SCHOOL CLOSINGS: Labor Beat video from 2008 shows hypocrisy of school closings that year, when Gladstone and other buildings were flipped into charter school hands under Arne Duncan
As the Chicago Board of Eduction moves into a new generation of obfuscations and lies about why and how to close schools and privatize and union bust, a Labor Beat video made in February 2008 shows how the discussion hasn't changed. The 2008 Labor Beat video focuses on the destruction by the Board of Education of Gladstone Elementary School on Chicago's west side, despite the fact that the schools was succeeding according to school board "matrices". The reason? The CEO Arne Duncan wanted to give the building to the Noble Street Charter Schools, whose supporters include the "one percenters" like Penny Pritzker, who now sits on the Chicago Board of Education.
The URL for the 2008 video is: