A.R.T. / CORE candidates sweep Chicago Teachers Union retiree delegate elections
All 32 candidates endorsed by the Alliance of Retired Teachers, CORE, and the Chicago Teachers Union leadership won the recent election for delegates to represent the 3,700 retired members of the CTU. The vote count, which was done on Saturday January 14, 2012, took 14 hours because there were 75 candidates vying for 36 spots. The count was supervised by the CTU Rules-Elections Committee and CTU Financial Secretary Kristine Mayle. Results were also published on the CTU website, www.ctunet.com.
All of the 32 candidates endorsed by the "Alliance of Retired Teachers" (which consisted of independents and members of CORE, the leading caucus in the CTU at the present time) won delegate slots. A.R.T. only endorsed 32 candidates, suggesting that members might want some flexibility in their selections for the other four seats. The candidates who were not affiliated with A.R.T. were John Keating, Lou Pyster, Maryann Pyster, and Mary Sharon Reilly.
The election was held by mail ballot beginning on December 9, when the union mailed ballots to all dues-paying retired CTU members. The ballots had to be returned to the union offices by one week before the count. The count was done on January 14, 2012. Delegates will be sworn in and seated at the CTU House of Delegates meeting on February 1, 2012, at the Operating Engineers Union Hall.
The votes of each of the candidates follows in the order of vote totals below:
1. Ward, James F. (1,381)
2. Schmidt, George N. (1,073)
3. Ackerman, Fred (1,030)
4. Reilly, Mary Sharon (993)
5. Lewis, John W. (988)
6. Nelson, Lois (978)
7. Foley, Marybeth (955)
8. Pope, Deborah A. (946)
9. Knazze, Patricia A. (940)
10. Jones, Patricia A. (918)
11. Silver, Jack (913)
12. McCormick, Mary T. (908)
13. Daniels, Theresa D. (900)
14. Korach, Albert (894)
15. White, Leandres (892)
16. Ramirez-Odell, Helen M. (874)
17. Scott, Willie (874)
18. Lumpkin, Beatrice S. (854)
19. Heath, Howard L. (849)
20. Sullivan, Brian R. (848)
21. Loftus, Sarah E. (842)
22. Bures, Robert F. (829)
23. Milkowski, George E. (827)
24. Socoloff, Miriam A. (806)
25. Keegan, Arthur E. (800)
26. Morgan, Monroe (795)
27. Simmons, Jenean D. (774)
28. Pyster, Louis N. (762)
29. Schwab, Jean R. (760)
30. Qualls, Ernestine (738)
31. Livingston, Stephen D. (731)
32. Knudstrup, Karen A. (718)
33. Steward, Drunita (714)
34. Slavitt, Marlene (707)
35. Keating, John (617)
36. Pyster, Marianne L. (616)
37. Anderson, Shirley J. (553)
38. Koffman, Gail (549)
39. Rodriguez, Maria J. (515)
40. Fitzpatrick, Mary B. (505)
41. Perkins, Thelma J. (496)
42. Hardaway, Eugenia (479)
43. Mitchell, Linda L. (469)
44. Stewart, Earl (454)
45. Wilson, Roberta 439
46. Baker, Barbara J. (438)
47. Friedman, David B. (425)
48. Magee, Phyllis (423)
49. Laughlin, Laurence (416)
50. Cannella, Nick (415)
51. Lebrecht, Margaret M. (415)
52. Starnicky, Thomas J. (412)
53. Gray-Jones, Verna (387)
54. Kane, Michael A. (387)
55. Adler, Gerald R. (367)
56. Jacobs, Mary Jo (355)
57. Siegel, Jerald A. (355)
58. Barron, Leslie R. 350
59. Bearden, Allen E. (336)
60. Gerace, Brigid D. (333)
61. Ball, Portia M. (326)
62. Dykas, Colleen R. (314)
63. Moran, John W. (300)
64. Roberts, Bernice S. (292)
65. Ardito, Peter (282)
66. Orlowek, Sharon A. (281)
67. Arnieri, Thomas N. (275)
68. Myron, C. Diane (270)
69. Cohn, Lance (241)
70. Gidden, Judith A. (240)
71. Perrotte, Richard R. (235)
72. Allen, Chestine P. (234)
73. Rapoport, Barry (230)
74. Duboff, Shari M. (176)
75. Kuner, Charles (168)
By: Bob Busch
One Tough Faculty
I am proud to announce of the winners five are former Simeon faculty. Well done
Warehouse Pimps
By: Sarah Loftus
Retiree election
The results of the Retiree delegate election is amazing; it seems that there really is a 'changing of the guard'.
Please note that ART (Alliance of Retired Teachers) consists of members of many different caucuses, including PACT, former UPC, independents and CORE, but it is not a part of CORE.
I am pleased that Marianne and Lou Pyster, who were not on the ART slate, were elected.
Now we all have to get to work, have our voices heard and make our Union strong again.
By: Jay Rehak
A lot of Great Unionists
While I congratulate all of the winners in the recent CTU Retiree delegate election,(and I look forward to working with them in the House of Delegates) I'd also like to note that I am most proud of the fact that 75 retirees were willing to run for CTU Retiree Delegate. The people running were a veritable "Who's Who" of the Chicago Teachers Union membership. While I don't know all of the candidates, I know most of them. And while I haven't always agreed with all of them, I have great respect for their collective wisdom and institutional memory. Many of the men and women who won the election are my friends, but all of the men and women who ran are my Union brothers and sisters. Many who did not win have been strong Union voices over the years who have spent significant portions of their lives serving the Union. Thanks to all of the candidates for stepping up and putting themselves out there. As we move further and further in 2012, I am happy to know that our Union is so vibrant with talent and energy.