Chicago Teachers Union warns teachers (and other union members) to be wary of pressure to grant a contract waiver for Brizard's latest publicity stunt
As Chicago's corporate elites continue to try and organize pressure against the Chicago Teachers Union behind Mayor Rahm Emanuel's demand that elementary teachers work a longer school day without receiving regular pay, pressure has begun in some schools to force the teachers — at the local school level — to allow the process to begin now. In some cases, according to reliable sources, principals are under pressure to force the schools into the longer school days which the mayor is trying to force on elementary teachers without paying regular pay.
More and more teachers are warning that when this man is smiling they'd better hold tight to their wallets, purses, and private parts. Substance photo from the June 15, 2011 Board of Education meeting by George N. Schmidt.On August 26, the Chicago Teachers Union issued an informational e-mail to all of its members about the contractual procedures that must be followed before a school can deviate from the union's contract. The contract does not expire until June 30, 2012.
The union's message reads as follows:
Dear CTU member:
The Chicago Public Schools is seeking ways to have those who are employed as teachers, Paraprofessional and School-Related Personnel (PSRPs) in Elementary and Middle Schools to consider extending their work hours an additional ninety (90) minutes per school day during the 2011-2012 school year starting in either September or January.
Article 4-6 in the Board/ Union Agreement [the current contract] which addresses the regular school day for elementary schools states, “the regular school day for elementary teachers shall not exceed seven hours (not eight hours and thirty minutes) with a continuous duty-free lunch period of forty five minutes.”
The current Board/Union Agreement terminates June 30, 2012. Therefore in order to add an additional 90 minutes to the school day all CTU members in a building would have to vote on a school WAIVER. It should be noted, that a WAIVER NEGATES A CONTRACTUAL RIGHT!
When there is a proposal to change any Article of the 2007-2012 Agreement between the Board of Education of the City of Chicago and the Chicago Teachers Union, the Waiver procedure in Appendix C must be used. A waiver that is rejected may not be submitted more than once in any school year. An approved waiver automatically terminates at the conclusion of the school year. Remember: a Waiver vote must be posted with at least two days advance notice, be clearly worded, and be conducted by secret ballot.
Consideration of a waiver is a serious matter. A waiver negates a contractual right and consequently changes the terms of your working conditions.
CPS may not retaliate against school staff who vote against a waiver. Please contact the CTU if you suspect that your rights will be violated or if you have any questions regarding the waiver procedures. You may contact your field representative or coordinator at (312) 329-9100.
By: John Kugler
Coercion is Illegal
any school or union members that are coerced to vote for a waiver of contract protections need to contact the Union immediately.
Unfair labor practices. (a) Educational employers, their agents or representatives are prohibited from:
(1) Interfering, restraining or coercing employees in the exercise of the rights guaranteed under this Act.
115 ILCS 5/1 et seq.(Source: P.A. 89-572, eff. 7-30-96.)
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