CTU challenges crazed 'Teacher Fit' robotics with ULP complaint
The Chicago Teachers Union has filed a complaint with the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board charging that a computerized screening system used this school year against prospective teachers is illegal. The CTU press release of November 1, 2011, states: "The Chicago Board of Education (CBE) hires hundreds of teachers every year. Within the last six months, the CBE has required applicants for teaching positions to complete an online application, one component of which is a questionnaire called TeacherFit. It consists of 31 questions, many of which have several sub-questions. If the applicant does not pass 'TeacherFit,' the CBE would not consider the applicant for employment as a teacher for 18 months.
"Recently, the Chicago Teachers Union filed an unfair labor practice charge about “TeacherFit.” We filed it for two reasons: (1) some of the questions in “TeacherFit” discourage teachers from acting together for mutual protection or from asserting rights under the CTU contract, which is unlawful; and (2) the Board has been using applicants’ answers to these unlawful questions to disqualify them or, more recently, describe them to principals as “not recommended” for hire.
Below are copies of the relevant documents: