

SUBSTANCE COMMENTS MUST BE SIGNED... Please sign your First Name and Last Name in the 'Name' filed when posting a Substance comment... This is not a blog

With the amazing amount of stories coming in from Wisconsin, Chicago, and elsewhere (Colorado, anyone), Substance has fallen behind on our policing of Comments to the Substance web site. This morning, we got back to that job, reminding some people who have posted anonymous comments to that this service is not a blog and that we do not reward or encourage anonymous comments. All of our reporters sign their own names, we enforce some very strict rules about sourcing of quotes in stories, so we ask our readers who wish to comment that they, too, sign their names.

Here is a note we sent to the ostensible e-mail address of one person who had begun commenting to Substance lately without giving his name:



We're sorry that we've had to remove your recent comment to and we would be glad to put it back up on one simple condition: You have to give the world your first name and last name -- and no pseudonyms -- in the "Name" line when you post a comment.

We are not running a blog, and hope any confusion is solved by this note. If you want to comment on the people or articles at Substance with specific references both to our articles and to your experiences, the least you can do is sign your name. If you can't do that, sorry...

The Editors


February 28, 2011 at 7:53 AM

By: Chris Didato

If you're someone that George knows, keep commenting. And don't use your e-mail address, even if it has a first name and a last name, because while that is not anonymous, that doesn't EXACTLY meet the guidelines that George came up with. And Substance cannot have any common sense policing of comments. That would be asking too much.

February 28, 2011 at 10:53 AM

By: Martin Efram


Very good Chris, that´s what this silly "newspaper" does, if they like it, they leave it, if the don't the will delete it... Another reason why nobody listens to the social justice crowd...

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Substance readers:

You must give your first name and last name under "Name" when you post a comment at We are not operating a blog and do not allow anonymous or pseudonymous comments. Our readers deserve to know who is commenting, just as they deserve to know the source of our news reports and analysis.

Please respect this, and also provide us with an accurate e-mail address.

Thank you,

The Editors of Substance

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