

Rahm takes Chicago's Big Lie version of history and reality on the road to a Washington D.C. forum featuring Arne Duncan and the mayors of Los Angeles and New York City

While most of Chicago was reeling from the news that a student had been shanked and killed while waiting to enter a South Side "alternative" high school and others in the city were contemplating how the city's richest family (the Pritzkers) were dodging the local property taxes that fund Chicago's schools, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel spent Friday, March 2, 2012, in Washington D.C. spinning the usual Chicago lies for a national audience.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been showing his opinion of Chicago democracy since he took office. Above, Rahm during a public hearing on the city's budget held at Malcolm X College on August 31, 2012. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.The event was a panel on education reform at American University featuring New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Los Angeles Mayor Anton Villagloriosa, and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan was also on the stage to mouth the usual talking points and platitudes.

A complete viewing of the video of the event is necessary for anyone who wants to learn more about how in Rahm's World fact becomes what he wants it to be.

Take this example, from an early moment in the discussion.

According to Rahm Emanuel, Chicago parents have "never" had access to school report cards until he became mayor. As close observers remember, just prior to the November 2011 Report Card Pickup, Rahm Emanuel staged a media event at Chicago's Perez Elementary School to announced that CPS and the City of Chicago were putting on line a new version of the schools' "Performance" reports. So, Rahm told the national audience (no questions allowed), this was the "first time" Chicago parents had the chance to actually learn the information. And as a result of this, according to Rahm, principals, for the first time, are signing up to learn more about how to do their jobs.

While the rest of the lengthy video is equally interesting, Chicago critics of the nonsense that is passing for education policy in Chicago under the Reign of Rahm should consider having Chicago's mayor video taped every time be begins speaking about what he's doing to the city's public schools.

The URL for the video, which is provided by the U.S. Department of Education, is


March 4, 2012 at 8:43 PM

By: Susan Ohanian

Big city mayors share lies

Rahm needs more practice if he's going to outtalk Bloomberg, and really, Bloomberg, revealing just how arrogant he is, had the line of the day to close out the conference: "In God we trust. Everyone else has to bring data."

HE thinks that's cute. The other testocrats on the stage liked it too.

As host who pretended to know something about public schools, Andrea Mitchell was at least as disgusting as the mayors, again bringing home the prize for teacher bashing to NBC. Someone please tell her to go home and read some more Ayn Rand with her hubby.

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