National Union of Health Care Workers denounces FBI raids, asks Obama administration to cease persecution of anti-war activists
The following story was circulated on July 17, 2011, by Fight Back News, which has been providing the most complete and comprehensive coverage of the attacks on anti-war activists by the Obama administration since the FBI raids of September 24, 2010. Fight Back News Service is circulating the following resolution that was adopted by the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) Executive Board in July 2011. More statements supporting the anti-war, international solidarity and trade union activists under attack by the FBI can be seen at
National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) denounces the September 24 FBI raids
National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) denounces the September 24 FBI raids
July 2011
Whereas, on September 24, 2010, the FBI carried out coordinated raids on the homes and offices of anti-war and trade union activists in Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan, during which agents confiscated computers, mailing lists, cell phones, passports, political literature, correspondence and children’s drawings; and served subpoenas to 14 people to testify before a federal grand jury about alleged material support for foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs); and
Whereas, 10 of the 14 people subpoenaed are union members with a long history of activism within their unions and their local labor communities; and
Whereas, from the Palmer Raids to J. Edgar Hoover’s COINTELPRO and recent government activities under the Patriot Act, the FBI and Department of Justice have long histories of exploiting public fears in order to disrupt trade union, civil rights and anti-war organizing; and
Whereas, on June 20, 2010, the Supreme Court of the United States in Holder v Humanitarian Law Project upheld a provision of the Patriot Act that defines material support for FTOs so broadly as to include legitimate humanitarian work, journalism and international solidarity; and
Whereas, attacks by politicians in multiple states have sought to weaken or even abolish workers’ right to organize and bargain collectively, and have reinforced the importance of the solidarity shown by social movement groups to the labor movement; and
Whereas, complacency only leads to further outrages on a wider scale against more groups, while solidarity across a broad spectrum is our best defense and our best offense; and
Therefore, be it resolved that the National Union of Healthcare Workers (NUHW) denounces the September 24 FBI raids and the grand jury investigation of Midwest anti-war and trade union activists as dangerous assaults on free speech and free association; and
Be it further resolved, that NUHW calls on the Obama Administration to initiate an immediate, full, and transparent investigation into the circumstances, motivation, and propriety of the recent judicial and police intimidation of union members, anti-war, and international solidarity activists, and to review more broadly the propriety of federal surveillance of social movements and the use of expansive anti-terror laws to chill lawful dissent in the aftermath of 9/11; and
Be it finally resolved that NUHW participate in ongoing efforts to defend civil rights and civil liberties from government infringement.