SUBSCRIPTS: How quickly did Elizabeth Kirby defraud the Golden Apple people?
It's nice to know that most duplicity has a long record. Take Elizabeth Kirby, currently on the way from the principalship of Kenwood High School to a "Network" chieftanship (er, her job title will be "Chief of Schools"). A look back indicates that Kirby once lied, and then won a Golden Apple — which included dollars and other perks (plus the golden resume line).
Reliable sources tell Substance that Kirby scammed the Apples on her own private and personal Race To The Top before she tried ruthlessly to turn Kenwood into a nasty test prep factory. We hear that Kirby barely had pledged that she was going to stay in the classroom (a condition for the Golden Apple) than she was ready to take over Kenwood — and begin her career as a chieftan and union buster.
But, readers may ask, doesn't the Golden Apple demand its money back when it learns that one of its Golden Girls has defrauded it? You've got to be kidding. Does an AUSL "Turnaround" school refund the Board of Education's money when its results (all the way back to the Sherman and Harvard "Schools of Excellence") turn out to be the same as the rest of the ghetto schools in the surrounding community and those "miracle" claims turn out to be expensive frauds, too? Have our readers forgotten. The Golden Apple thingy is controlled by Martin Koldyke, the one percenter and multi millionaire "Venture Capitalist" (Frontenac Inc. etc.) who spends his evenings re-reading Atlas Shrugged and fantasizing about Ayn Rand and John Galt. Somehow, we don't think guys and girls like Koldyke are going to get angry when someone lies, cheats and steals in the interests of promoting "markets" and all that cool stuff. And in the case of Kirby union busting is the main agenda.
By: Kevin Hough
Isn't this teacher bashing?
While I apreciate your points, George, this sounds more like heresay rather than any hard news. If the allegation is true, it's not really fraud if someone gives you a gift and you don't keep up your end of the agreement. How many teachers have received Chicago Fund travel grants and not worked past teaching requirement. Plenty I'm sure. Plus, your article doesn't mention that Kirby is Harvard educated, was truly an incredible teacher that inspired her students, and a former union member. Do you have specific examples of union busting you'd like share to better inform your readers?