New Website presents truth about Michelle Rhee's career
A delightful new website is providing a growing audience with the truth about Michelle Rhee's dismal but corporate-friendly career as a teacher, New Teacher Project leader, and school administrator. The following was just sent to Substance by our friend Monty Neill from Fair Test. "A new website, is posting academic studies, blog posts and fact sheets regarding the real education reform record of former DC Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee. Now the founder and CEO of “Students First,” Rhee is traveling the country promoting anti-teacher policies, school vouchers and efforts to dramatically curtail collective bargaining. Is Rhee coming to a city near you? Interested activists are encouraged to visit the site, click on the “Where is Rhee” link and monitor her scheduled appearances around the country. There is a downloadable and printable “Fact Sheet” available for copying and distribution at Rhee events. [Monty Neill, Ed.D.; Interim Executive Director, FairTest; P.O. Box 300204, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130; 617-477-9792;; Donate to FairTest:]