MEDIA WATCH: Brizard to hold a love in with KOCO?... Fox News Chicago gives Brizard a half hour to spread his questionable version of reality
One New Year's Day gift to Chicago came from Fox News, which gave Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Jean-Claude Brizard a half hour show to spread his strange version of reality to the network's audiences. While it's impossible to cover all the highlights and lowlights of the Brizard show, a few are worth mentioning. The show, Perspective, can be found at the following URL:
Chicago Public Schools Chief Executive Officer Jean-Claude Brizard (above, on December 13, 2011) is being paid $250,000 this year, and received $35,000 in moving expenses, bringing his total compensation to 25 percent more than any of his predecessors. Substance photo by George N. Schmidt.One of the first things Brizard does in his discussion is throw a divide-and-conquer spitball at the protesters who did a Mic Check at the December 14 Board of Education meeting. Brizard claims that the protesters who did the Mic Check were "not people we usually see..." thus dismissing the protests themselves. How Brizard would know that is never asked by the show's young moderator, who moved forward with a number of puff ball questions. But during the discussion of the Mic Check, Brizard did say that he wants to "engage" more with KOCO, the Kenwood Oakland Community Organization.
By: John Kugler
High Priced Mendacious Puppet
brizard is a sham, who did not pass the qualification test to become the $250,000 per year "Chief Executive Officer" of the nation's third largest school system by getting an overwhelming vote of "no confidence" from teachers in Rochester New York — and two federal lawsuits before he was run out of town— during his last job and new lawsuit stemming from Rochester years. Guess who will have to pay for this shit assholes mistakes! the taxpayers and children of chicago!
Duncan was cheaper!
Another 'Broad Foundation Fellow' guilty of teacher bashing and bashing public schools... Rochester teachers voting no confidence in superintendent - January 16, 2011
Brizard claims on graduation rate are not true - April 18, 2011
Brizard's bizarre views come straight from the Broad Foundation, which trained him - April 20, 2011
Is it illegal to hire Brizard? - April 21, 2011
Brizard talks about children as objects not human beings - June 30, 2011
Brizard's bizarre version of an 'organization' chart - August 05, 2011
Brizard Rochester legacy one of 'failure' as measured by standardized tests - August 09, 2011
Brizard admits violating contract - September 20, 2011
Brizard, Emanuel and CPS said they were cutting 'bureaucracy,' when in fact they were cutting security as gang threats at schools were growing - September 29, 2011
Brizard is expanding the bureaucracy... 'Chiefs' at CPS are doing very well, while the 'Indians' are being slaughtered - October 01, 2011
Brizard continued attack on Chicago Teachers Union four days after his 'Longer School Day' program was declared illegal by IELRB - October 25, 2011
Casals parents catch the CEO in a half dozen outright lies - December 13, 2011
Here is info from a Rochester reporter
I’ve been contacted by more than a few Chicago-area reporters and community members who want to know about their incoming schools chief. I’ve prepared this list of what I consider to be revealing and important stories during his tenure.
I’ll let you decipher the running theme. My advice is to fact-check absolutely everything, ask tons of questions and file lots and lots of FOIAs.
RCSD School Officials in Vegas During Testing, Layoffs
RCSD Board to Question Brizard’s Raise
Brizard Hires $100,000-a-Year, Part-Time Special Assistant
RCSD’s Central Kitchen Cited by Health Inspectors
RCSD Issued Hundreds of Credit Cards to Employees
Principals Told to Cut Art, Music, Phys Ed
RCSD Staff Stayed at Luxury Resort During Budget Crisis
Inside the Rubber Room
Brizard Created Cabinet Positions Without Board Approval
RCSD Cabinet Spending at Record Levels
Brizard Said He Didn't Give Raises to Top Staff, but He Did
State Test Scores Plummet, Erasing Gains
Brizard Spinning Graduation Data
Former Superintendent Blasts Brizard's Interpretation of Grad Rate Data
EEOC Finds Brizard Discriminated Against Official
Staff Survey Finds Little Support for Brizard
Fact-Checking Brizard on Cabinet Spending
State: Only 5% of RCSD Grads Ready for College
RCSD Budget Deeply Cuts Arts, Music, Foreign Language
By: Kimberly Bowsky
Il Charmant Brizard
The mayor claims the CEO of CPS works under a contract that is based on performance, or merit, pay. One of the stipulations is that he--HE!!! Like God--must raise the graduation rate 4%. Supporting turnarounds and closings, signing off on reducing resources in order to kill off other schools, losing some students in the charter-school shuffle...finagle the numbers and the H. S. grad rate can easily exceed 4%. Ah, success! (note the sarcasm)
By: Bob Busch
All State, Simeon Memories
In Your face
“I am going to charge rent if you use my back room anymore” I joked to Lew Henson. I was on a hello basis with Bobby Knight, even coach K came through.
The knighted Woody Hayes was there, so were a gaggle of Major League scouts. Jimmy Collins should have been given sub pay he was there so often.
Those were the good guys, I even got to meet the vile Bruce Pearl.
All those coaches came because of a brilliant sports program run in a toxic dump of a building (asbestos; it was an abandoned warehouse that hadn't been cleared when CPS made it a school) by the best coaches in the state. The teachers were a passionate lot who had some idea that they ran the school.
Every horror that affects ghetto students came with them. Pep rallies were insane, yet we were able to hold sock hops without major trouble. Any teacher who did not lay it on the line usually ran away. All this created a dilemma with the board and local officials. They could not figure out how to screw a school with clout. Even Chainsaw Paul ran out of gas at the front door. Many people call it "The school basketball built," but a lot more than sport went into creating The Warehouse. Finally, unable to destroy the school, the board built a stunning new campus. Welcome to Simeon
By: Jean Schwab
Video of Brizard on Fox
I watched the video of Brizard whose message was that he is trying to do the best for all students especially on the west and south side of Chicago. The only problem (according to Brizard) is that people that question the effectiveness of turnarounds are misled by results of tests that are not given to the same type of students as found on the south and west side.
My problem with the video is what he does not say. He doesn't tell about schools that are receiving schools that do not get resources and staff to suppliment an increase in students. He does not share that some of the schools being closed are actually increasing scores by as much as 6% a year without much help from CPS. He does not tell the decrease in CPS resources to schools (like Marquette that are overcrowded) slated to be closed in the next few years. As the Tribune pointed out by saying that schools get needed improvements (to the building) right before they are closed and turned into charter schools.
In my opinion the schools slated for closure could bring themselves up by getting some help from the board and some schools could utilize the community with a little more funds from CPS. It is deceitful not to point out what the Board is doing to cause some of the problems. As a grandmother of former students on the west side, I am enraged by what he did not tell us. We see what is happening with our grandchildren, we are not stupid.