100 + unnecessary tests
The testing schedule in the Chicago public schools varies by school and area. The testing schedule in the Chicago public schools varies by school and area. What follows, though, is a typical schedule, as specified on the CPS research and evaluation website. To know exactly which tests will be administered at their school, parents need to ask the principal.
Elementary schools
Pre-K: Teaching Strategies Gold, 3 times a year and KRT (Kindergarten Readiness Test) in spring
K–2 or K-3: DIBELS or ISEL or STEP early literacy assessment series, individually administered in the fall, winter and spring, more often (every two weeks) if student doesn’t meet benchmarks
3–8: ISAT, reading and math tests, (science tests in grades 4, 7), administered in late winter over nine days
2-8 or 3-8: Scantron Performance Series computerized reading, math, science tests administered in the fall, winter and spring (and/or) 3-8 CPS Reading and Math Benchmark Assessments, by ETS administered 3 times a year
7-8: District Wide Writing Assessment (DWWA)
8: EXPORE reading, English, math, science and reasoning tests, administered in the fall
English Language Learners
K-8: English Language Learners take the ACCESS, a multiple choice test for listening, reading, and writing, and individual speaking test, administered in the winter
Source: http://research.cps.k12.il.us/export/sites/default/accountweb/Assessment/Elementary_Assessments_Calendar_v7.pdf
Some schools testing more
In some elementary schools students take more tests. Some schools, depending on the area, administer additional standardized tests as often as every five weeks. These tests and the testing schedule are not on the Board’s research and evaluation website. Some schools administer the MAP, KLT, area-created 5-week assessments, Riverside (aka AchieveData or DataDirector, a 5-week area assessment), or other 5-week assessments created by other outside vendors, in addition to the above elementary school schedule.
High schools
The testing schedule varies by school and area. Chief Area Officer Rick Mills determined a schedule for the schools in Area 26. His plan calls for students to take 63 standardized tests before they take the two-day PSAE in the spring of their junior year.
Area 26 Schedule, 9th grade
Scantron Performance Series, algebra and English, administered in the fall, winter, spring
EXPLORE, reading, English, math, science and reasoning tests, administered in the fall and winter
PLAN, reading, English, math, science and reasoning tests, administered in the spring
Work Keys practice test, reading for information, applied math, ISBE developed science tests, administered in winter and spring
10th grade
PLAN reading, English, math, science and reasoning tests administered in the fall
ACT practice test, reading, English, math, science and tests, administered in winter and spring
Work Keys practice test, reading for information, applied math, ISBE developed science tests administered in winter and spring
11th grade
ACT practice test, reading, English, math, science and tests, administered in the fall, winter and spring
Work Keys practice test, reading for information, applied math, ISBE developed science tests, administered in the fall, winter and spring
PSAE, Day One: ACT, reading, English, math, science and writing tests, administered in the spring
PSAE, Day Two: Work Keys, reading for information, applied math, ISBE developed science tests, administered in the spring
Additional tests
9– 12 English Language Learners take the ACCESS, a multiple choice test for listening, reading, and writing, individual speaking test, given in the winter
Some Chicago high schools using an outside vendor’s IDS curriculum (Instructional Delivery System) administer CPS quarterly exams, 2-day multiple choice and constructed response tests in math, English and science, in the fall, winter and spring
Source: Area 26 reports and http://research.cps.k12.il.us/export/sites/default/accountweb/Assessment/High_School_Assessments_Calendar_v7.pdf
See other stories on this topic:
"It's the right thing to do": Q and A with Sam Schmidt
100+ unecessary tests (CPS testing schedule)
[Editor's Note: The article above (and three others linked in this article) originally appeared in the February 2011 print edition of Substance].