emanuel administration came to public light. Since Emanuel took office, Chicago has seen the most dramatic increase in its murder rate in history. The reason, although not stated in the corporate media, is that the main thugs on Chicago's streets, the leaders and members of the city's massive drug gangs, know that there are not enough street cops to keep them in line. And as more and more headlines (mostly in the Chicago Sun-Times, which is owned now by friends of Rahm) proclaim another "war" on one gang or another, the lucrative planning that goes into supplying drugs on well known corners across the city becomes more and more precise.

One of the first articles announcing the crime wave came out shortly after midnight on the first day of April 2, 2012, but it was not an April Fool's joke:

Three months into 2012, Chicago has seen 114 homicides, representing a 35 percent spike in the city's murder rate compared to the same period last year.

In response, police Supt. Garry McCarthy announced a strategic shift Friday that involves rearranging command chains in five of the city's 23 districts.

The changes include new commanders in the Morgan Park, Grand-Crossing, Calumet, Marquette and Austin districts, some of which have been hard-hit with gang violence, according to the Chicago Sun-Times. McCarthy also named a new deputy chief of detectives, organized crime bureau and patrol to head the newly-created Central Area district.

In all, 25 members of the police force were promoted, CBS Chicago reports. The restructuring did not require any demotions or firings, but was in part the result of several districts being merged or consolidated, and staff retirements and promotions that predated Friday's changes.

McCarthy told the Sun-Times that the shuffling will “strengthen the department's ongoing efforts to reduce violence” and create a “more efficient departmental structure.”

This move is not McCarthy's first attempt to shake up the status quo within the department.


April 2, 2012 at 1:48 AM

By: John Kugler

CompStat = ConStat

The entire CompStat system continues to be exposed as a fraud of amazing proportions and the Chicago media continues to provide Rahm with political cover by studiously ignoring his superintendent's involvement in perpetrating this bullshit. Story #1:

There are disturbing claims from a police veteran that the NYPD intentionally tried to under report crime rates.

He claims, in an exclusive television interview, that in one precinct in Queens, the severities of some crimes were systematically downgraded.

We know some of you out there are probably muttering "Schoolcraft again?" Nope, not at all:

Sergeant Borrelli is the latest in a growing list of police officers to claim widespread manipulation of NYPD crime data.

And there was Officer Polanco from the 41st Precinct.

"An assault would be downgraded to a violation, harassment, a shooting would be downgraded to a reckless endangerment," Polanco said.

And the NYPD continues to harass the whistleblowers:

Like Officers Polanco and Schoolcraft who have been suspended, Sgt. Borrelli is now feeling the heat too.

He's been hit with minor disciplinary charges and transferred to the midnight shift at the Bronx Courthouse after a decade as a supervisor at the 100th precinct.

Story #2 is a followup concentrating on Sergeant Borrelli's allegations and the subsequent efforts of the NYPD brass to shut him up:

In an exclusive interview, a 19-year veteran of the NYPD describes widespread manipulation of crime reports at the 100th Precinct in Queens. The sergeant says when he blew the whistle on the routine fudging of crimes, the department retaliated and transferred him to a midnight shift at Bronx Central.

Borrelli says the NYPD has left him with no choice but to go public after months of ignoring his allegations of routine misclassification of crimes at the precinct.

Borrelli also taped conversations with his "Quality Assurance" superiors and has them on tape admitting to a number of misclassifications. Combined with the Polanco and Schoolcraft allegations and resulting fallout, it would appear that Professors Silverman and Eterno are right on the money when they point out that NYPD has a definite problem regarding crime stats.

And that would mean Rahm has a definite problem with McCarthy himself, seeing as how he was part and parcel of the CompStat culture and all the attendant odors attached to this bullshit.

April 3, 2012 at 2:13 AM

By: John Kugler

CompStat — 'The Crime Numbers Game'

CompStat Comes to Indy

And this website has noticed the book we highlighted a month ago:

The basics of American policing, chasing and catching criminals, hasn’t changed much in the last 200 years, but technology has inspired various nuances to the tactics of “chasing” and “catching” criminals. Patrol officers see “crime fighting” as a very basic and simple process, while the managers of policing agencies complicate the process by trying to reinvent the wheel for various political and self-serving reasons. Much has been made about the perceived ability of law enforcement to prevent and reduce crime. Politicians, police chiefs and public safety directors, mistakenly believe they have the ability to drastically affect crime, while more rational experts declare that law enforcement can only affect crime trends on the margins.

They extensively cover “The Crime Numbers Game: Management by Manipulation” by John Eterno and Eli Silverman and concur with the conclusions drawn by the authors, one of whom is a retired NYPD Captain and knows all the tricks of CompStat.

The storm continues to brew.

There are a number of problems that arise in agencies using the CompStat policing model: 1) CompStat can hamper the sense of interconnection between law enforcement officers. 2) It reduces officer discretion and causes officers to make arrests and write tickets for offenses they otherwise might not – due to the focus on data and work product. 3) It also limits officers’ ability to uphold half of their job responsibilities, “protecting life, liberty and property”; in essence upholding the Constitution (which doesn’t require arrest, ticket and report data). 4) It “increases tension among management and the rank-and-file while at the same time reducing morale and adding to the pressures already there due to the nature of police work.” CompStat greatly exacerbates the rift between management and the street cops. 5) It encourages and rewards “micro-management”. 6) It creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation that pushes command staff, who are under constant pressure to produce ever decreasing crime trends, to falsify crime statistics. Simply stated, CompStat may have been initiated in New York with good intentions, but the years of focusing on data has wrecked that police department’s integrity and is slowly doing the same to other agencies.

Below you will find a lengthy lawsuit filed by Oficer Schoolcraft of NYPD against his own agency. His story is detailed in “The Crime Numbers Game” and displays the overt abuse he endured at the hands of NYPD in order to keep him quiet about the manipulation of crime statistics.

I highly doubt he is or will be the only whistle blower that has faced or will face the destructive results of CompStat. Indy….Welcome to CompStat!

April 8, 2012 at 12:10 PM

By: Theresa D. Daniels

So many shootings!

Thanks for this story and the Kugler comments, George. This is major in terms of what's happening in the city and very closely tied to what's being done to the schools by the corrupt national, city, and CPS powerful education deformers and the current status quo.

March 28, 2024 at 2:10 AM

By: BrandonBag

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