California protest leader Steve Miller to speak in Chicago Saturday, July 31, 2010
Steve Miller, a Bay Area activist who helped organize the one-day strike of Oakland California teachers in April, will be speaking in Chicago on Saturday, July 31, 2010, at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Precisely, he will be at the UIC Education Building 1040 Harrison (Harrison at Morgan), Room 3233, Commons Saturday, July 31, from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.
With widespread community support, Oakland teachers organized a one-day strike against cutback on April 29, 2010. One of the organizers of the events of April 29, Steve Miller, will be in Chicago on July 31, 2010, speaking in the evening at the University of Illinois. According to CORE co-chairman Jackson Potter, "I met him at the Tri-National conference a couple years ago along with Jinny Sims. His ideas helped in the initial formation of CORE."
Potter added that is also coming with some stalwart education organizers from the Los Angeles area who led a state-wide fight back against cuts in higher education over the last year. CORE will be asked to co-sponsor the event at its July 26 meeting, which is being held at Operation PUSH from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, July 26, 2010.
Steve Miller has devoted hundreds of hours to analyzing the current attacks on public education in the context of the global spread of monopoly finance capitalism, sometimes referred to as "neoliberalism." His most recent analysis was published by Substance.