

FBI raids in Chicago, Minnepolis, target anti-war activists

On September 24, 2010. the FBI raided six homes of antiwar and international solidarity activists in Minneapolis and Chicago. According to the FBI, they got warrants and took all kinds of personal and political records in search of evidence of 'material support' of terrorists. In Chicago, two of the activists, Joe Iosbaker and Stephanie Weiner, were interrupted by nearly two dozen FBI agents while they were preparing to go to work on Friday morning. The rest of the day, the FBI went through their home, removing at least 30 boxes of materials.

In Minneapolis, Ted Dooley, an attorney, said he had reviewed the search warrant issued in the raid. "It's a probe into the political beliefs of American citizens and to any organization anywhere that opposes the American imperial design," he said.

The FBI had no comment other than to say that the search warrants, the searches and supoenas to testify before a federal grand jury in Chicago was part of an investigation into 'material aid to terrorist organizations."

In Chicago, 17-20 FBI agents took out 30 boxes of materials and files from the Logan Square home of Stephanie Weiner and Joe Iosbaker after serving them with a warrant and a summons to the grand jury for October 5th.

An unknowned number of FBI agents took out numerous personal and political materials from that of Hatem Abudayeh, executive director of the Arab American Action Network. Joe Iosbaker is a U. of IL clerical worker who is also a chief steward for their union, SEIU Local 1.

Both Iosbaker and Weiner and some of those in Minneapolis are also members of Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).. Some of those whose homes the FBI searched in Minneapolis are also members of FRSO. Most others were leaders of the local Anti War Committee that organized the protests at the 2008 Republican National Convention.

If charged and found guilty of giving 'material aid' to 'terrorist organizations' listed by the FBI and including the Columbian group (known by its initials as FARC) and the Palestinians organization (the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine or DFLP) people could receive an added 25 years in prison under the " Patriot Act" as recently interpreted by a majority of the US Supreme Court.

Groups are designated as 'terrorist organizations' by presidential decree and are not open to challenge. In the past, such groups as the South African National Congress (ANC) — formerly led by Nelson Mandela — have been branded as 'terrorist'; anyone giving material support was liable for criminal prosecution.

At a press conference held today at the offices of Iosbaker and Weiner's attorny, Melinda Power, between 75-100 vocal supporters expressed their strong sentiments as they chanted, "The people, united, will never be defeated."

The group applauded Joe Iosbaker's statement to the media present when he said, "We denounce the FBI raids!" Iosbaker told the group and the media. "This is an attempt to intimidate us and the antiwar movement. We have done nothing wrong! We're being targeted for opposing these unjust wars of occupation and US government aid to Israel and Columbia to help those governments oppress the people. We are only 'guilty' of working for peace and justice, here and overseas. This is about all our rights to voice opposition to the US government giving our money to kill people. IF that makes us terrorists, then we are guilty."

At that point, quite a few supporters began chanting, " If that's terrorism, we're all guilty."

Several other people also spoke in support of Joe and Stephanie and the others whose homes were searched and whose personal materials were taken. This included the Rev. CJ Hawking who spoke of knowing them as 'caring, concerned people who stand for justice and the struggles against oppression' who also showed her many lessons on 'how to be a good parent' as she often asked herself, "What would Stephanie do?"

In response to a reporter's asking if they thought the PFLP and the FARC should be listed as terrorist organizations, their attorney said that

"We will not be answering questions that pertain to the grand jury's work."

There will be a meeting Sunday for supporters wishing to help; it begins at 3 PM at 3339 S. Halsted. Iosbaker and Weiner asked supporters to join them Monday at a demonstration outside FBI offices in Chicago at 4:30 PM; no address was available at this time.

Earl Silbar, 


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